- Return to Undefined Fantastic Object: Translation
- Back to Prologue
Stage 1[]

春の湊に舟の影 | A Ship's Shadow at the Spring Harbor | |
残雪の道 | The Road of Lingering Snow | |
BGM: 春の湊に | BGM: At the Spring Harbor | |
Nazrin ENTERS | ||
Nazrin EXITS | ||
Reimu | あの飛行物体、速いわ! ちんたら追っかけてちゃ間に合わない! |
That flying thing is so fast! I'm not going to catch up to it if I'm half-hearted about it! |
Nazrin ENTERS | ||
Nazrin | 狭い狭い幻想郷 | Gensokyo is so cramped and small. |
ダウザーの小さな大将 ナズーリン |
The Little Dowser General Nazrin | |
Nazrin | そんなに急いでどこに行く? | Where are you going in such a hurry?
Reimu | 邪魔よ! さっきも居たわね、灰色の妖怪 あんたみたいなすぐ死ぬ小動物に構っている 時間なんてないわ! |
Out of my way! Hm, you were here before, too, little grey youkai. I don't have the time to deal with small animals that die easily like you! |
BGM: 小さな小さな賢い将 | BGM: A Tiny, Tiny Clever Commander | |
Nazrin | そう? 残念ね | Really? Too bad. |
Reimu | こうしている間にも宝船が 遠く離れて行ってしまう…… |
Even as we speak, that treasure ship is getting away, far away ... |
Nazrin | 宝船? 空に浮かぶアレの事か? ふふふ、ばっかみたいだね、君は あれが宝船だと思っているのかい? |
Treasure ship? You mean that thing floating in the sky? Ohoho, are you stupid? Did you really think that's a treasure ship? |
Reimu | 馬鹿でもいいからそこをどいて! | Fine, whatever, I'm stupid, now get out of my way! |
Nazrin | 宝を目指すのなら空を見ていてはいけない 宝は台所の隙間に詰まっているんだ |
If you're looking for treasure, don't look in the sky. There's lots packed away in kitchen nooks and crannies. |
Nazrin DEFEATED | ||
Reimu | ああ、雲居に消えてしまったわ 雲を突き抜けるしかないのね 雲の中は妖怪だらけで気が進まないけど…… |
Aw, she disappeared into the clouds. I guess I'll have to go further into the clouds. But I bet there's tons of youkai up there, ugh ... |
Stage 2[]

雲に潜む一つ眼の化生 | The One-eyed Monster Lurking in the Clouds | |
春の雲 | The Spring Clouds | |
BGM: 閉ざせし雲の通い路 | BGM: The Sealed Cloud Route | |
Kogasa Tatara ENTERS | ||
Kogasa Tatara EXITS | ||
Kogasa Tatara ENTERS | ||
?? | ちょっと待ってよ〜 | Hang on just a minute ... |
Reimu | 何よ ただの妖怪の癖に |
What? You're just a plain old youkai. |
?? | そんなに邪険に扱わなくても良いじゃない 最近、暇なのよ〜 |
You don't have to be so mean! I've had lots of free time lately~ |
Reimu | 私は目の前の船を追っているの あんたみたいな雑魚に構っている 時間なんてない |
I'm chasing that ship right in front of us. I don't have time to waste on small fry like you. |
愉快な忘れ傘 多々良小傘 |
The Cheery Forgotten Umbrella Kogasa Tatara | |
BGM: 万年置き傘にご注意を | BGM: Beware the Umbrella Left There Forever | |
Kogasa | 船を追っているんなら 私と遊びながらでも追えるじゃない |
Oh, you can play with me while you're chasing that ship, can't you? |
