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Excerpt from 封魔録.txt[]
■1.東方封魔録バックストーリー ここはとある東の国の山の中、博麗神社は比較的平穏だった。博麗神社の巫女、 靈夢は、霊力を高める為にしばらく修業する為に、山にこもっていた。 修業?も順調だったが、靈夢が急におふとんで眠りたい っと言い始めたので、 とりあえず神社へもどることにした。 しかし、神社へ戻ってきたが、神社には大量の妖怪、そのた、人間でない何か、 キチ○○等が棲み付いていた。 靈夢「なによこれ~、これじゃ落ち着いて眠れないじゃない。丁度いいわ、 修業の成果を見せてあげるわ!」 しかし、修業嫌いの靈夢が山に入っていたのは、山によくある隠し湯と、おい しい秋の味覚が目的であったので、たいした修業もしていなかった。 玄爺「御主人様、今度の妖怪は妙に統制がとれてます。つまりどこかにこいつ らの親玉がいるはずじゃ。それに、なんとなく異文化の力も感じとれますぞ・・・ とにかく、わしもついていくとするかの」 靈夢のしもべの亀、玄爺は靈夢を心配しながらそういった。 靈夢「そういわなくても、連れてくつもりっだったわよ。わたしじゃ空を飛べ ないし・・・」 そうして、靈夢は玄爺を連れ、例によって博麗神社最大の秘宝陰陽玉をもって、 その原因を調べるために、博麗神社へ妖怪退治に向かっていった。 色々と、変な場所で変わった人たちに出会うのだが・・・ 靈夢「すごく変だぜ(朝ケ丘 絵理子調)」
Translation 1. Touhou Story of Eastern Wonderland Backstory Here in the mountains of an eastern land is the comparatively tranquil Hakurei Shrine. The Shrine's only maiden, Reimu, lives here, training to raise her spiritual power, in seclusion among the mountains. "Train? That's fine and well, but it's time for a good long nap," Reimu says to herself as she trudges up the path back to the Shrine. But, on returning to the Shrine, she finds it overrun with ghosts and the like, as something not human has seemingly decided to make it their base. Reimu "What the heck is this? I'll never get any sleep like this. Probably just as well, now I can show off the results of my training!" However, Reimu hates training so much that she actually just went into the mountains to eat some autumn foods, and hardly trained at all. Genjii "M'lady, something strange is controlling these ghosts. Their boss must be somewhere nearby. Somehow, I feel a foreign power is behind this... in any case, I'll come along with you." Reimu's manservant (well, turtleservant) Genjii worried over his mistress. Reimu "I was going to ask you to come along, anyway. I can't fly on my own, you know..." And so, Reimu took Genjii and, as usual, the Hakurei Shrine's greatest treasure, the Yin- Yang Orbs, and set out to find the source of these troubles and exterminate it. This journey would lead them to strange places, and to encounters with even stranger people... Reimu "Sure is weird! (said like Eriko Asagaoka)" ''Eriko Asagaoka is a character from Izumi Takemoto's manga "Apple Paradise". ZUN is apparently a great fan of his work.''
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