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Stage 1[]

春の湊に船の影 |
A Ship's Shadow at the Spring Harbor | |
残雪の道 |
The Road of Lingering Snow | |
BGM: 春の湊に |
BGM: At the Spring Harbor | |
Nazrin ENTERS | ||
Nazrin EXITS | ||
Sanae | 空飛ぶ船を追っかけても 埒が明かないですねぇ 何か、妖精達の中に変な妖精が居ましたが |
Nothing's going to be solved by me chasing this flying ship ... I think I saw some weird fairy earlier, |
Nazrin ENTERS | ||
Nazrin | この辺に宝の反応が…… | There was a reaction from the treasure around here ... ... |
Sanae | きゃっ 吃驚した、さっきのネズミですか |
Eek! You scared me. Are you that mouse from before? |
ナズーリン |
The Little Dowser General | |
Nazrin | なんだ、さっきの人間か 紛らわしい 私の仕事を邪魔しないでくれ |
Oh, it's that human, isn't it? Hm, maybe I was wrong. Please don't get in the way of my work. |
Sanae | 仕事ですって? ネズミの癖に 貯め込んだお米を一つ残らず食べたあげく |
Your work? But you're just a mouse. Just a mouse that couldn't make it through the winter, |
BGM: 小さな小さな賢将 | BGM: A Tiny, Tiny Clever Commander | |
Nazrin | そんな事は無い ネズミを馬鹿にするな ……なんだ 誠に残念だ |
What are you saying? Don't make fun of us mice! ... huh. That's really disappointing. |
Sanae | そうですね ネズミだって馬鹿になりませんね 外の世界のネズミは生体実験には欠かせない |
That's right, We shouldn't make fun of even mice. They are a precious living being required for scientific experiments in the outer world. |
Nazrin | 残念だが、ネズミを甘く見ると 死ぬよ |
Sorry, but if you don't take us mice seriously, you'll die. |
Nazrin DEFEATED | ||
Sanae | ああ
これが妖怪退治ですね! …… |
So this is youkai hunting! ... ... |
Stage 2[]

雲に潜む一つ目の化生 |
The One-eyed Monster Lurking in the Clouds | |
春の雲 | The Spring Clouds | |
BGM: 閉ざせし雲の通い路 | BGM: The Sealed Cloud Route | |
Kogasa Tatara ENTERS | ||
Kogasa Tatara LEAVES | ||
Kogasa Tatara ENTERS | ||
Kogasa | ちょっと待ってよ〜 | Hang on just a minute~ |
Sanae | はい何でしょう | Yes, what is it? |
Kogasa | うらめしやー | Booooooo! |
Sanae | ……
何か用でしょうか? |
... ...
Er, did you need something? |
多々良小傘 |
The Cheery Forgotten Umbrella | |
BGM: 万年置き傘にご注意を | BGM: Beware the Umbrella Left There Forever | |
Kogasa | …… 寂しいねぇ 驚いてくれないの? |
... ... Oh, I'm so lonely. Won't you at least be a little surprised? |
Sanae | ええ、まあ慣れましたから | Well, I guess I'm used to things like that. |
Kogasa | 私達妖怪は、人間を驚かす為に 頑張っているというのに |
Aw, and we youkai are doing our best to surprise humans ... |
Sanae | あれ? 私は人間を食べる為に頑張っていると 聞きましたが…… |
Hmm? I heard you were doing your best to eat humans ... ... |
Kogasa | 食べると言っても肉を食べる者もいれば 心を食べる者もいるわ 貴方達人間が驚いてくれないと |
Well, there are youkai that eat meat, and there are youkai who eat your spirit. If you humans don't get surprised by me, |
Sanae | 難儀ですねぇ。でもまぁ、私も楽しさが ようやく判ってきた所で、驚きは特に…… |
That must be hard on you. But, well, since I'm starting to see how this is fun, getting surprised would be ... |
Kogasa | 楽しさ? | Fun? |
Sanae | 妖怪を退治する事の楽しさを | Yes, how fun youkai hunting is. |
Kogasa Tatara DEFEATED | ||
Kogasa | ああ、驚いて貰えない妖怪に価値なんて…… | Oh, what's the point of youkai who can't surprise people? |
Sanae | まあまあ、そんなに悲観的にならないで | Well, now, please don't get so down. |
Kogasa | 今日から私、普通の傘に戻ろうかな | Maybe I should go back to being a normal umbrella ... |
Sanae | そんな古くて茄子みたいな傘 誰もささないと思いますけど |
I don't know if anyone would want an old umbrella that looks like an eggplant ... |
Kogasa | そうだった、それで捨てられて妖怪に なったのよね。ああ心の古傷が…… |
That's right, that's how I became an unwanted youkai. Oh, such terrible old memories ... ... |
