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Extra Stage[]
地獄のラブリービジター |
The Lovely Visitor from Hell | |
守矢神社 |
Moriya Shrine | |
BGM: ラストリモート |
BGM: Last Remote | |
Sanae Kochiya ENTERS | ||
Sanae |
あら、この寒い中参拝に来たのですか? うふふ私もここでの挨拶の仕方を学びました この幻想郷では常識に囚われてはいけないのですね! |
Oh, did you come to visit the shrine in this cold weather? Hoho, I know how to give you a proper greeting this time. You can't let yourself be trapped by common sense in Gensokyo, right? |
Sanae Kochiya DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
やっぱ冬山は寒いぜ |
It sure is cold on the mountain. |
Nitori |
(冬は河が凍って生活しやすいんだ) |
(The rivers freeze over in the winter. It makes life easy for us.) |
Marisa |
凍って生活しやすい?何でだ? |
The rivers freezing makes it easy on you? Why's that? |
Nitori |
(凍った水面の下って実は暖かいんだよ) |
(It's actually warm underneath the ice.) |
Marisa |
というか突っ込んでいいか? 何で私は山でもお前と交信続けてるんだ? |
Anyhow, can I interrupt? Why are you talking to me like this when I'm on the mountain? |
Nitori |
(癖になっちゃった |
(I guess it's become a habit. |
Marisa |
ま、良いけどさ別に |
Oh well, whatever. |
Nitori |
(核融合のエネルギーを分けて (制御鴉は手懐けたから後は山の神様に |
(I'll share our nuclear energy (We tamed the crow in charge of it, so now we just |
Koishi Komeiji ENTERS | ||
Koishi |
あのーちょっと良いですか? この神社の人を誰か見ませんでしたか? |
Um, excuse me? Have you seen anyone from this shrine? |
Marisa |
見てないぜ |
Nope. |
Nitori |
(嘘吐け、さっきいたじゃんか) |
(You liar, we just saw someone.) |
Marisa |
ああ、さっき見たぜ |
Oh, yeah, just a minute ago. |
Koishi |
倒しちゃった?何で? |
You beat her? Why? |
Marisa |
挨拶だってさ。 ま、そんなもんだよ |
It was her way of greeting us, or something like that. |
Nitori |
(うーん神様達、今日は居ないみたいだ |
(Hmm. It looks like the gods aren't here today. |
Koishi |
え?居ないんですか? 神様 困りましたね地下深くからわざわざ山の上まで来たというのに |
What? The gods aren't here? Oh, no. And I came all the way up here from deep underground ... |
Marisa |
何だと?地下深くだと? |
What? Did you say from deep underground? |
Koishi |
山の神様が留守なんじゃ、骨折り損ね骨折り損で……何が儲かるんだっけ? |
What a waste of time to come while the gods are out ... What could I possibly gain from this? |
Marisa |
ああ、くたびれが儲かるんだな |
Ah, you gained tiredness. |
Koishi |
えー、まだくたびれてないわ |
Huh? I'm not tired yet. |
Nitori |
(魔理沙、こいつも核融合の力を (要注意だ) |
(Marisa, she might want to get her hands on (Be careful.) |
Koishi |
核融合?貴方、何で核融合の事知ってるの? でもまぁ、山の神様ってこの神社で良かったのね |
Fusion energy? How do you know about fusion energy? But well, I wasn't sure if this shrine is the place where the gods of the mountain live, but it seems |
Marisa |
お前……お前も核融合の力が目当てなのか! |
You ... are you after fusion energy, too!? |
Nitori |
(渡さん、渡さんぞー! |
(We're not gonna hand it over! |
Marisa |
まあ落ち着け |
Hey, calm down. |
Koishi |
ふーん、貴方この間地底に降りてきた人間でしょ? |
Hmm, you're the human that came to the underground, aren't you? |
閉じた故意の瞳 古明地 こいし |
The Closed Eyes of Love | |
Koishi |
お姉ちゃんが言ってたもん。 変な珠を持った人間が家を荒らしていったって |
Sis mentioned a weird human with orbs that disturbed our home. |
Marisa |
お姉ちゃんだと? |
Your sister? |
Koishi |
お姉ちゃんやおくうを倒したように私も倒したいならどうぞ 折角地底から出てきたんだからくたびれ以外の何かを儲けたいもの |
