Reimu "...Is something going to change?'s just so frustrating. I simply didn't train enough. It's something that COULD have been fixed. ...(sigh), but I hate training so much. ...ugh, this is so depressing.. All because I didn't have enough training. ...My body feels heavy for some reason. ??? ......Hey!"
Reimu "Marisa!!" Marisa "Don't say things like that. Just train more! I'll give you some help." Reimu "H-hey, what are you doing here?! (And why are you on my head?!)" Marisa "I was bored, that's all. Anyway, we need to change your attitude, and I think some more discipline would help." Reimu "...hmmm." Marisa "OK, let's begin. Training time is FUN time!" Reimu "...No way!"
魔理沙 「さっ、修業よ修業!」 霊夢 「ちょっとまて!! これのどこが修業だ!!」
Marisa "Come on now, let's train!" Reimu "Wait a minute!! Where are we going to train?!"
Marisa "Hmmm? You wanted to train under a waterfall?" Reimu "But that can't be a waterfall!" Marisa "But isn't that water?" Reimu "Where?! I'm soaked in some other liquid! Eeeeew, this is all goopy..." Marisa "So it isn't magic?" Reimu "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeelllp!"
Marisa "Hm? It's like a stake-burning ritual." Reimu "What kind of training is this?!" Marisa "But this flame is magic, look at it. Now just relax." Reimu "You liar, it's hooot!! Aaah, my clothes are burning!!" Marisa "So it isn't magic?" Reimu "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeelllp!"