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Vs.Match and Story Mode[]
Kotohime vs. Reimu Hakurei[]
Kotohime Wins[]
Kotohime |
あら、×××ってそういう生き物なのよ。 |
Oh, ××× creature, I guess that's right. |
Kotohime vs. Mima[]
Kotohime Wins[]
Kotohime |
あぁ、あなたの弾幕も美しいわ。すてき。 |
Oh, you beautiful barrage. What a dream. |
Kotohime vs. Marisa Kirisame[]
Kotohime Wins[]
Kotohime |
もう少しなんだけどね。 |
I'm a little better, though. |
Kotohime vs. Ellen[]
Kotohime Wins[]
Kotohime |
あら、魔法屋さん? うちは、間に合ってないから、 |
Oh, a magic seller? Maybe I should ask for something since I'm running late. |
Kotohime vs. Herself[]
Kotohime Wins[]
Kotohime |
あら自分。 |
Oh my. |
Kotohime vs. Kana Anaberal[]
Kotohime Wins[]
Kotohime |
あら鳥屋さん? |
Oh, a bird keeper? |
Kotohime vs. Rikako Asakura[]
Kotohime Wins[]
Kotohime |
あなた・・・ 後ろに霊がいるわよ。 |
Hey, you... There's a ghost behind you. |
Kotohime vs. Chiyuri Kitashirakawa[]
Kotohime Wins[]
Kotohime |
すいへぇりーべ・・・ |
H He Li Be... |
Kotohime vs. Yumemi Okazaki[]
Kotohime Wins[]
Kotohime |
あぶなくなかったこともない。 |
Nothing to be scared of. |
Story Mode[]
Stage 6[]
Kotohime Wins[]
Kotohime |
おやおや、歯応えの無い。 |
Hey, this is no big deal. |
Stage 7 - Decisive Match (Kotohime vs. Reimu Hakurei)[]
Kotohime Wins[]
Kotohime |
私が一番強いとは。 |
It looks like I'm the strongest. |
Stage 8 - Semi-final Match (Kotohime vs. Chiyuri Kitashirakawa)[]
Kotohime |
わたしが一番強かったのね。 |
I'm the strongest. |
??? (Chiyuri) |
そこを動かないで!! |
Don't move!! |
Kotohime |
動いていませんよ~ |
I'm not moving~ |
??? (Chiyuri) |
君かい、最強の魔法使いは。 |
Oh, it's you, the strongest magician. |
Kotohime |
そこは、離れ過ぎじゃなぁい? |
Aren't you too far away? |
??? (Chiyuri) |
これは小さくても必殺の武器だ。 |
This may be small, but it's a very powerful weapon. |
Kotohime |
分かりました~♥ |
OK, I will.♥ |
??? (Chiyuri) |
少しは抵抗しろよ(汗) |
At least show some resistance. |
Kotohime |
なんで? |
Why? |
??? (Chiyuri) |
とっ、とにかく、一緒に来て貰うぜ。 |
Nevermind, just come with me. |
Kotohime |
は~い |
OK! |
ボカッ!! | ||
??? (Yumemi) |
だれが、そんなおもてなしをしろといったのよ(怒) |
What kind of hospitality is this?! (angry) |
??? (Chiyuri) |
だって~、このほうが面白いじゃん。 |
Well, isn't more fun this way? |
ボカッ!!ボカッ!! | ||
??? (Yumemi) |
せっかくのお客様がこわがるでしょ!! |
Hey, you're scaring our precious guest!! |
Kotohime |
あの・・・ |
Um ... |
??? (Yumemi) |
あっ、失礼しました。変な対応しまして。 |
Oh, I'm sorry. I haven't been going about this well at all. |
Kotohime |
なんなんです。あなたたちは。 |
Who are you people? |
Yumemi |
私が、この船の船長の岡崎夢美です。 |
I'm the captain of this ship, Okazaki Yumemi. |
Chiyuri |
私が、船員のちゆり、北白河ちゆりだ。 |
I'm a crewmember, Kitashirakawa Chiyuri. |
Kotohime |
船? |
Ship? |
Yumemi |
そうですわ。 ただ、船っていっても、水の上でぷかぷ |
Yes. ... but it's not the kind of ship that sails |
Kotohime |
なるほど、船の遺跡だったんですか。(ちがいます) |
I see. So this is the ruins of a ship? (I was wrong.) |
Yumemi |
あぁ、うれしいわ♥ |
Ah, I'm pleased.♥ |
Kotohime |
なるほど、尽きちゃったのね。 |
I see. So you're out of luck now? |
Yumemi |
とにかくこれで、学会のやつらに目に物をみせてやれるわ |