Reimu | ふん。妖怪が暇なのは良い事だわ どうせ退治されるだけの存在なのに でも、数が多すぎて全部退治できないから あんたはまた今度ね |
Hmph. It must be nice to be a youkai with spare time. Even if you only exist to be exterminated. Still, there are too many to take care of them all, so I'll leave you for next time. |
Kogasa | これだから人間は面白みが無いねぇ 何で無理にでも余裕を作らないのかしら? 余裕を持って行動できないのかしら? 宝船なんてまたいつか見つかるよ |
This is why humans aren't any fun. Why can't you just make time for me? Shouldn't you plan extra time into your schedule? You can go find that treasure ship any time. |
Reimu | 今の私にとって余裕なんて無駄よ 少しの時間も余らせたくないの |
Extra time is pointless for me right now. I don't want to waste a single second. |
Kogasa | 無駄こそが美しさ 予定通りの人生は悪夢のような物よ 道具だって機能だけじゃ美しくないもの 無駄な部分こそが妖怪たる…… |
But the pointlessness is what's really beautiful. It would be terrible if everything in life were all planned out. Even tools aren't beautiful just because they're functional. The useless parts are what make us youkai ... |
Reimu | あんたを倒しながら追えば良いんでしょ? |
Why am I getting lectured by a cursed umbrella!? Fine, I'll beat you while I chase it, okay? |
Kogasa Tatara DEFEATED | ||
Reimu | 傘妖怪なんてさっさと墜落すればいいのに | Just fall out of the sky, you stupid umbrella youkai. |
Kogasa | ああ、人間はなんて無情なの | Oh, humans are so cruel. |
Reimu | あんたが倒されたがってたんじゃないの そういうのってなんて言ったっけ? |
Hey, you looked like you wanted me to beat you. Hmm, what do they call that? |
Kogasa | さあ、さでずむ? | I dunno, sadism? |
Reimu | 反対な気がするけど何でもいいや 船が見えて来たから、案内ご苦労さん |
I think that's opposite, but whatever. I can see the ship now, so thanks for taking me to it. |
Stage 3[]

高速の廃墟と巨人 | The High-speed Ruins and the Giant | |
高速浮遊艇 | The High-speed Floating Ship | |
BGM: スカイルーイン | BGM: Sky Ruin | |
Ichirin Kumoi ENTERS | ||
Ichirin | 妖精やら人間やら有象無象が 寄ってたかって……宝物庫狙いなの? |
Humans, fairies, and all, everyone seems to be after this ship ... are they after the treasure room? |
Reimu | 宝物庫? って事はやっぱりこの船は…… |
Treasure room? ... so, this ship really is a ... |
Ichirin | 問答無用! 賊の類に掛ける情けは無し |
Well, no point in arguing! I'll show no mercy to any enemy! |
Ichirin Kumoi PAUSES | ||
Ichirin | いやはや、あの拳を見て逃げ出さない 人間がおったとは…… |
Oh! To think that there are still humans that wouldn't run away after seeing this fist ... |
Reimu | やっぱりこの船、宝船? 見た感じ何にも積まれてないけど…… |
This ship really is a treasure ship, right? It doesn't look like there's anything in it, but ... |
Ichirin Kumoi EXITS | ||
Reimu | あ、逃げた | Hey, she ran away. |
Ichirin Kumoi ENTERS | ||
Ichirin | 何が目的なのかしら 宝物? それとも姐さんの力が目的? |
Just what are you after? Treasure? Or perhaps my sister's power?
