Touhou Wiki


>Sexual reproduction results in offspring that are identical to either the mother or “father” yukkuri. However, A yukkuri that had intercourse with an Alice-type will only give birth to more Alice-types.

OBJECTION! There was that story where a Remirya was raped by a group of Alice-types, birthed 4 little Remiryas, and was eventually forced to sell and cook parts of her children (only so much that they would still regenerate). 11:00, 5 July 2008 (UTC)

Stealing from a dead yukkuri is taboo and will result in the culprit being hunted down by its peers.

I find it dubious that yukkuri have morals like this. In order to feel deeply emotional about the rights of a dead being, they must first feel deeply emotional about said being while they are living. The yukkuri itself seems incapable of moral thought seeing as how they are very instinctive (lacking higher brain function, not like they have any brains in the first place). Being so, coupled with short term memory, I find it highly likely that yukkuris are in fact more prone to do the OPPOSITE. I shall compare they to hamsters. It is more likely that they would steal fom each other, eat their own children if they cannot find food, and even eat each other. Being dead or alive having no bearing on it at all.

I take it that this has been derived from some doujinshi. At some point, we all need to decide where we draw the line of what yukkuri doujin plots are acceptable, and which are not. -- 03:37, 6 July 2008 (UTC)

When we discussed it, the consensus was that it's LOLMAGIC. The same way that they *know* when a non-yukkuri has stolen an accessory: it's not a moral thing, but programmed in, and doesn't rely on anyone actually witnessing said event. 14:49, 6 July 2008 (UTC)

>Sometimes, it would appear that there are consensual Alice-types. These ones behave much like Reimu-types and Marisa-types, and prefer to live close to Marisa-types. In reality, however, these are simply dormant Alice-types that have yet to awaken to their true nature. All Alice-types, without exception, will be overpowered by their instinct to reproduce and will rape other yukkuris sooner or later.

I object to this. Where was it stated that absolutely all Alice types were rapists? Also, one can't really say that all Alice types from every story are rapists. Also, such a statement seems to be an assumption or plain overwriting of author's intent regardless of whether the author thinks that his/her Alice will ever be a rapist type. 00:24, 27 December 2009 (UTC)


The act of stealing an accessory is not looked down upon, unless the accessory is stolen from a dead yukkuri.
Stealing a yukkuri’s accessory will cause every yukkuri in the world to chase you.
      I believe you've forgotten that "yukkuris" are allowed to steal them. 
      A human who steals an accessory will be chased.

Can someone add the original sjis art somewhere?

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Oreng3 12:05, 28 September 2008 (UTC)

i noticed that someone edited out the entry on justakkuris (mima yukkuris) and i was wondering why,i mean,since chiyuri yukkuris and yumemi yukkuris are in there now,was it just an editor getting carried away with deletion by accident,or was it removed for a good reason? 16:55, 10 December 2008 (UTC)


I found out about this on Paheal, is it appropriate to link to it on the main page or talk page? Tyciol 01:50, 16 November 2008 (UTC)


I am Japanese.Most of the setting written here is wrong. This setting is a setting that some deviants who were called GYAKUTAI TYUU made, and is not official. True yukkuri is ASCII art, and doesn't have the setting. The setting written here is what some users in Japan made it without permission for the cruelty, and it is different from the recognition of large majority. You pretend an official setting the one that it was translated and are writing.

It must be amusing if it doesn't write researching this more because other articles are written based on Douzin game of Japan. Please clearly write that it is a setting if this setting is written for the cruelty, and make the description a minimum.

Reference links [[1]] [[2]][[3]][[4]]

yukkuri gyakutai(Setting that some men made without permission) [[5]] -- 17:43, 10 March 2009 (UTC)

Well, nice of you to inform us about this, but then deleting everything related to this apparently non-mainstream opinion in Japan on an English wiki, instead of just putting a note at the beginning of that part of the article, is more like vandalism and oppressing a minority's opinion.
Also it's a bit too late for this, since most people around here already accepted this "false" view on Yukkuri. So it's more like an opinion of a minority in Japan and most of the English-speaking community now. Thus I'm gonna undo your changes.
PS: I actually hate the mere concept of Yukkuri, but I'm also against removing information for no real reason.
Arget 19:26, 10 March 2009 (UTC)
Actually, nothing about Yukkuri is "official", is it? Some elements are just more widely accepted than others, as far as I know. The JIS art is the original incarnation of the Yukkuri, and the wiki article acknowledges that. However, like many elements born out of Touhou fandom, it just blossomed from there into something much broader and different, regardless of whether all the developments were by permission. (Does one really need permission to make new fan fiction about non-official, fan-created characters?) If there's any criticism we could level at this article, it might be that Yukkuri aspects from one-shot stories are listed as though they were typical of of Yukkuri fiction.
Regardless, it's always good to have more reference material. Thank you.--Apcog 00:13, 11 March 2009 (UTC)

Some Japanese people consider that Yukkuris are not creature but method to deform (Of course, this is not suitable for violence) Creature Yukkuris are considered as things of perversion in many Japanese Yukkuri communities, and they prohibit to bring Creature Yukkuri out of communities. -- 16:02, 14 June 2009 (UTC)

Yukkuri Taxonomy[]

Is there any basis for the assignment or non-assignment of names for types of Yukkuris? That is, are they adapted from outside sources (2ch discussions, multiple doujinshi, etc.), or are any simply the product of the contributors' imaginations? I mean, I could think of a couple of other names for types that don't have one assigned yet, but I hesitate to add them in case there's some unwritten rule about it.--Apcog 01:23, February 9, 2010 (UTC)

I read through this page, and I found it so disturbing it was funny xD 00:48, October 1, 2010 (UTC)

Awesome Yukkuris[]

(A thought about addition to the page!)

Awesome Yukkuri's are a type of Yukkuri that are a little rarer than regular Yukkuri's called "Awesome Yukkuri". You can tell the difference from other yukkuris by finding an awesome face on their hair. The Awesome Yukkuris are careful, they are wise to the ways of the world and not selfish. The rude-acting types no longer act rude. All Awesome Yukkuris are nice to humans and yukkuris alike. The Marisa and rude-acting types will not learn to become serial killers. None of the Awesome Yukkuris pull dangerous pranks that will hurt others. They will only pull basic harmless pranks. If you put an Awesome Yukkuri on your head you will not turn into a yukkuri unless you tell it to. Awesome Yukkuris are born with power badges that allow them to inflict pain on those who are attempting to injure them, such as, if you try to punch them it will feel like you punched a wall of metal. There is also a badge that reflects projectiles. It can take the reflection badge off if it wants to have a snowball fight with its owner. There is a badge that will prevent it from getting burnt. There is also a badge that prevents it from melting in the water! Awesome Yukkuri's will help Police Forces arrest criminals!

Disturbing Revelation About Yukkiris[]

Yukkiris are realy a savage, preditory species decending from headcrabs. My evidence=


Six Samurai: Broken Archtype is Broken - IngramMKII 17:18, April 20, 2011 (UTC)

Oh wow, they even killed Iku. Im not sure if I want to reinstall HL2 or not. VS3025 19:16, April 20, 2011 (UTC)