- Return to Undefined Fantastic Object: Translation
○東方星蓮船 ~ Undefined Fantastic Object
Extra Afterword
上海アリス幻樂団長 ZUN
うえーい。いつも通り書いてる時間が無いぜー。 |
Heeey. Just as always, I don't have any time to write- |
もうちょっと時間があれば調整の振りしてドラクエでもやってたのになー(ぉぃ |
If only I'd had a little more time, I could have made some more adjustments, or played some DQ- (hey!) |
ZUN(今日はマスター提出したらその足で山の古民家に籠もる予定) |
ZUN (After I submit the master today, I think I'll shut myself up in a house in the mountains) |