Sanae | あらあら、余計な事を言ってしまったかしら | Oh my, it looks like I said something I shouldn't have. |
Stage 3[]

高速の廃墟と巨人 |
The High-speed Ruins and the Giant | |
高速浮遊艇 | The High-speed Floating Ship | |
BGM: スカイルーイン | BGM: Sky Ruin | |
Ichirin Kumoi ENTERS | ||
Ichirin | 妖精やら人間やら有象無象が 寄ってたかって……宝物庫狙いなの? |
Humans, fairies... a mob is gathering. Are you after the treasury? |
Sanae | え? 宝物庫ですって? |
Huh? Treasury? |
Ichirin | 問答無用! 賊の類に掛ける情けは無し |
No use arguing about it! I won't show any mercy to burglars! |
Ichirin Kumoi PAUSES | ||
Ichirin | いやはや、あの拳を見て逃げ出さない 人間がおったとは…… |
My word, to think that there were humans who won't run away at the sight of this fist ... ... |
Sanae | 宝物庫が目当てではなくて 妖怪退治が目当てなんです |
But I'm not looking for a treasury, I'm just looking for youkai to hunt. |
Ichirin Kumoi LEAVES | ||
Sanae | ああ、何故逃げるの? | Wait, why are you running away? |
Ichirin Kumoi ENTERS | ||
Ichirin | 妖怪退治なら他を当ってよ | If you're hunting youkai, do it back on the ground. |
Sanae | 妖怪退治は妖怪相手にするもんです! 貴方、妖怪じゃなくて? |
But youkai hunting is something you do to youkai! You're a youkai, right? |
Ichirin | 妖怪ですけどね | Well, yes. |
Sanae | ……
覚悟! |
... ...
Better prepare yourself! |
雲居 一輪&雲山 |
The Great Wheel that Guards and Is Guarded
Ichirin Kumoi & Unzan | |
Ichirin | 平和に暮してるんだから良いじゃないのよ
貴方、 |
I'm living in peace, so can't you leave me alone?
You, |
Sanae | うぐぐ そこは大義の為に |
Uuugh. I have to do it to complete my great mission. |
Ichirin | 最近の人間は自分勝手ね
それに引き替え、我らが姐さんは人間だったと ……え? 貴方が飛宝の破片を集めているって |
Humans have gotten so selfish of late.
And yet, even though my own sister was once a human, ... ... what? Unzan tells me |
Sanae | え? 突然何の話? |
Huh? What are you talking about now? |
Ichirin | ごめんなさい、見誤っていたわ
姐さんを復活させようとさせていたのね |
I'm sorry, I must have mistaken you for someone else.
You've been working to help revive my sister, yes? |
Sanae | え? いや、そんな |
Huh? Er, no, I ... |
BGM: 時代親父とハイカラ少女 | BGM: The Traditional Old Man and the Stylish Girl | |
Ichirin | 飛宝を集めてくれて有難う! 後は、それを渡してくれれば良いのよ! |
Thank you for finding all those floating gems! Now, please hand them over! |
Ichirin Kumoi DEFEATED | ||
Ichirin | 素晴らしいわ 今の世にもこんな人間が居たなんて |
How splendid. I can't believe there are humans like this in this world, too. |
Sanae | 妖怪らしい妖怪でしたね これは達成感あります これから先もこんな妖怪ばかりだと |
You're quite a worthy youkai yourself. That was pretty satisfying. I hope all the youkai from here on out |
Ichirin | 集めた飛宝を私に渡してくださらない という事は ご自分で持ち込んで復活させたい ささ、どうぞどうぞ中へお入りくださいませ |
If you're not going to give me the floating gems you've found ... Then, you want to revive her Well, please, go right on ahead inside! |
Sanae | 中には退治しがいのある妖怪が 居るに違いない |
Yep, there's definitely some great youkai to hunt inside. |
Stage 4[]

聖輦と不吉な船長 |
The Unfortunate Captain of the Holy Palanquin | |
聖輦船内部 | Inside the Palanquin Ship | |
BGM: 幽霊客船の時空を越えた旅 | BGM: Interdimensional Voyage of a Ghostly Passenger Ship | |
Nue Houjuu ENTERS | ||
Nue Houjuu EXITS | ||
Sanae | うーん 妖精ばっかで他に誰も居ないわねぇ…… 妖怪のアジトって、もっと伏魔殿みたいな 何か装飾も古風で地味だし…… 誰か居ませんかー |
Hmm. There's nobody here but fairies ... ... I was expecting a youkai hideout to be more active Even all the ornaments are old-fashioned and plain ... Isn't there anyone here? |
Murasa Minamitsu ENTERS | ||
BGM: キャプテン・ムラサ | BGM: Captain Murasa | |
Murasa | 誰か居るの? | Is someone there? |
Sanae | 居た 言ってみるもんね |
There you are.