Reimu | 宝が目当てよ! | Treasure, of course! |
Ichirin | ふん やはりただの賊ね |
Hmmm. So you're just a common ruffian. |
Reimu | でも、この船は余りにも殺風景だわ | This ship looks pretty bleak, though. |
守り守られし大輪 雲居一輪&雲山 |
The Great Wheel that Guards and Is Guarded Ichirin Kumoi & Unzan | |
Ichirin | 残念なお知らせだけど宝はもう無いの | I regret to have to tell you there's no treasure left. |
Reimu | なんだって? | What was that? |
Ichirin | 空を飛ぶ力を持った宝物の数々 人間を改心させる宝物…… 姐さんが眠っている間に殆ど失われて 世界に散り散りとなってしまった |
The treasure with the power to fly also brings about change in humans ... Most of it has been lost whilst my sister slept. It's fallen down into the world. |
Reimu | えー 金銀財宝は? |
Huuh? But what about all the riches? |
Ichirin | 金銀財宝? そんな物が欲しいの? 最初から無いよ お金に換えられる程度の価値の物なんて |
Riches? Is that what you're after? There never were any. None with any real monetary worth, anyway. |
Reimu | がっくし | This really sucks. |
Ichirin | ……え? 何だって、この巫女が……? 雲山が、貴方が飛宝の破片を集めていると 言っているわ。本当? |
... hm? You mean, this shrine maiden has ... ? Unzan tells me you're after the fragments of the flying treasure. Is this true? |
Reimu | 集めてません | No, I'm not. |
Ichirin | 雲山が嘘を吐く筈が無いわ やったわね 良いのよ隠さなくても 空を飛ぶ破片を集めているそうじゃない 貴方も、姐さんの復活を望んでいるのね! 素晴らしいわ |
Unzan would have no reason to lie. Excellent! You don't have to hide it. You're collecting those fragments flying through the sky, right? You must be trying to revive my sister as well! How splendid. |
Reimu | 何の話か判らないわ! 私はただ、宝船に金銀財宝があると思って! |
What the heck are you talking about? I just thought there were riches on this treasure ship! |
BGM: 時代親父とハイカラ少女 | BGM: The Traditional Old Man and the Stylish Girl | |
Ichirin | いいのいいの さ、集めた宝を渡してね! |
It's okay. Now, hand over the treasure you've found! |
Ichirin Kumoi and Unzan DEFEATED | ||
Ichirin | 何というお強さ。さぞ名のある御方に違いない と雲山が言っています |
You're quite strong! Unzan says you must be a very famous person. |
Reimu | そ、そう? まぁそれ程でも |
R-really? Well, that may be. |
Ichirin | 貴方が集めた浮遊の欠片は 姐さんが復活するのに必要な物 さあ、それを持って中へお進みください |
The floating fragments you've collected are necessary for my sister's revival. Now, please bring them inside. |
Reimu | 宝は無いんでしょ? 何かテンション下がったわ まぁ、この船が何なのか確認ぐらいは しないとね 報酬は無さそうだけど |
There's no treasure, right? What a letdown. Well, I guess I have to go see what this ship really is. It doesn't look like I'll get anything for it, though. |
Stage 4[]

聖輦と不吉な船長 |
The Unfortunate Captain of the Holy Palanquin | |
聖輦船内部 | Inside the Palanquin Ship | |
BGM: 幽霊客船の時空を越えた旅 | BGM: Interdimensional Voyage of a Ghostly Passenger Ship | |
Nue Houjuu ENTERS | ||
Nue Houjuu EXITS | ||
Reimu | うん よし、船の中は何もない 調査終了で良いわよね 大体、ただ船が飛んでいるだけでまだ何も 宝船じゃなければ何の価値もないし |
Yeah. Okay, there's nothing inside the ship. It'll be good to be done with this investigation. I mean, all that's happening is If it's not a treasure ship, there's no point to it. |
Murasa Minamitsu ENTERS | ||
BGM: キャプテン・ムラサ | BGM: Captain Murasa | |
Murasa | 誰か居るの?
人間……? |
Is someone there?
A human ... ... ? |
Reimu | む、見逃しがあったみたいね 妖怪がいたなんて! 退治すべき! |
Hmph, It looks like I missed something. There's a youkai! I'll have to beat you! |
Murasa | そう、人間なのね?
だったら、貴方の持っている飛宝を置いて この船はもうすぐ目的地に着く |
I see, you're human, right?
