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The Third Project Touhou - 東方夢時空 ~ ☪ The Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream - ZUN 1997



The game may be played using either a keyboard and/or a gamepad.

Single Player controls are as follows:

  • Movement:
    • General Keyboard: R,T,Y,F,H,V,B,N
    • Arrow Keys: ↑,←,→,↓
    • Numpad: 7,8,9,4,6,1,2,3
    • Gamepad: ↑,←,→,↓
  • Shot:
    • General Keyboard: Z
    • Gamepad: B
      • Causes a single grouping of shots to be fired; it must be tapped for rapidfire.
      • Holding the shot key charges the Spell Gauge.
  • Bomb:
    • General Keyboard: X
    • Gamepad: A
      • Releases a bomb, also known as a Spell Card (presuming that any are left)
  • Pause:
    • Esc pauses the game and brings you to the in-game menu

Multiplayer controls are as follows:
TYPE 1 - Key vs. Key:

  • Movement:
    • Player One - General Keyboard: R,T,Y,F,H,V,B,N
    • Player Two - Numpad: 7,8,9,4,6,1,2,3
  • Shot:
    • Player One - General Keyboard: Z
    • Player Two - Left Arrow Key ()
      • Causes a single grouping of shots to be fired; it must be tapped for rapidfire.
      • Holding the shot key charges the Spell Gauge.
  • Bomb:
    • Player One - General Keyboard: X
    • Player Two - Right Arrow Key ()
      • Releases a bomb, also known as a Spell Card (presuming that any are left)
  • Pause:
    • Esc pauses the game and brings you to the in-game menu

TYPE 2 - Joy vs. Key:

  • Movement:
    • Player One - Gamepad: ↑,←,→,↓
    • Player Two
      • General Keyboard: R,T,Y,F,H,V,B,N
      • Arrow Keys: ↑,←,→,↓
      • Numpad: 7,8,9,4,6,1,2,3
  • Shot:
    • Player One - Gamepad: B
    • Player Two - General Keyboard: Z
      • Causes a single grouping of shots to be fired; it must be tapped for rapidfire.
      • Holding the shot key charges the Spell Gauge.
  • Bomb:
    • Player One - Gamepad: A
    • Player Two - General Keyboard: X
      • Releases a bomb, also known as a Spell Card (presuming that any are left)
  • Pause:
    • Esc pauses the game and brings you to the in-game menu

TYPE 3 - Key Vs. Joy:

  • Movement:
    • Player One
      • General Keyboard: R,T,Y,F,H,V,B,N
      • Arrow Keys: ↑,←,→,↓
      • Numpad: 7,8,9,4,6,1,2,3
    • Player Two - Gamepad: ↑,←,→,↓
  • Shot:
    • Player One - General Keyboard: Z
    • Player Two - Gamepad: B
      • Causes a single grouping of shots to be fired; it must be tapped for rapidfire.
      • Holding the shot key charges the Spell Gauge.
  • Bomb:
    • Player One - General Keyboard: X
    • Player Two - Gamepad: A
      • Releases a bomb, also known as a Spell Card (presuming that any are left)
  • Pause:
    • Esc pauses the game and brings you to the in-game menu

Basic Gameplay[]

The Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream is considered to be a competitive vertical danmaku shooting game, in which two characters engage in moderate danmaku gameplay within individual and separate play areas (aka. split-screen). Upon meeting certain conditions, players are able to unleash a variety of character-specific Spell Attacks upon their opponents in an attempt to whittle down their remaining health points, in a manner not unlike a VS. puzzle game such as Puyo Puyo.

There are 4 levels of difficulty: Easy, Normal, Hard, and Lunatic. Each difficulty level features differences in the quantity and velocity of base bullets that appear on-screen, as well as in the resilience of AI opponents. Additionally, each difficulty level features specific initial Spell Attack levels.

In Story Mode, the player will face 9 increasingly intelligent AI opponents, each more capable than the last. The Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream also features a Match Play Mode in which the player may face off against individual AI opponents or compete against other human players, as well as observe AI vs. AI matches. The Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream does not feature an Extra Mode.


A character's "shot" is a player's primary method of attacking enemies. The shot's attack area and strength varies depending on the character the player has chosen.


A character's "bomb" is a player's limited-use method of escaping difficult situations. A bomb's duration varies depending on the character the player has chosen, but it deals heavy damage to every enemy on screen, in addition to canceling out all bullets in the player's field. The player's character becomes invincible during the bomb's effect. At the beginning of every round, you are granted two bombs. Once a bomb has been used, there is no way to recover it until the round ends.

Your current bomb stock is displayed at the bottom-right corner of your field.

Spell Gauge[]

The Spell Gauge sits at the bottom of a player's segment of the screen and is a visual indication of a character's stored magical power. When the gauge fills to certain points, it is possible to unleash more powerful attacks than the usual, as well as influence the opponent's field. The gauge is divided into four quarters, each of which is referred to as a level.

To activate a function of the Spell Gauge, hold the shot key to begin charging the gauge. When the shot key is released, a spell activates, dependent upon the location of the charge indicator on the gauge at the time of release. Individual characters charge the gauge at different speeds.

Level 1: Charge Shot 
Level 2: Charge Shot   Level 2 Spell Attack 
Level 3: Charge Shot   Level 3 Spell Attack 
Level 4: Charge Shot   Boss Attack

The Spell Gauge can only be charged as high as its current fill level. The fill level increases slightly when an enemy is destroyed. Larger boosts are gained when small white bullets are eliminated from your field after being caught within the lingering explosion of an eliminated enemy.

