Touhou Wiki

Functions for enemy scripts.

Enemy Control Functions

Functions to control the enemies.


Sets the life of the enemy. The enemy is defeated when the life reaches 0 (more precisely, any value smaller than 1) In particular, if the life is set to 0 initially, the enemy will be defeated the moment it appears. The argument of the first instance of SetLife in each enemy script (even if it is in comments) is used in plural-scripts to determine the relative lengths of the health bars.

1 Parameter
    1) enemy's lives (default is 0)


Add to the enemy lives. The lives is not recovered beyond the initial lives. When the argument is negative, some damages can be given to the enemy.

1 Parameter
    1) enemy's lives


Set the limit time of the boss attack. If not configured, the limit time is infinite.

1 Parameter
    1) limit time (in second)


Make the enemy invincible for the frames.

1 Parameter
    1) frames


Set the damage rates in percent. This rate is multiplied to the damage.

2 Parameters
    1) damage rate against shot (default is 100)
    2) damage rate against bomb (default is 100)


Set the damage rates in percent. The rates of the damage to the parent enemy can be set.

4 Parameters
    1) damage rate against shot (default is 100)
    2) damage rate against bomb (default is 100)
    3) rate of the damage to the parent enemy against shot (default is 0)
    4) rate of the damage to the parent enemy against bomb (default is 0)


Make it an endurance spell card. The spell card bonus is given even if the time is up.


Set the collision detection circle between the enemy and the shot. Some collision detection circles can be registered.

3 Parameters
    1) x-coordinate of the center
    2) y-coordinate of the center
    3) radius


Set the collision detection circle between the enemy and the player's character. Some collision detection circles can be registered.

3 Parameters
    1) x-coordinate of the center
    2) y-coordinate of the center
    3) radius


Set the score of the enemy. Or, set the spell card bonus, when the enemy is using a spell card.

1 Parameter
    1) score or spell card bonus


Create a child enemy which behavior is defined in the script.

6 Parameters
    1) child enemy script's name (string)
    2) x-coordinate
    3) y-coordinate
    4) velocity
    5) direction
    6) user-defined argument


Create a child enemy which behavior is defined in the file. Plural-script files can not be passed.

6 Parameters
    1) path of the enemy script (string)
    2) x-coordinate
    3) y-coordinate
    4) velocity
    5) direction
    6) user-defined argument


Vanish the enemy with no effects. The score is lost.


Set whether the enemy marker is displayed or not.

1 Parameter
    1) enemy marker state
        true : displayed
        false: hidden


Make it a last spell as Imperishable Night. Bombing is forbidden, and missing is canceled but the enemy's life becomes 0 and the spell card bonus is lost.

Effect and Miscellaneous Functions

Functions for graphic effects and miscellaneous functions.


Show the effect like concentrating the magic power for the frames. The color is one indicated by SetColor.

1 Parameter
    1) frames


Show the effect like concentrating the icy magic power for the frames.

1 Parameter
    1) frames


Show the effect like an explosion for the frames.

5 Parameters
    1) x-coordinate
    2) y-coordinate
    3) variation of the alpha value per frame
    4) spread velocity
    5) frames


Do pseudo motion blur for the frames, i.e. leave the afterimage of the graphics. The render type is forced to be changed to additive blend.

3 Parameters
    1) objects
        ALL : bullets and characters
        SHOT: bullets only
    2) frames
    3) intensity (0 ~ 255)


Do pseudo motion blur for the frames, i.e. leave the afterimage of the graphics.

4 Parameters
    1) objects
        ALL : bullets and characters
        SHOT: bullets only
    2) frames
    3) intensity (0 ~ 255)
    4) rander type
        ALPHA: alpha blend
        ADD  : additive blend


Slow down the motion. Slow(0); cancels.

1 Parameter
    1) intensity
        0: normal
        1: 1/2
        2: 1/3
        n: 1/(n+1)


Stop the time for the frames. Stopped bullets have no collision detection, but stopped player's character has collision detection.

4 Parameters
    1) frames
    2) player's character
        0: not stopped
        1: stopped
    3) bullets
        0: not stopped
        1: stopped
    4) background
        0: not stopped
        1: stopped


Show the cut-in. SetText needn't to be called.

7 Parameters
    1) type
        KOUMA: like  Touhou Koumakyou ~ Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
        YOUMU: like  Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom
    2) spell card name
    3) path of the graphic (string)
    4) left
    5) top
    6) right
    7) bottom


Show the spell card's name. It can change the name in the middle. SetText(""); vanishes the name.

1 Parameter
    1) spell card name (string)


Set whether the magic circle is shown or not. The magic circle is diminished in synchronization with the timer.

1 Parameter
    1) state
        true : shown
        false: hidden


Configure the effects around the time to defeat the enemy.

3 Parameters
    1) frames till the enemy is disappeared
    2) intensity of motion blur (0 ~ 255)
    3) intensity of slowdown
        0: normal
        1: 1/2
        2: 1/3
        n: 1/(n+1)


Start the talk event. Event is equivalent.

1 Parameter
    1) name of the event script (string)


Create an item. This function is mostly used on the finalization.

3 Parameters
    1) type
        ITEM_1UP  : 1up
        ITEM_BOMB : bomb
        ITEM_SCORE: point
    2) x-coordinate
    3) y-coordinate


Disable continue and the debug keys.

Information Functions

Functions to get information of the enemy.


Get the x-velocity.

Return value


Get the y-velocity.

Return value


Get the left lives of the enemy.

Return value


Get the hit count (not lost lives) in the last frame.

Return value
    hit count


Get the left frames of invincibility.

Return value


Get whether vanished by VanishEnemy or not.

Return value
    true : vanished
    false: defeated or alive


Get whether the parent enemy is vanished by VanishEnemy or not.

Return value
    true : vanished
    false: defeated or alive


Gets whether this is the master enemy, or a subordinate enemy.

Return value
    true : master enemy
    false: subordinate enemy


Gets whether the enemy is beaten by a time-up.

Return value
    true : a time-up occurred
    false: a time-up has not occurred


Get the current score of the spell card bonus.

Return value
    spell card bonus


Get whether the spell card bonus was gotten or not.

Return value 
    true : gotten 
    false: failed


Get whether on talk event or not.

Return value
    true : on talk event
    false: not on talk event


Get the event step, which is the number set by SetStep in the talk event.

Return value
    event step (user-defined value)


Get the user-defined argument.

Return value
    user-defined argument


Get the user-defined argument. When there is no argument, 1) is returned.

1 Parameter
    1) value
Return value
    user-defined argument or 1)