Then you'd better just put down those treasures We'll be reaching our destination soon. |
Reimu | 目的地? あんたは一体…… |
Destination? Who are you, anyway ... ? |
村紗 水蜜 |
The Ghost Left from the Shipwreck | |
Murasa | 申し遅れました 私は村紗、この聖輦船の船長です |
Oh, where are my manners? I'm Murasa, the captain of this holy palanquin. |
Reimu | 船長だって? | Captain? |
Murasa | この船はこの地を離れて聖が封印されている 別天地を目指します そこで聖を復活させ、みんなで悩みを忘れて 排除される者が居ないこの世の楽園に…… それが聖輦船の目的地 ですから、この世界に未練がある方の乗船は |
This ship will be leaving this land to go to another world, where Hijiri is sealed away. There, we'll revive Hijiri, We'll make a paradise where no-one can brush us aside ... That paradise is this ship's destination. So, anyone with any lingering connection to this world |
Reimu | 何を言っているのか判らんけど
これが宝船じゃない事だけは判ったわ 妖怪が巣くう魔の船なのね |
I don't understand what you're saying, but ...
I understand this isn't a treasure ship now. It's a devils' nest where youkai hide out, isn't it? |
Murasa | 見逃せないとは? | If you can't overlook it ... ? |
Reimu | ここで船長を倒してこんな船 落としてやるわ |
Then I'll just have to beat the captain and drop this ship out of the sky. |
Murasa | 言い忘れましたが、別天地に向かうに当って どうしても必要な宝があるのです 貴方が持っている空を飛ぶ不思議物体 |
I forgot to mention this, but we absolutely need that treasure in order to go to the other world. The mysterious flying objects that you have |
Reimu | そんなもの集めていたっけ? | You mean you're trying to get all these? |
Murasa | ですから貴方は協力者かと思ったのですが ……残念ですね 貴方を乗せていては船は沈みかねない |
So, I was hoping you'd co-operate with us, but ... Too bad. It looks like letting you on puts us in danger of sinking. |
Murasa Minamitsu DEFEATED | ||
Murasa | これが数多の妖怪を葬ってきた力なのか | This power's buried a lot of youkai, hasn't it? |
Reimu | そうよ! だから悪い事はやめるのね! |
That's right! So stop doing bad things! |
Murasa | 何も悪い事していないんですけどね | But we're not doing anything bad. |
Reimu | まあ、妖怪っていうだけで悪いんじゃん? | Of course you are, you're a youkai, right? |
Murasa | 妖怪を辞めるのは無理ですわ〜 | I can't just stop being a youkai~ |
Reimu | しかし、この船は止まらないわね 船長が何もしていないのに |
Hm, this ship really isn't stopping, is it? Even though the captain isn't doing anything ... |
Murasa | 自動操縦ですから | It's in auto-mode. |
Reimu | 宝船じゃないと判ってから興味を 失っていたけど やっと、この船の正体が気になってきたわ 何処に向かっているのか確かめなきゃ |
Now that I know this isn't a treasure ship, I'm not that interested. Now I finally know what this ship really is. But I still have to find out where it's going! |
Stage 5[]

魔界の赤黒い封印 |
The Red and Black Seal of the Underworld | |
魔界(法界上空) | Makai (above Hokkai) | |
BGM: 魔界地方都市エソテリア | BGM: Provincial Makai City Esoteria | |
Nazrin ENTERS | ||
Nazrin | おや? 君も魔界まで来たのかい? |
Hmm? So you came to Makai, too? |
Reimu | あんた、どこかで会っていたっけ? それに魔界だって? あの馬鹿船長め、船の目的地は |
Hmm, have we met somewhere before? Wait, did you say Makai? That stupid captain, does that mean |
Nazrin | 知らぬうちに宝物を見つけていた君を 魔界まで連れてきたんだね ムラサ船長は良い仕事をした その間に、私も頼まれてたもう一つの宝物を この毘沙門天の宝塔の力 |
I see they must have brought you here to Makai with your treasure sometime. Captain Murasa's done a good job. Meanwhile, I've also found the other treasure Maybe I'll test the power of this Vaisravana pagoda on you |
Nazrin EXITS | ||
Reimu | ここは魔界かー
どうりで居心地悪いと思ったわ あの船、こんな処まで連れてきて |
So this is Makai?
