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*Return to [[Undefined Fantastic Object: Translation]]
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== Stage 1 ==
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A Ship's Shadow at the Spring Harbor
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The Road of Lingering Snow
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BGM: 春の湊に
BGM: At the Spring Harbor
! Sanae
| あの船はあちこち行ったり来たりしている<br>みたいだけど……
|It looks like that ship<br>is just going back and forth...
It's hard to say it was just patrolling.<br>It looked like it was chasing me earlier.
! ???
| 君を追いかけてなんていないよ
| It's not trying to catch you.
! colspan="2" align="center" |
[[Nazrin]] ENTERS
! Nazrin
| 宝の反応を捜していたんだ
| It's looking for a response from the treasure.
! Sanae
| きゃっ<br>ネズミネズミ
| Ee!<br>A mouse, a mouse!
! ダウザーの小さな大将
! The Little Dowser General
! Nazrin
| ……って<br>どうやらがっかりな結果になったみたい
| ... huh?<br>What a disappointing development.
It looks like the treasure responses were coming from you.<br>Well, I guess if there's a human around here ...
! Sanae
| どういう事?<br>もしかして、私を捜していたの?
| What are you talking about?<br>Were you looking for me?
|- align="center" |
! BGM: 小さな小さな賢将
! BGM: A Tiny, Tiny Clever Commander
! Nazrin
| そんな事あるもんか
| Why would I be doing that?
It'd be bad if my little mice got responses from humans.<br>They're just a bunch of walking stomachs.
! Sanae
| ネズミが人間を食べる?
| Do mice eat humans?
Ahahaha~<br>Are you for real?
! Nazrin
|Yes. That happens.
You're a pretty strange human<br>to not be afraid of mice.
! colspan="2" align="center" |
[[Nazrin]] DEFEATED
! Sanae
| ふむふむ<br>幻想郷のネズミは人間を食べる、と
| Hmm, hmm.<br>So mice in Gensokyo eat humans.
Maybe it would be nice if <br>humans ate mice, too.
... ...
No,<br>that would be too weird ...
== Stage 2 ==
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A One-Eyed Ghost Lurking In The Clouds
|- align="center" |
| 春の雲
| The Spring Clouds
|- align="center" |
! BGM: 閉ざせし雲の通い路
! BGM: The Sealed Cloud Route
! colspan="2" align="center" |
[[Kogasa Tatara]] ENTERS
! colspan="2" align="center" |
[[Kogasa Tatara]] LEAVES
! colspan="2" align="center" |
[[Kogasa Tatara]] ENTERS
! Kogasa
| ちょっと待ってよ〜
| Please wait just a minute~
! Sanae
| はい、何でしょう
| Yes, what is it?
! Kogasa
| うらめしやー
| Urameshiyaaaaa!
! Sanae
| ……
| ... ...
Is this youkai making fun of humans?
! Kogasa
| うらめしや?
| <!-- Hooray, ZUN finally starts breaking out the puns! Placeholder lines until I or someone else actually thinks of a good punslation. --> Urameshiya?
! Sanae
| はいはい<br>表は蕎麦屋
| Yes, yes.<br>And out front is a soba store.
! 愉快な忘れ傘
! The Cheery Forgotten Umbrella
[[Kogasa Tatara]]
|- align="center" |
! BGM: 万年置き傘にご注意を
! BGM: Beware the Umbrella Left There Forever
! Kogasa
| ……私を見て驚かないの?
| ... doesn't looking at me make you surprised?
! Sanae
| 今は、部屋の中で小さなヘリコプターを<br>飛ばせる時代
| In this day and age you can<br>fly a little helicopter inside someone's room.
These days, nobody would be surprised<br>by something like a flying umbrella.
! Kogasa
| なんと、わちきが時代遅れともうすか
| What, you mean I'm behind the times?
! Sanae
| そのキャラ作ってるでしょ?<br>まぁ作ってなくても化け傘は時代遅れですけど
| Well, you've got that crazy made-up personality.<br>Even if you didn't, though, ghost umbrellas are kind of behind the times.
Anyway, what's with that umbrella?<br>It's the same color as an eggplant ...
! Kogasa
| しくしく<br>頑張って妖怪らしくしようとしてるのにねぇ
| *sniff sniff*<br>And I did my best to look youkai-like.
I guess I was thrown out because<br>the design was a little off ... ...
I thought I'd try to get back at the human who threw me away,<br>and I turned into a youkai ... ...
! Sanae
| あ、あの、もし?<br>何か気に障るような事を言いましたか?
| Um, excuse me?<br>Did I say something wrong?
