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Vs.Match and Story Mode[]
Kana Anaberal vs. Reimu Hakurei[]
Kana Wins[]
Kana |
巫女さん? 古風ね~。 |
Shrine maiden? Such an old term~ |
Kana Anaberal vs. Mima[]
Kana Wins[]
Kana |
あなた、足、無いわよ。 |
You definitely don't have legs. |
Kana Anaberal vs. Marisa Kirisame[]
Kana Wins[]
Kana |
東洋のソーサラー? 変わってるわね。 |
An Oriental sorcerer? That's new. |
Kana Anaberal vs. Ellen[]
Kana Wins[]
Kana |
っ! 本物のウィッチ!? |
Whoa! A real witch!? |
Kana Anaberal vs. Kotohime[]
Kana Wins[]
Kana |
へんな人ばっかりなのね。この辺。 |
Looks like there's nothing but weird people around here. |
Kana Anaberal vs. Herself[]
Kana Wins[]
Kana |
わたしもおかしくなったのかな。自分とたたかうなんて。 |
Have I become strange as well? Fighting myself and all. |
Kana Anaberal vs. Rikako Asakura[]
Kana Wins[]
Kana |
あなたもおかしな服着てるわね。 |
You're also wearing weird clothes. |
Kana Anaberal vs. Chiyuri Kitashirakawa[]
Kana Wins[]
Kana |
以外と苦戦したわ。 |
That was an unexpectedly close fight. |
Kana Anaberal vs. Yumemi Okazaki[]
Kana Wins[]
Kana |
これはこれは、似非マジシャンさん?。 |
I say, I say. A fake magician? |
Story Mode[]
Stage 6[]
Kana Wins[]
Kana |
あらもう一人しか残ってないわ。 |
There's only one person left. |
Stage 7 - Decisive Match (Kana Anaberal vs. Ellen)[]
Kana Wins[]
Kana |
弱いわ。みんな・・・。つまんない。 |
Weak. All of them... How boring. |
Stage 8 - Semi-final Match (Kana Anaberal vs. Chiyuri Kitashirakawa)[]
Kana |
気付いたら一人だった・・。 |
I just noticed I'm the only one left... |
??? (Chiyuri) |
そこを動かないで!! |
Don't move!! |
Kana |
きゃっ? 何、何?? |
Kya? What, what?? |
??? (Chiyuri) |
君かい、最強の魔法使いは。 |
Are you the strongest magic user? |
Kana |
何、いってんの? |
What are you saying? |
??? (Chiyuri) |
これは小さくても必殺の武器だ。 |
This may be small, but it's a deadly weapon. |
Kana |
! あなたが、古代人? |
Are you an ancient? |
??? |
そんなわけないだろ!! |
Of course not!! |
Kana |
遺跡じゃないの。 |
So, they aren't ruins? |
??? (Chiyuri) |
とにかく、一緒に来て貰うぜ。 |
Anyway, come with me. |
Kana |
ちょっ、ちょっと! |
Wai- Wait! |
ボカッ!! | ||
??? (Yumemi) |
だれが、そんなおもてなしをしろといったのよ(怒) |
Who taught you such horrible manners?(angry) |
??? (Chiyuri) |
だって~、このほうが面白いじゃん。 |
But, this is more fun. |
ボカッ!!ボカッ!! | ||
??? (Yumemi) |
せっかくのお客様がこわがるでしょ!! |
You're scaring our precious guest!! |
Kana |
あ、あれ? |
What? |
??? (Yumemi) |
あっ、失礼しました。変な対応しまして。 |
Ah, please excuse this strange conversation. |
Kana |
だれです。二人目の古代、あ、いや、えーと、 |
Who are you, second ancient- um, I mean... |
Yumemi |
だれが、宇宙人よ(怒) |
Who are you calling an alien? (angry) |
Chiyuri |
私が、船員のちゆり、北白河ちゆりだ。 |
I'm the sailor, Chiyuri, Chiyuri Kitashirakawa. |
Kana |
ちょっと、待って。いま、船って言わなかった? |