Speak of the devil! |
Murasa | どちら様? | And who are you? |
Sanae | 妖怪退治に来ました 東風谷早苗という者です |
I've come to exterminate youkai. My name is Sanae Kochiya. |
村紗 水蜜 |
The Ghost Left from the Shipwreck
Murasa Minamitsu | |
Murasa | 私は村紗、この聖輦船の船長です
妖怪退治は間に合っていますわ |
I'm Murasa, the captain of this holy palanquin.
We don't need any Youkai exterminators at the moment. |
Sanae | 船長さんですか 良いんですか? こんな処を彷徨っていて |
Oh, you're the captain? Is it okay for you to be wandering around a place like this? |
Murasa | ええ、自動的に目的地に向かうように なっていますから 実は船長っていってもやること殆ど無いのです |
Yes, the ship is headed for its destination automatically now. Actually, there's not much for me to do as captain these days. |
Sanae | そうですか、新幹線みたいですね それでは早速 |
I see, it's kind of like the bullet trains. Well, then, I'd better hurry up and ... |
Murasa | 早速? | And what? |
Sanae | 嫌ですねぇ、妖怪退治ですよ 貴方、妖怪ですよね? |
Well, ummm, you know, exterminate youkai. You're a youkai, aren't you? |
Murasa | 妖怪でーす
でも、その煩わしい妖怪退治ももうすぐ終わる |
I am!
But, that troublesome youkai hunting of yours will be over soon. |
Sanae | へ? | Huh? |
Murasa | 聖が望む未来 それは争いのない美しい妖怪世界 貴方が持ってきた宝で聖の封印を解く事が |
The future that Hijiri wants is a peaceful, beautiful youkai world. And, we'll be able to break Hijiri's seal |
Sanae | ええっ? 妖怪退治の無い世界? それは困ります |
Huuh? A world without youkai hunting? That's not good. |
Murasa | 貴方と貴方の持っている宝がこの船に 乗っていれば、私は魔界に連れて行くだけ さあ、もうすぐ目的地ですよ |
If you stay on board with the treasure you have, we can take you along to Makai. We'll be there before long. |
Murasa Minamitsu DEFEATED | ||
Murasa | だてに妖怪退治をしている訳じゃないのね | I can see you're not just in this business for show. |
Sanae | 私の持っている宝って何? | What's the treasure I've got? |
Murasa | 勝手に浮遊している物体です 元々は穀倉の一部でしたが…… |
They're objects that can fly on their own. They used to be part of a grain silo, though ... |
Sanae | ああ、これってUFO型のおもちゃじゃないの? | Oh, so it's not a UFO-shaped toy? |
Murasa | UFO? | UFO? |
Sanae | えーっと、何でしたっけ? 空飛ぶ謎の物体、ってあれ? |
Ummm, let's see, what was it? Unidentified flying object, right? |
Murasa | ええ、そのものですね それが飛宝、飛倉の破片なのです |
Yes, it's exactly that.