! Kogasa
| いいのよ<br>こうして妖怪は寂しく消えていくの
| It's okay.<br>This is how youkai get lonely and disappear.
! Sanae
| あ、ああ、そんな意味で言ったんじゃなくて……
| U-um, look, I didn't mean it like that ... ...
It's just, if I got an umbrella like that from a friend,<br>I just thought maybe I'd rather say no and go home wet ...
! Kogasa
| 道具(ようかい)の気持ちが判らない人間なんて<br>酸性雨にうたれて溶けてしまえ!
| Fine, if you can't understand the feelings of a youkai like me,<br>then why don't you just go melt in the acid rain!
! colspan="2" align="center" |
[[Kogasa Tatara]] DEFEATED
! Kogasa
| ああ、うらめしい
| Oh, I can't stand this.
! Sanae
| ネズミだけでなく<br>傘にまでなめられているなんて
So, it's not just mice.<br>Even umbrellas won't take me seriously.
It's the end of me ...<br>What happened to my dignity as a human ... ?
! Kogasa
| ちくしょう!<br>こうなったら神社に降りて暴れてやる
| Crap!<br>I ought to go down and mess up your shrine a little!
! Sanae
| あら、自傷行為はいけないわ
| Oh, my, you shouldn't be self-destructive.
I'll have to really exterminate you if you do that.
== Stage 3 ==
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The High Speed Ruins and the Giant
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| 高速浮遊艇
| The Floating High-Speed Boat
|- align="center" |
! BGM: スカイルーイン
! BGM: Sky Ruin
! colspan="2" align="center" |
[[Ichirin Kumoi]] ENTERS
! Ichirin
| 妖精やら人間やら有象無象が<br>寄ってたかって……宝物庫狙いなの?
| Humans, fairies, and all, a real crowd is<br>dropping in ... are they after the treasury?
! Sanae
| え?<br>宝物庫ですって?
| Hm?<br>The treasury?
! Ichirin
| 問答無用!<br>賊の類に掛ける情けは無し
| Well, no point in arguing!<br>I'll show no mercy to any sort of scoundrel!
! colspan="2" align="center" |
[[Ichirin Kumoi]] DEFEATED
! Ichirin
| いやはや、あの拳を見て逃げ出さない<br>人間がおったとは……
| My word, to think that there were humans who won't<br>run away at the sight of this fist ... ...
! Sanae
| そうです<br>人間だってやるときはやるんです
| That's right.<br>Even humans do what they have to.
! colspan="2" align="center" |
[[Ichirin Kumoi]] LEAVES
! Sanae
| ああ、逃げないで
| Wait, don't run off!
! colspan="2" align="center" |
[[Ichirin Kumoi]] ENTERS
! Ichirin
| 何が目的なのかしら<br>宝物? それとも姐さんの力が目的?
| Just what are you after?<br>Treasure? Or my sister's power?
! Sanae
| 調査です<br>きっとアカデミックな
| I'm just doing an investigation.<br>It's very academic.
! Ichirin
| あかでみっく?
| Aca-demic?
Oh, I see, you're a ruffian who's using science as<br>a pretext to rampage around ruins.
! Sanae
| ……まあ<br>そうなのですか?
| ... ...oh,<br>is that how it is?
! 守り守られし大輪
雲居 一輪&雲山
! The Great Wheel that Guards and Is Guarded
[[Ichirin Kumoi]] & Unzan
! Ichirin
| 私はここの宝を守っているのです<br>そういった輩から
| I'm in charge of guarding this place's treasure<br>from ''that'' kind of person.
! Sanae
| それはご苦労様です
| And you've been doing a wonderful job, too.
! Ichirin
| そういった輩に貴方も入っていますよ
| You're included in "that kind of person"!
! Sanae
| 私はアカデミックな視点で調べたいだけで……
| I just wanted to perform an academic investigation ...
! Ichirin
| 同じだってばさ<br>ただの賊の癖に
| Like I said, it's the same.<br>You're just a common thief.
... what's that? You mean that shrine maiden has ... ?
Unzan tells me<br>you're collecting the flying treasure.
! Sanae
| 秘宝の破片?
| The fragments of the secret treasure?
! Ichirin
| ごめんなさい、貴方を見誤っていたわ
|I'm sorry, I must have mistaken you for someone else.
You've been gathering the fragments that the fairies carried off, haven't you?<br>And yet, not knowing that, I've been so rude ...
! Sanae
| え? え?<br>どういう展開なの?
| Huh? Huh?<br>What's going on?
|- align="center" |
! BGM: 時代親父とハイカラ少女
! BGM: The Traditional Old Man and the Stylish Girl
! Ichirin
| 後は大人しく、その飛宝を渡してくれれば<br>悲願が達成できる!
| Now, if you'll just hand over the flying treasure,<br>I can fulfill my greatest wish!