If you wanted to beat me like you did Sis and Okuu, by all means. Since I went to the trouble of coming up from the underground, I'd like to get something out of it. |
Nitori |
(おい魔理沙 |
(Hey, Marisa |
Marisa |
そ、そうだな 核融合の力は誰にも渡さんここから去って貰おうか |
Y...yeah If you want the power of fusion you need to get past here! |
BGM: ハルトマンの妖怪少女 |
BGM: Hartmann's Youkai Girl | |
Koishi |
良いわ、追い返したいなら私を倒してみる事ね でもね、お姉ちゃんを倒したからっていい気になってちゃいけないよ 貴方の死体は地霊殿のエントランスに飾ってあげる! |
Fine, if you want to turn me away, just try to beat me. But, don't get confident just because you beat my sister. We'll decorate the entrance of the Palace of the Earth Spirits with your corpse! |
Marisa |
お姉ちゃんって誰だろうな |
I wonder who's her sister. |
Koishi Komeiji DEFEATED | ||
Koishi |
うへぇ強いわーこりゃお姉ちゃんが負ける訳だ |
Wow, you're really strong! I can see how my sister lost to you. |
Marisa |
お姉ちゃんってもしかして |
Hey, is your sister ... ? |
Koishi |
うん? 判らないの?貴方、地霊殿に来た人じゃなくて? |
Huh? Didn't you know? Aren't you the one who visited the Palace? |
Marisa |
やっぱり、あのさとりの妹かー |
I knew it, you're that Satori girl's sister ... |
Koishi |
うん神様も居なくて骨折り損だけど くたびれ以外の何かは見つけたわ |
Yeah, I thought this would be a waste since the gods aren't in, but it looks like I found something worthwhile after all. |
Nitori |
(お前は何しにここに来たんだ?) |
(So what did you come here for?) |
Koishi |
ほら、おくうに核融合の力を授けた神様が山に居るって聞いて 私のペットにも何か力を与えて貰えないかなーと |
Well, I heard that the god who gave Okuu nuclear fusion power lived on a mountain. I was wondering if I could get some powers for my pets, too. |
Nitori |
(残念だったね。多分、神様は山の為に (核融合は山の発展に役立つと思って |
(That's too bad. These gods probably won't do anything (The only reason your house's pet got nuclear fusion power |
Koishi |
えーそうなの?つまんないのー でもまあいいや面白い人間に会えたし |
What, really? That's boring ... Oh well, I got to meet someone interesting. |
Marisa |
面白いぜ |
I'm pretty interesting. |
Koishi |
今度、家に遊びに来てよ |
Come play at my house next time. |
Marisa |
ふむ、行ってやっても良いんだがな 行く途中に障碍が多い気もする |
Hmm. I don't mind going ... But it could be pretty hard getting there. |
Koishi |
大丈夫だよ地霊殿の人と知り合いだって言えば 大抵の妖怪は避けるから |
Oh, don't worry. If you just tell people you're friends with the people at the Palace, I'm sure most of the youkai will avoid you. |
Nitori |
(……相当嫌われてるんだね) |
(... ... wow, everybody hates them.) |
Koishi |
お姉ちゃんは戦いは弱いけど、どんな妖怪にも恐れられているの お姉ちゃんの名前を出せば、地底は自由に動けるわ |
My sister is bad at fighting, but everybody is afraid of her. Just say her name, and you'll have free run of the underground. |
Marisa |
だってさこれで自由に地底に行けるな |
Did you hear that? now we can go anywhere we want down there. |
Nitori |
(いや、私はちょっと……) |
(Well, I, uh ... ) |
Marisa |
おおそうか お前は他にも苦手な奴がいたな |
Oh, yeah. There's someone else you're afraid of. |
Koishi |
誰のことー? |
Who do you mean? [Yuugi, Of course] |
Nitori |
(何にしても私はいいや。また地底に |
(Whatever, I'll be fine, if you want to go |
Koishi |
一人でって、あれ? 貴方一人じゃ……もしかして多重人格者なの? |
By yourself, what? Aren't you ... Do you have multiple personalities? |
Marisa |
今を以て、別人格は廃業だぜ |
From now on I'm just the one personality. |
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