That explains why I feel so horrible being here. So they came all the way down here to break a seal or something? |
Shou Toramaru ENTERS | ||
Shou | 待ってました!
貴方が飛宝を集めてくれた人間ね |
I've been waiting for you!
You're the human who gathered the flying treasure, yes? |
Reimu | 失礼ね | How rude. |
Shou | いや失礼した
ここに辿り着くなんて、もっと修行を |
I'm sorry, you're quite right.
I simply thought that if you'd made it this far, |
Reimu | 積んでるつもりだけどね | Well, I do mean to learn a lot while I'm here. |
寅丸 星 |
The Disciple of Vaisravana
Shou Toramaru | |
Shou | 私は毘沙門天の代理 聖の信仰を一身に受けていた者です ナズーリンが持ってきたこの宝塔と ここの封印を解く事が出来ます |
I am the representative of Vaisravana, a devotee of Hijiri's creed. Now that we have the jeweled pagoda Nazrin brought, We can break the seal here. |
Reimu | 私が持っている宝って、もしかして このUFOのおもちゃの事? |
The treasure I brought? Do you mean those UFO toys? |
Shou | UFO? まあそう見えますかね さあ、私と共にこの法界に光を―― |
UFO? Ah, I suppose you might look at it that way. Now, together, let us bring light into Hokkai and- |
Reimu | 知らん!
私はただ宝船を追ってここまで来ただけだし |
Who cares!
I only came this far chasing a treasure ship. |
Shou | 宝船……ですか? | A treasure ... ship? |
Reimu | 蓋を開けてみればただの空っぽの船だし
何か乗っているかと思いきや もううんざりだわ! |
When I took a look inside, the ship was empty.
I thought there'd be something onboard, I'm sick of all this! |
Shou | 何もがっかりする事はありません
聖輦船は宝船とも言えなくもないですし |
There's nothing to be disappointed about.
You could call the holy palanquin a treasure ship. |
Reimu | え? | Huh? |
Shou | だって、宝船には七福神が乗っているのですよ?
その中の一人、毘沙門天はここに居ます |
Well, the seven gods of luck ride a treasure ship, right?
And one of them, Vaisravana, is right here. |
Reimu | どうでも良いよ
こうなったらあんたを倒して、封印された何かも |
Look, I'll just beat you and then beat that sealed whoever |
BGM: 虎柄の毘沙門天 | BGM: The Tiger-Patterned Vaisravana | |
Shou | 良いでしょう 私と戦うと言うのなら、相手になります ただ、もし貴方が道を誤っているのであれば 魔界に有りてなお輝き続けるこの法の光―― この毘沙門天の宝塔の前に |
Very well. If you want to fight me, I'll be your opponent. However, if you've chosen to follow the wrong path ... Then you'll have to bear witness to the light of dharma which is even brighter here in Makai -- And bow down |
Shou Toramaru DEFEATED | ||
Shou | 素晴らしい その飛宝を集められるだけの事はあるわ |
How splendid. I can see how you could have gathered the treasure. |
Reimu | この程度の妖怪退治は朝飯前よ | I could beat someone like you before breakfast. |
Shou | それで、私を倒したところで どうしようというのです? |
Well, now that you've beaten me, what will you do next? |
Reimu | ほら! このUFOのおもちゃが 必要なんでしょ? 封印を解くのに 何が封印されているのか確認してあげる |
Look! You need this UFO toy, right? To break the seal. Let's go see just what's been sealed away. |
Shou | ええ、では少し寄り道をしましたが 早速封印解除の準備に入りましょう |
Yes, you're new to the group, but let's prepare to break the seal. |
Reimu | ふん! 封印されていた奴ごと倒して 円満解決してやるから |
Hmph! I'll beat whoever's sealed away, and then this'll all be taken care of. |
Shou | 聖を虐めないでくださいね 封印明けですから |
Please don't make fun of Hijiri, the seal is open now. |
Stage 6[]

八苦を滅した尼公 |
The Nun Who Overcame the Eight Sufferings | |
法界 | Hokkai | |
BGM: 法界の火 | BGM: Fire of Hokkai | |
Nue Houjuu ENTERS | ||
Nue Houjuu ENTERS | ||
Reimu | さあ、出てきなさいよ!