Wait a moment. Did you just say ship? |
Yumemi |
そうですわ。 ただ、船っていっても、水の上でぷかぷ |
That's right. However, even though we call it a ship, |
Kana |
とにかく、良くわかんないけど、あんたたちどっからわい |
Anyway, I don't really understand, but you guys |
Yumemi |
なんで、わいて出なくちゃいけないのよ |
Why do we have to pop out of all things? |
Kana |
平行世界(パラレルワールド)のことかしら。 |
You're talking about parallel worlds? |
Yumemi |
こっちではそう呼んでるのかしら? きっと、そうだと思 |
That's what you call them here? They must be the same thing. |
Kana |
で、そっちからなにしに来たのです? |
So, what are you going to do now? |
Yumemi |
さっきも言ったけど、魔法を探しに来たのよ。 |
I said this before, but I came in search of magic. |
Kana |
そんなんいくらでもあんじゃん。 |
Isn't that all over? |
Yumemi |
私達の世界にはないの!! |
Not in our world!! |
Kana |
どうやって? |
How? |
Yumemi |
ただ、たたかうだけでいいのよ。 |
We just have to fight. |
Kana |
ただなの? |
For free? |
Yumemi |
ぐ、そ、そんなことはないわよ(汗) |
Uh, of course not! (sweat) |
Chiyuri |
でも、弱かったらあげない気らしいな。 |
But if you're weak you can forget it. |
Kana |
いいわよ、あなたとたたかうんでしょ? |
That's fine. You can't use magic, can you? |
Yumemi |
じゃぁ、ちゆり。がんばってね♥ |
OK, Chiyuri, do your best! ♥ |
Chiyuri |
それって、もしかして・・・(汗) |
You don't mean... (sweat) |
Yumemi |
あの娘とたたかえっていってるの(怒) |
You have to fight her! (angry) |
Chiyuri |
だ~、やっぱり~~~(汗) |
Ah~ I knew it~ (sweat) |
ボカッ!!ボカッ!! | ||
Yumemi |
つべこべ言わず、さっさとたたかってきなさい!! |
Just fight her and hold the complaints!! |
Chiyuri |
しょうがないなぁ・・・ |
Well, no matter... |
Kana |
勝てるかしら? |
You think you can win? |
Stage 9 - Final Match (Kana Anaberal vs. Yumemi Okazaki)[]
Yumemi |
ちゆり!、負けるのが早過ぎよ!! |
Chiyuri! You lost too quickly!! |
Chiyuri |
だって~。 |
But~ |
Yumemi |
だっても、神曲もないわ! |
Even so, this isn't the Divine Comedy! |
Kana |
なんだって?! |
What was that?! |
Yumemi |
そうよ、この世界で魔法という素晴らしい力をみつけた |
That's right. We've found such an amazing magical power in this world... |
Kana |
やっぱり、望みを叶える、だなんて話が出来過ぎてると思 |
I thought so. The thought of granting my wish was too good |
Yumemi |
わかってるわよ。ここは私の力をもって力ずくでやるしか |
I see. I'll have to fight you |
Kana |
望みかなえてくれるの? がぜん、やる気が出てきたわ! |
You'll grant my wish? Suddenly, my will to fight is returning! |
Yumemi |
(汗)ちょっと、待って。戦闘用の服に着替えてくる。 |
(sweat) Wait one moment. I'll change into my battle outfit. |
Kana |
はやくぅ |
Hurry up. |
Yumemi |
いいわ、やりましょ。 |
OK, let's go. |
Chiyuri |
マントはおってきただけ・・・・・ |
You just put on a mantle... |
バキッ!! | ||
Yumemi |
気合入れてよ!死んじゃったら連れて帰れないんだから |
Take this seriously! I can't take you home if you die. |
Kana |
それはお互い様ね!! |
Same to you!! |
Yumemi |
本当にいくよ!! |
For real now!! |
Kana |
さっさとやろう! |
Finally! |
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