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未確認飛行幻想物体 |
Unidentified Flying Fantastic Object | |
夜の空 | The Night Sky | |
BGM: 夜空のユーフォーロマンス | BGM: UFO Romance in the Night Sky | |
Kogasa Tatara ENTERS | ||
Kogasa | うらめしやー!
この間は失敗したわ 人間を驚かすには、やっぱり夜じゃないとね! |
I messed up last time. You have to wait until night to surprise humans! |
Kogasa Tatara DEFEATED | ||
Marisa | 何処に消えた?
あんな小さな生き物を追うのは無理があったか ま、この辺はUFO多発地帯だし ん? 鳥……じゃないな、獣でもない |
Where did it disappear to?
Maybe it was hopeless trying to chase something that small. Well, there's a lot of UFOs around here. I guess I can always break open some more. Huh? What's that weird sound ... ... A bird ... no, some kind of monster? What is it? |
Nue Houjuu ENTERS | ||
Nue | 聖救出、おめでとう!
まさか、飛倉が妖怪退治を専門とする |
Congratulations on rescuing Hijiri!
I never thought a human specializing in youkai hunting would be the one to find the fragments of the Soaring Vault. |
Marisa | お前は……船の中でも魔界でも現れたな
その正体が判らない飛行妖怪 鵺的妖怪って言うんだぜ? |
You ... you showed up in the ship, and in Makai.
Hm, a flying youkai of unknown nature ... Do I know of any youkai like that? I guess that'd make you something like a nue? |
Nue Houjuu ENTERS | ||
封獣 ぬえ |
The Unidentified Fantastic Flying Girl
Nue Houjuu | |
Nue | ご名答
いや、魔界まで行ってあの僧侶を助けた まさか、有りもしない幻のUFOをこじ開けて |
Still, even if you went all the way to Makai to save that monk, I'm surprised you'd break open one of those imaginary UFOs and come chasing after me. |
Marisa | お、おお?
本当に鵺なのか |
Oh, ohhh?
You're really a nue? |
Nue | 貴方は面白い人間ね
正体不明な物が怖くないのかしら? |
You're an interesting human.
You're not afraid of things you don't understand? |
Marisa | 怖く?
正体不明の物を見つけたらワクワク |
I'd be excited to find something I didn't know anything about. |
Nue | ふーん 若いって良いわね |
It must be nice to be young. |
Marisa | えへ、それほどでも | Hehe, I guess. |
Nue | これじゃあ、私が正体不明のタネをばらまいた のも逆効果だったのか |
This must be an unintended consequence of my
scattering the Seed of Unknown Form around. |
Marisa | 正体不明のタネ? | Seed of Unknown Form? |
Nue | 飛倉の破片を地上にばらまいて、ついでに 貴方達人間も怖がらせようと思ったのに |
I thought I'd scatter the fragments of the Soaring Vault around and use them to scare you humans, but ... |
Marisa | あ、UFOの事か? 正体不明のタネって |
Oh, the UFO?
Is that what you meant by that seed? |
Nue | 飛倉がUFOに見えていたのは 貴方達、一部の人間だけよ 本当は姿の判らない正体不明の物体 それを何と認識するかは |
The only people who thought it looked like a UFO
was a few of you humans. It was just something flying through the sky, something you didn't recognize. Each person sees it differently depending on their experience and knowledge. |
Marisa | ほー
よく判らんが |
I don't really get it, but ... |
Nue | さてさて、貴方は何をしに私を捜したの? どうしてUFOの後を追ったの? |
So, why did you come looking for me?
Why were you chasing after the UFO? |
Marisa | ああ、ただの好奇心だ 正体不明に対する、な |
Oh, just curiosity.
Curiosity about the unknown. |
Nue | これじゃあ、私の存在意義がない | Then what will happen to my reason to live? |
BGM: 平安のエイリアン | BGM: Heian Alien | |
Nue | 私は正体不明の妖怪、鵺 正体不明こそが私の力の源 |
I'm the nue, the youkai of indeterminate form.
Being unknown is the source of my power. |
Marisa | む、やる気か?
何だか判らん鵺的な者に負けたくはないぜ |
Hm, you wanna go?
I don't get what's going on, but I don't wanna lose to someone nue-like. |
Nue | 好奇心で動く幼き者よ! 正体不明の飛行物体に踊らされて死ね!! |
You youngster acting out of curiosity!