! colspan="2" align="center" |
[[Ichirin Kumoi]] DEFEATED
! Ichirin
| 素晴らしいわ<br>今の世にもこんな人間が居たなんて
| How splendid.<br>I can't believe there are humans like that in this world, too ...
! Sanae
| 秘宝……?
| Secret treasure ... ?
Are you talking about those charms with<br>"P" and "point" written on them?
! Ichirin
| 集めた飛宝を持ったまま<br>中にお入りくださいませ
| Please, go on inside<br>with the flying treasure you've found.
That will bring about my sister's resurrection.
! Sanae
| あれ?<br>入って良いの?
| Huh?<br>Can I go inside?
Well, here I go, then.
== Stage 4 ==
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The Unfortunate Captain of the Holy Palanquin
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| 聖輦船内部
| Inside the Palanquin Ship
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! BGM: 幽霊客船の時空を越えた旅
! BGM: Interdimensional Voyage of a Ghostly Passenger Ship
|What is this place ... ?
I thought the insides of a flying ship<br>would be more mechanical, but ...
It's all old-fashioned, like a deserted house.
I'd better get serious and do a full-blown investigation<br>or I won't get anywhere.
!colspan = "2" align="center" |
[[Murasa Minamitsu]] ENTERS
|- align="center" |
!BGM: キャプテン・ムラサ
!BGM: Captain Murasa
|Is someone there?
|わ! びっくりした
|Woah! You scared me!
|Oh, a human?<br>And to think she's brought the flying treasure ...
|Flying treasure?<br>The youkai before was talking about that, too.
What is it, anyway?
|It's treasure that we need to resurrect Hijiri.
We had the mouse out searching for it, but ...<br>What's she off getting into, anyway?
|Mouse ... I think I've seen one recently ...
Oh, that youkai who was talking about eating people?
Hmm, it got on my nerves how she was making fun of humans.
村紗 水蜜
!The Ghost Left from the Shipwreck
Murasa Minamitsu
|Oh, where are my manners?<br>I'm Murasa, the captain of this holy palanquin.
I'm glad you brought us the flying treasures ...
But I'd rather not have a human that's still<br>attached to this world onboard.
|え? 私はただ調査に来ただけですが
|Hm? I just came to do some investigation.
|Please,<br>leave the treasures here and disembark immediately.
|Hm, are you also<br>trying to make fun of humans?
I won't let you do that!
You all won't take me seriously because Reimu and her friends<br>are off somewhere goofing around!
|Does this mean ...
You have no intention of leaving?
|I'll beat you and restore our human dignity!
|Well, then, that's fine.
I was going to fight you to take the treasures by force, anyway.
!colspan = "2" align="center" |
[[Murasa Minamitsu]] DEFEATED
|You're strong ...<br>Who are you, anyway?
|I'm Sanae Kochiya,<br>a human who's also a living god!
I won't lose to any youkai!
|I see ... so you're a god.<br>I can see why you're so strong, then.
Well ... please excuse me<br>for deceiving you with my talk of disembarking.
|I was really just trying to buy time by provoking you<br>into fighting so you wouldn't leave with the treasure.
|Oh, really?
|We'll arrive at our destination soon<br>safely carrying the treasure.
This ship won't be going back.<br>It looks like you're a citizen of the demons' land now, too.
== Stage 5 ==
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The Red and Black Seal of the Underworld
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| 魔界(法界上空)
| [[Makai]] (above Hokkai)
|- align="center" |
! BGM: 魔界地方都市エソテリア
! BGM: Provincial Makai City Esoteria
|Hmm?<br>So you came to Makai, too?
|Oh, it's the mouse!
The captain was looking for you, you know?<br>Saying, "where's she wandering off to now?" ...
|え? そう? 実は船長達に内緒で<br>別の探し物を頼まれてたんだ
|Oh? Really? Actually, I've had to look<br>for something else - it's a secret to the captain.
I was looking for the flying treasure you happened to find,<br>but also for this jeweled pagoda of Bishamonten.
I finally found it in a second-hand goods shop.<br>It cost me an arm and a leg, though.
|Hmm ...
Oh, now I remember.<br>You were talking about eating people before.
It's payback time now!
|You're pretty funny. This pagoda is really my master's,<br>but let's see how much light it can shine!
!colspan = "2" align="center" |
[[Nazrin]] DEFEATED
|It's hard to believe there's a world like this ...
I couldn't tell where we were going in the ship;<br>this place seems pretty unstable, though.