Anyway, now I can show this to the scientific society. |
Kotohime |
なるほど、学会の異端者だったのね。 |
I see. So you're a heretic of science? |
Yumemi |
(怒) そこ、気が散る。 |
You went off track there. |
Kotohime |
自信なし。 |
I'm not sure. |
Yumemi |
こらこら、ここに入って来たってことは、この辺で一番強 |
Hey now, you wouldn't have made it in here if you weren't strong, right? |
Kotohime |
そうともいう。 |
You might say that. |
Yumemi |
なんだかな~。・・・とにかく、私は、あなたの力を調べ |
What the heck? Anyway, I'd like to study your powers. |
Chiyuri |
御主人さまは、この世に統一原理に当てはまらない力、す |
My mistress believes that this world exists outside of our unified theory, that is, she believes that magic power exists here. She announced this theory to the scientific society calling it 'The Non-unified Magical World Theory'. After that, she became a laughing stock. |
Yumemi |
・・・とにかく、あなたの魔力が本当に強かったら。何か |
...Anyway, if your magical power really is strong, I'll grant you anything you wish within the range of my powers. |
Chiyuri |
でも、弱かったらいらない。 |
But, if you're weak, you can forget it. |
Yumemi |
それでいいよね。 |
That's fine with me. |
Kotohime |
弱いかも。 |
I might be weak. |
Yumemi |
それでいいんだよね(怒) |
Will this really be alright? (angry) |
Chiyuri |
それって、もしかして・・・(汗) |
Don't tell me... (sweat drop) |
Yumemi |
あの娘とたたかえっていってるの(怒) |
I want you to fight her! (angry) |
Chiyuri |
だ~、やっぱり~~~(汗) |
No! I was afraid of that~ (sweat drop) |
ボカッ!!ボカッ!! | ||
Yumemi |
つべこべ言わず、さっさとたたかってきなさい!! |
Oh, stop complaining and fight her already!! |
Chiyuri |
しょうがないなぁ・・・ |
Guess I have to... |
Kotohime |
強いんだけどね・・・ |
I'm really strong, you know... |
Stage 9 - Final Match (Kotohime vs. Yumemi Okazaki)[]
Yumemi |
ちゆり!、負けるのが早過ぎよ!! |
Chiyuri! You lost too quickly! |
Chiyuri |
だって〜。 |
But... |
Yumemi |
だっても、神曲もないわ! |
No buts! |
Kotohime |
あ〜? |
Oh~? |
Yumemi |
そうよ、この世界で魔法という素晴らしい力をみつけた |
That's right, we've looked for that wonderful power called magic in this world. |
Kotohime |
ふ〜ん、それでどうすんの? |
Hmm, how will you do that? |
Yumemi |
あなたを倒して、連れて帰るだけよ。 |
I'm going to beat you and carry you home! |
Kotohime |
むりむり。 |
No way. |
Yumemi |
ばかにして! 私の方がちゆりより強いのよ!! |
How dare you ridicule me! I'm stronger than Chiyuri!! |
Kotohime |
やる気ね! じゃぁいくよ! |
That's the spirit! Let's do this! |
Yumemi |
ちょっと、待って。戦闘用の服に着替えてくる。 |
Just a minute. I need to change into something more suitable for battle. |
Kotohime |
待ちます。 |
I'm waiting. |
Yumemi |
いいわ、やりましょ。 |
OK, I'm ready. |
Chiyuri |
マントはおってきただけ・・・・・ |
All you did was add a cape... |
バキッ!! | ||
Yumemi |
気合入れてよ!死んじゃったら連れて帰れないんだから |
Put some spirit in it! I can't take you back if you |
Kotohime |
気合い入れてよ!死んじゃったら望みが叶えられないんだ |
Put some spirit in it! I can't get my wish if you die! |
Yumemi |
本当にいくよ!! |
For real this time!! |
Kotohime |
でも、よわそう。 |
But, you look weak. |
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- Forward to Kotohime's Ending
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