This unidentified flying object will make you dance to your death! |
Nue Houjuu DEFEATED | ||
Nue | ま、まさか、幾ら長い間眠っていたからといって こんな小娘にやられるとは…… |
I-I can't believe I've been beaten by such a young girl,
even if I've been asleep for so long ... ... |
Marisa | おお、勝ってしまった
まだ私には話が読めんが、お前は何をしたんだ? |
Hey, I won.
I still don't know what's going on, but what did you do? |
Nue | 私は……ずっと長い間地底に 閉じ込められていたの |
I've ... been locked away underground
for a long, long time. |
Marisa | 悪い事したんだな | You must've done something bad. |
Nue | 今年の初めになって何故か解放されたわ 地底世界自体が そこで、私と一緒に閉じ込められていた 飛倉も地底から解放されれば、聖を |
We were all freed somehow at the beginning of this year.
The underground itself was, really. When that happened, I noticed Murasa and the others sealed away with me were up to something. They said that if the Soaring Vault were freed, too, they might be able to bring back Hijiri. |
Marisa | もう復活したな | She's already back now. |
Nue | 私は仲間はずれだったし、何より、ムラサ達が 楽しそうだったのが許せなかった だから、先に飛倉の破片を地上にばらまいたの 姿のない正体不明の飛行物体としてね |
I wasn't part of their group, so I felt like
I just couldn't let them have their fun. So, I scattered the Soaring Vault's fragments above ground. I made them into unidentified flying objects. |
Marisa | それがUFOに見えていたって訳だ | And that's what looked like UFOs. |
Nue | さあ、話はおしまい 貴方も私を封印するんでしょう? |
Well, that's enough talk.
Are you going to seal me away, too? |
Marisa | 封印? | Seal you? |
Nue | 昔、人間に正体がばれたら すぐに捕まって地底に閉じ込められたの |
A long time ago, when a human discovered my true form,
they immediately captured me and sealed me away underground. |
Marisa | ああ、私はそんな気はさらさら無いぜ
封印するのが大好きな人間もいるがね しかし、お前があの白蓮達と |
Oh, I don't wanna do anything like that.
I guess there's people who love sealing stuff up, though. I don't know why you don't seem to get along with any of Byakuren's crowd, though. |
Nue | 仲が悪い? いや、ムラサ達は良い奴だったよ ただ、人間側に付くなんて言い始めなきゃね |
Oh, no, Murasa and them were good company. I just wish they would admit they're siding with the humans. That gets on my nerves. |
Marisa | 人間側ねぇ あの白蓮側が、かぁ? |
Siding with humans?
You mean, because they're siding with Byakuren? |
Nue | ムラサ達も長い間地底に閉じ込められて いたから、日和ったのさ |
I thought I'd give in, though, since Murasa and
the others were shut in underground for a long time, too. |
Marisa | きっとお前は勘違いしている
いや、あの白蓮って僧侶、とんだ 人間より妖怪の方が救うべき対象だ 挙げ句の果てに、妖怪御用達のお寺なんか |
I'm pretty sure you've got the wrong idea.
See, that Byakuren monk is a total sham. She fought humans, and even said that youkai need saving more than humans do. And on top of all that, they put up a temple specifically for use by youkai. |
Nue | え? 僧侶が? どういう事? |
That monk is? Are you sure? |
Marisa | お前みたいな妖怪を救うんだってさ たまったもんじゃないぜ |
It wouldn't be a surprise for them to be
interested in helping a youkai like you. |
Nue | なんだって…… 私はそんな人間の邪魔をしてきたと |
What's that ... ?
I can't believe I caused trouble for a human like that. |
Marisa | ああ、一度会ってみるのも良いと思うぜ 人間の里の近くに居るから |
Oh, I think it'll be fine if you just go meet her.
They're pretty close to the human village. |
Nue | いや、私は会うことが出来ない
ムラサ達に合えば邪魔してきたのも 私の正体不明にキズが付く |
No, I can't go see them.
If I meet Murasa, they'll find out I'm the one that was causing them trouble. Besides, My real body is hurt now. |
Marisa | そうかい、取り敢えず私がみんなに 言いふらすつもりだけどな 鵺の正体 |
Huh. Well, anyway, I think I've got
some rumors to go spread now. All about the true form of the nue. |
Nue | ああん | Aahhn ... |
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