Is this the world where demons live ... ?
!colspan = "2" align="center" |
[[Shou Toramaru]] ENTERS
|Yes.<br>This is Makai.
|え? 魔界?
|Huh? Makai?
|The horrible, unearthly nature of Makai makes it<br>an unsuitable place for most living creatures.
However, some of the youkai train here,<br>and humans could learn magic here.
|Just who are you?
寅丸 星
!The Disciple of Bishamonten
Shou Toramaru
|I am the representative of Bishamonten,<br>and a devotee of Hijiri's creed.
Now that we have the jeweled pagoda Nazrin brought,<br>as well as the fragments of the Soaring Vault you possess,
We can break the seal here.<br>We can repay our debt of gratitude to Hijiri.
|Who is Hijiri?
|Hijiri is a holy person.
As far as I know, she is the most exemplary human<br>with the most compassionate heart.
Because Hijiri sought the power of Makai,<br>some foolish humans sealed her away.
Now, come, let us break the seal together.
|Mmm, it looks like this is just going to<br>turn into me breaking the seal?
... ...
I'm a little worried about that~<br>What kind of person is this Hijiri?
But, before that ...<br>I'm not sure you're such a devoted youkai.
I'll be the one to break that seal.<br>And I'll take that jeweled pagoda or whatever!
|- align="center" |
!BGM: 虎柄の毘沙門天
!BGM: The Tiger-Patterned Bishamonten
|Will you?<br>It would be wonderful if you broke the seal.
However, if your heart is wicked ...
Then you'll have to bear witness to the light of dharma which is even brighter here in Makai --
And bow down<br>before this pagoda of Bishamonten!
!colspan = "2" align="center" |
[[Shou Toramaru]] DEFEATED
|I lost ...<br>What you're doing is not wrong.
|Great!<br>Now, lend me that padoga!
|Just for a while, okay?<br>Don't run off with it, okay?
|Okay, there, and now I'll just ...
... ...
Um, how am I supposed to break the seal?
|Look, like this~<br>You have to twist this like that.
|Wow, the seal's disappearing ... ...
|Ah, the wind is blowing into Hokkai for the first time in hundreds of years!
== Stage 6 ==
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The Nun Who Overcame the Eight Sufferings
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| 法界
| Hokkai
|- align="center" |
! BGM: 法界の火
! BGM: The Fire of Hokkai
|Well, the seal's broken now.
I guess it's okay, since it's all investigative.
If I investigate the person who was sealed here really carefully,<br>Lady Suwako should be happy when I get back.
!colspan = "2" align="center" |
[[Byakuren Hijiri]] ENTERS
|O, the world of dharma is filled with light.
Are you the one who liberated this world?
|Oh, are you the person<br>who was sealed away in here?
|Yes, I am.
|Just who are you?
聖 白蓮
!The Great Sealed Magician
Byakuren Hijiri
|My name is Byakuren.
I was a Buddhist monk a long, long time ago.
You seem to be a shrine maiden, am I right?
|Yes, I am.<br>Actually, I'm also a god, too.
|A god ... ?<br>What would a god be doing in the depths of Makai?
|I was investigating a ship flying through the sky,<br>and before I knew it, here I was.
|Hmm, I see ...<br>How did you break the seal here?
This seal was a very special seal.
It was sealed with the only piece of treasure<br>left by my brother, Myouren.
With that treasure buried underground,<br>I've been completely trapped.
Just how did you break the seal?
|Well, you know, this and that happened, and ...
|You must be someone remarkable.
|Of course, I'm a god.
I understand the youkai were all trying to revive you,<br>but why?
|The youkai ... were there perhaps<br>a tiger, a ghost spirit, and a Nyuudo?
|Mmm, that's about right.
|I see ... so they all<br>still miss me ...
Even though I haven't been able to do anything for them<br>for over a thousand years ...
|Help them?
Are you a friend of the youkai?
|A friend ... yes, I suppose I am,<br>but I'm also a friend to humans.
I want to create a world where humans and youkai live as equals.
I don't know if a god like you could understand,<br>but I want to see the oppressed youkai regain their status.
|平等? 虐げられてきた?
|Equals? Oppressed?
Whichever way you look at it,<br>humans are the ones being oppressed!
I want to see humans regain their status!
|- align="center" |
!BGM: 感情の摩天楼 ~ Cosmic Mind
!BGM: Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind
|I see, it's too bad a living god couldn't see it my way.
However, I don't distinguish between youkai and gods.
|The wholesome gods hunt the wicked youkai!
|Humans haven't changed since my days in the temple.
How self-righteous; you're an evil drag on us all!<br>
Now, namusan -- !
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