That's our flying treasure, the fragments of the Soaring Vault. |
Sanae | UFOの正体は穀倉の一部だったのねー 昔見た雑誌に騙されてたわー |
So the UFOs were actually parts of a grain silo. Those magazines I used to read tricked me ... |
Murasa | 伝説の弟様が残した唯一の宝物ですよ さあ、目的地が見えて来ました |
It's the one treasure left behind by the legendary brother. Well, I can see our destination now. |
Stage 5[]

魔界の赤黒い封印 |
The Red and Black Seal of the Underworld | |
魔界(法界上空) | Makai (above Hokkai) | |
BGM: 魔界地方都市エソテリア | BGM: Provincial Makai City Esoteria | |
Nazrin ENTERS | ||
Nazrin | おや? 君も魔界まで来たのかい? |
Hmm? So you came to Makai, too? |
Sanae | あ! ネズミ まだ生きていたのね! |
Ah! The mouse! I see you're still alive! |
Nazrin | そう簡単にやられはしないよ | I can't be done in that easily. |
Sanae | 今度こそ、二度と起き上がれなくしてやるわ! 貴方、弱かったし |
This time you won't be getting up again! You're pretty weak, after all. |
Nazrin | おおっと、私にはまだやるべき事がある
この宝塔をお渡しするまで、君にやられる ちょっと、その力をお借りするとしよう |
Hey, now, I've still got work to do.
I can't let you do me in Why don't you let me borrow a little of your power |
Nazrin EXITS | ||
Sanae | ここは一体…… 禍々しいにも程があるわね 感じたことのない空気感 何で私はこんなとこに連れられたのかしら? |
Where on Earth am I ... ? This is just too creepy ... I've never been in a place with this kind of atmosphere. Why did I let them bring me to a place like this? |
Shou Toramaru ENTERS | ||
Shou | 貴方を待っていたわ!
貴方の持っているその飛宝 |
I've been waiting for you!
With the flying treasure that you have, |
Sanae | え? 誰? | Huh? Who're you? |
寅丸 星 |
The Disciple of Bishamonten
Shou Toramaru | |
Shou | 私は毘沙門天の代理 聖の信仰を一身に受けていた者です ナズーリンが持ってきたこの宝塔と ここの封印を解く事が出来ます |
I'm the representative of Bishamonten, a devotee of Hijiri's creed. Now that we have the jeweled pagoda Nazrin brought, We can break the seal here. |
Sanae | 倉……そう、UFOは倉だったのよね この話を持ち帰れば盛り上がるわー |
Hmm ... that's right, the UFO was part of a silo. People will be talking about this for a long time ... |
Shou | さあ、私と一緒に封印を解きましょう | Now, come, let us break the seal together. |
Sanae | さてと、封印も気になるけど…… まずは目の前の妖怪を退治しないとね |
Hm, let's see, I'm worried about that seal, but ... ... First I have to vanquish the youkai in front of me, right? |
Shou | 妖怪? 私の事ですか? |
Youkai? Do you mean me? |
Sanae | 他に誰が居るのかしら | Is there anyone else here? |
Shou | 貴方は妖怪を退治する事を正義とするのね
それもまた普遍的な考え方である |
You believe youkai hunting is justice, eh?
A lot of people seem to think that way. |
Sanae | 神に帰依しない者を矯める為に 私がここに居るのです! |
I've come here to straighten out anyone without the proper reverence for God! |
Shou | 私は妖怪ですが、毘沙門天に帰依しています | It's true that I'm a youkai, but I'm also a devotee of Bishamonten. |
Sanae | あ、あれ?
でも、退治して見せますわ! |
Wh, what?
But, I'll try to defeat you anyway! |
BGM: 虎柄の毘沙門天 | BGM: The Tiger-Patterned Bishamonten | |
Shou | そうですか、それも良いでしょう 貴方には貴方の正義がある ただ、もし貴方が道を誤っているのであれば 魔界に有りてなお輝き続けるこの法の光―― この毘沙門天の宝塔の前に |
I see, very well, then! You have your own sense of justice. However, if the path you've chosen isn't correct ... Then you'll have to bear witness to the light of dharma which is even brighter here in Makai -- And bow down |
Shou Toramaru DEFEATED | ||
Shou | 負けた…… 貴方も間違ってはいないというのね |
I've lost ... I suppose that means what you're doing isn't wrong. |
Sanae | 参ったかー!
これが人間にして神である私 |
So you lost!
That's the power of the living god, |
Shou | それでは、貴方はこれからどうするのですか?
ここは魔界です |
So, then, what will you do now?
