Touhou Wiki
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A slice of the array can be gotton.
A slice of the array can be extracted.
(array)[(first index)..(last index)]
(array)[(first index)..(last index)]
=== Array Calculations ===
=== Array Calculations ===

Revision as of 15:58, 6 October 2007




Normal real numbers.

Boolean values


True or false as value. In numerical expressions such as true + 1 and false x 5 - 2, true and false are taken as 1 and 0 respectively. However, as of v0.12m of Danmakufu, they cannot be compared with other numerical expressions, e.g. conditionals like true == 1 and false > 0 will not parse.



One letter. Japanese character can be used.


[3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9]
[true, false, true, true, false]

Array of values. Multidimensional arrays can be used, e.g.

let Array = [ [3, 1, 4], [1, 5, 9] ];

the entry Array[1][2] will then have the value 9. To change the value of Array[1][2], v0.12m of Danmakufu will not parse

Array[1][2] = 8;  //this is wrong

One way to do this is

Array[1] = [1, 5, 8];  //this is correct

i.e. you can only change entries that are one level deep. 'Mixed-entry' arrays are not allowed, e.g.

 Array = [ [3, 1, 4], [1, 5] ];  //these are wrong
 Array2 = [ [3, 1, 4], 1 ];

will not parse. The entries in an array must all be of the same kind.

You can concantenate arrays

 [3, 1, 4] ~ [1, 5, 9];

this gives the single array

 [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9]

You can also erase entries from arrays

 erase([3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9], 2);

this gives the shortened array

 [3, 1, 1, 5, 9]


"Hello, world!"
"Test Sign 'Test'"

Arrays of characters.


describes a string literal which contains only a letter ".

Variable Definitions

let ImgBoss = "script\img\ExRumia.png";
let frame   = -120;
let array   = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9];

Variables are storages of values. let is used to define variables.

let (variable name);
let (variable name) = (initial value);

The variable name consists of alphabets, figures, and underscore (_), but it cannot begin with figures. The initialization of the variable can be omitted.


Numerical Expressions

6 * 2 + (4 - 3) * 9
x ^ 2 + 3 * x + 8

Standard numerical expressions. The priority of operators is common-sense. Variables can be used in the expressions.

Conditional Expressions

frame == 10
! (x < y && y < z)

Standard conditional expressions. The results of the conditional expressions are boolean values. Note that "if equal" is not '=' but '=='. For the meanings of the operators, refer to the Priority of Operators subsection.

Indexing Expressions

[3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9][2]

Get an element of the array with the index.


A slice of the array can be extracted.

(array)[(first index)..(last index)]

Array Calculations

[3, 1, 4] + [1, 5, 9]
array1 + array2

Each element is calculated, e.g. [3, 1, 4] + [1, 5, 9] is [4, 6, 13].

String Expressions

ImgFolder ~ "ExRumia.png"

Operator '~' concatenates two arrays (of course strings, too). String leterals can be concatenated without ~ operators as

"Wave Sign " \" "Mind Shaker" \"

which is such a string as

Wave Sign "Mind Shaker"

Priority of Operators

High Priority

  • ( )


    (| |)

    Absolute value
  • [ ]

    Indexing, Slicing


  • +

    Plus sign


    Minus sign


    Conditional not
  • *





    Modulo (Remainder)
  • +





  • ==

    Equal to


    Not equal to


    Less than


    Less than or equal to


    Greater than


    Greater than or equal to
  • &&

    Conditional and


    Conditional or

Low Priority

Assignment Statements

Simple Assignment Statements

y = x ^ 2 + 3 * x + 8;
frame = 0;
array[2] = 4;

Change the left-side variable contents with right value.

(variable) = (expression);

Compound Assignment Statements

x += 3;
y *= 2;

Operate right value to the left-hand variable and assign the result into the variable. e.g.

x += 3;

adds 3 to x, and

y *= 2;

multiplies 2 to y.

(variable) (binary numerical operator)= (expression);



Add 1 to the variable.


Subtract 1 from the variable.