ここに封印されていた事は 声が響かない…… 何か不思議な場所ね |
Okay, come on out!
I know you've been sealed in here I can't hear anyone ... ... What a mysterious place. |
Byakuren Hijiri ENTERS | ||
Byakuren | ああ、法の世界に光が満ちる
貴方がこの世界を解放してくれたの? |
O, the world of dharma is filled with light.
Are you the one who liberated this world? |
Reimu | やっと見つけたわ あんたが妖怪の親玉ね? |
I finally found you. You're those youkai's boss, right? |
Byakuren | 妖怪の? 親玉? |
Youkai? Boss? |
Reimu | そう、妖怪達があんたを復活させようと していたのよ |
Right, those youkai were trying to bring you back. |
Byakuren | そうだったの……
もう千年以上も何の力にもなれなかった まだ私を慕ってくれている妖怪もいたのですね |
Really ...
Even though I haven't been able to do anything for them So, there are still youkai who miss me ... |
Reimu | で、あんたは何者なのよ | Well, who are you, anyway? |
聖 白蓮 |
The Great Sealed Magician
Byakuren Hijiri | |
Byakuren | 私の名は白蓮
遠い昔の僧侶です 貴方は見たところ巫女の様ね? 私を再び封印し直すとでも言うのかしら? |
My name is Byakuren.
I used to be a monk a long, long time ago. You seem to be a shrine maiden, am I right? Did you come down here to seal me away again? |
Reimu | あ、ええ そのつもりよ! |
Oh, yes, that's exactly right! |
Byakuren | 貴方もまた、妖怪を虐げる者の一人なのね
私は気付いたのです 妖怪として排除するか、神様として崇めるか |
You're another oppressor of youkai, aren't you?
You know, I realized But youkai are hated, and gods are worshipped. |
Reimu | へー ま、私は神様だって退治するけどねー |
Huh? Well, I've beaten gods, too ... |
Byakuren | ああ、私の巻物に法の光が満ちてくる
私はこれから、私を解放してくれた者へ |
Yes, my scrolls are full of the light of Buddha.
From now on, I'll have to make sure |
Reimu | むむ、放って置いて大丈夫なのかしら? | Hmm, I wonder if it'd really be okay to leave you alone? |
Byakuren | 貴方の妖怪を全て排除する考え 私にはそれを否定する事は出来ません ですが、再び私を封印すると言うのなら―― |
I can't change your desire to eliminate all youkai. However, if you're going to seal me away again -- |
BGM: 感情の摩天楼 ~ Cosmic Mind | BGM: Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind | |
Byakuren | 私は精一杯抵抗します | I will resist you with all my strength. |
Reimu | そう来なくっちゃね!
私は妖怪に味方する奴は全員倒すつもりよ! |
Yes, there we go!
I'll beat anyone who's a friend to youkai! |
Byakuren | 私が寺にいた頃と人間は変わっていないな
誠に愚かで自分勝手であるッ! |
Humans haven't changed since my days in the temple.
How foolish and self-centered you are! |
Byakuren Hijiri DEFEATED | ||
Reimu A Ending |
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