This is Makai, after all, |
Sanae | え? | Huh? |
Shou | 聖の力なら貴方を元の世界に戻す事は 容易だと思いますが…… |
I think it would be easy for you to get home with Hijiri's aid, but ... |
Sanae | そ、そう。何者か判らないけど その聖を復活させなきゃいけないのね 神奈子様……こういう時はどうすれば …… ……そう。その封印された奴を見て |
I, I see. I don't know who she is, but I suppose I'll have to help you revive this Hijiri. Oh, Lady Kanako ... What should I do now? ... ... ... ... yes. I'll go see this sealed person, |
Shou | 協力してくれますね? | So, you'll help us? |
Sanae | ええ! やりましょう! |
Yes! Let's do it! |
Shou | ちなみに、聖は元々人間だし 人間の味方ですけどね それでも貴方は妖怪退治出来るのかしら? |
By the way, Hijiri used to be human, too, so she should be willing to help you ... Will you still be able to exterminate a "youkai" like that? |
Final Stage[]

八苦を滅した尼公 |
The Nun Who Overcame the Eight Sufferings | |
法界 | Hokkai | |
BGM: 法界の火 | BGM: The Fire of Hokkai | |
Nue Houjuu ENTERS | ||
Nue Houjuu EXITS | ||
Sanae | ここは一体……
さっきまでの禍々しさが嘘の様だわ 一体、どんな人がここに封印されている |
Where am I ... ... ?
It's like that ill-omened place before never existed. I wonder what kind of person |
Byakuren Hijiri ENTERS | ||
Byakuren | ああ、法の世界に光が満ちる
貴方がこの世界を解放してくれたの? |
O, the world of dharma is filled with light.
Are you the one who liberated this world? |
Sanae | あ、居た
あのう |
Oh, there you are.
Ummm, |
Byakuren | はあ そんなこと簡単そうですが…… ここの封印を解いてくれた人にしては |
Hmmm? That would probably be easy, but ... ... I'd have expected the breaker of the seal |
Sanae | ええ、気が付いたらこんな処に居まして ところで貴方は? |
Yes, well, before I knew it, here I was ... By the way, who are you? |
聖 白蓮 |
The Great Sealed Magician
Byakuren Hijiri | |
Byakuren | 私の名は白蓮
遠い昔の僧侶です 貴方は見たところ巫女の様ね? |
My name is Byakuren.
I was a Buddhist monk a long, long time ago. You seem to be a shrine maiden, am I right? |
Sanae | ええ、妖怪退治をする巫女です | Yes, I'm a shrine maiden that hunts youkai. |
Byakuren | 妖怪退治……? | A youkai hunter ... ? |
Sanae | ええ、人間を苦しめる妖怪を 退治しているのです |
Yes, I hunt youkai who do bad things to people. |
Byakuren | ……人間は変わっていない | ... ... I see humans haven't changed. |
Sanae | はい? | I'm sorry? |
Byakuren | 私は、人間に虐げられていた妖怪を憂えて いるのです 人間と妖怪が平等に暮らせる世界 しかし、それを拒んだ人間によって |
I grieve for the youkai that are oppresed by humans. I did everything in my power to create a peaceful world And yet, I was sealed away by humans |
Sanae | 人間と妖怪が平等に? | Humans and youkai, as equals? |
Byakuren | ええ、神も仏も、妖怪との違いはない
それなのに何故妖怪は退治され、神様は それは、人間の都合でしかない |
Yes. Gods and buddhas are no different from youkai.
Yet, why are youkai reviled and hunted, It is only because humans want it to be so. |
Sanae | 神様と妖怪が同じですって?
そんな訳有るもんですか! |
Did you say gods and youkai aren't any different?
That's not true at all! |
Byakuren | 貴方は妖怪退治を正義とするのですね? | Do you believe hunting youkai is just? |
Sanae | ええそうよ そうしないと平和は訪れないわ! そう神奈子様も言ってたもん! |
Yes, of course! We have to hunt youkai to keep the peace! That's what Lady Kanako said, too! |
BGM: 感情の摩天楼 ~ Cosmic Mind | BGM: Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind | |
Byakuren | そうですか、私は既に人間を辞めた者
貴方から見たら妖怪と言えるでしょう |
I see; then, as someone who's given up on humans ...
I suppose you would see me no different than a youkai. |
Sanae | では退治させて頂きます! | Then, I guess it's time to beat you! |
Byakuren | 私が寺にいた頃と人間は変わっていないな
誠に浅く、付和雷同であるッ! |
Humans haven't changed since my days in the temple.
You're only blindly following her, how superficial! |
Byakuren Hijiri DEFEATED | ||
Sanae A Ending |
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