Charge Shot[]

The Charge Shot is a more powerful version of a character's basic shot. These attacks are often able to plow through multiple enemies in rapid succession and can destroy fireball enemies with ease. Charge Shots have no direct effect upon an opponent's field, but can play a critical role in creating destructive combos that unleash a myriad of firepower upon a hapless opponent.

There may be only one Charge Shot present within your field at any given moment. To ensure that this is true, the Spell Gauge may not be charged again until your Charge Shot has left the screen entirely.

Charge Shots alone do not decrease the Spell Gauge's fill level when fired.

Spell Attack[]

Spell Attacks are character-specific assaults initiated within an opponent's field, activated by charging the Spell Gauge to Level 2 or 3, respectively. When activated, a brief warning will flash within an opponents field, shortly followed by a veritable maelstrom of firepower.

Level 2 Spell Attack[]

A Level 2 Spell Attack is initiated when a player charges the Spell Gauge to Level 2 before releasing the shot key. This attack consists wholly of small white bullets, which may be repulsed by a quick-thinking opponent. Careful timing of Level 2 attacks is crucial to successful play, as a poorly timed attack could yield disastrous consequences for the attacking player if it is successfully repelled.

Level 2 Spell Attacks decrease the Spell Gauge's fill level by 1 entire level.

Level 3 Spell Attack[]

A Level 3 Spell Attack is initiated when a player charges the Spell Gauge to Level 3 before releasing the shot key. Unlike the Level 2 attack, the Level 3 attack is comprised of bullets that can not be eliminated within the explosions of destroyed enemies. As this is the case, Level 3 Spell Attacks are generally more effective than Level 2 attacks, and can be fired without fear of repulsion by the opponent, though they come at a greater price:

Level 3 Spell Attacks decrease the Spell Gauge's fill level by 2 entire levels.

Boss Attack[]

When the Spell Gauge is charged to the maximum level (4) before the shot key is released, a Boss Attack occurs. In this situation, a manifestation of the player character appears within the opponents field and attacks independently of the player. The Boss has a finite amount of health, and will be eliminated from the field after receiving a specific number of hits. The Boss will also leave of her/its own accord if not destroyed within a certain amount of time, specific to the level of the attack itself (see below).

Boss Attacks decrease the Spell Gauge's fill level by 3 entire levels.

Spell Levels[]

Displayed at the bottom of a player's field are numerical representations of the strength of that player's Spell Attacks and Boss Attacks, respectively.

The initial Spell Levels are set per difficulty setting. In Story Mode, the base Spell Levels increase by 1 after every round, up to a maximum of 16.

Spell Attack Level[]

Shown at the bottom-left corner of a player's field in green, the current Spell Attack level determines the relative strength of that player's Spell Attacks. Higher level attacks involve greater numbers of faster moving bullets. Every time that the player fires a Spell Attack at the opponent, the Spell Attack Level increases by 1, up to a maximum of 16.

Initial Spell Attack Levels:

Easy - 1
Normal - 1
Hard - 1
Lunatic - 1
Boss Attack Level[]

Shown at the bottom-right corner of a player's field in red, the current Boss Attack level determines the ferocity of a Boss summon's attacks and the duration of time that the Boss will remain in an opponent's field after summoned. Every time that a player (either Player 1 or 2) initiates a Boss Attack, both players' Boss Attack Levels increase by 1, up to a maximum of 16.

Initial Boss Attack Levels:

Easy - 1
Normal - 1
Hard - 3
Lunatic - 9

Extra Attack[]

Extra Attacks, or EX Attacks, are character-specific special attacks which are deployed into an opponent's field when a Fireball is directly destroyed (i.e.: not caught in an explosion) within a short distance of where it appeared. Most characters are only able to destroy Fireballs quickly enough with a well-placed Charge Attack.

Charge Max Ability[]

When a player has 0 bombs remaining in stock and a full Spell Gauge, pressing the bomb key activates a character-specific special ability, for a limited period of time. These abilities generally include a more powerful version of a character's basic shot and increased movement speed. Additionally, for as long as the ability is active, the player's character in impervious to harm.

While the Charge Max Ability is engaged, the Spell Gauge continuously drains (at a rate specific to each individual character). When the Spell Gauge reaches Level 1, or quarter of its capacity, the ability phase ends and the character's behavior returns to normal.

Hit Combos[]

Defeated stage enemies leave behind lingering explosions that can damage and destroy other stage enemies. When multiple enemies are caught in the successive explosions of previous enemies, a combo counter appears in the top-left corner of the screen and displays the number of enemies currently involved in the sequence.

After a very brief duration of inactivity, the Hit Combo counter will reset to 0.

Spell Points[]

When enemies are destroyed or small white bullets are caught within the explosive radii of defeated enemies and removed from the field, Spell Points are accumulated by the counter at the top-left corner of a player's field, beneath the Hit Combo display (when visible). At certain Spell Point values, special attacks are launched at your opponent:

51200 - Boss Attack 
300000 - Boss Panic (Level 3 Spell Attack)

After a brief duration of inactivity (no additional Spell Points are being added), the Spell Point counter will reset to 0. When this occurs, the Spell Points are added directly to your score.


At the beginning of each round, both players have 5 health points, displayed as hearts at the top of their respective fields. When a player is "hit" by an enemy attack, a certain amount of health points are subtracted, anywhere from 1/2 to 3. When all 5 health points have been depleted, a life is lost. A player can not lose a life when hit with more than 1/2 health points remaining.

The hit box for your character is quite small in comparison to your on-screen sprite, approximately only 5 pixels by 5 pixels in size. It is not clearly marked on the sprite, but it is possible to approximate it's location through careful examination of the character sprite. If the hit box of your character's sprite comes into contact with the hit box of an enemy bullet, laser, or the enemy itself, then you have been hit.


You will start off with 3 lives. A life is lost when your health points drop to zero.

The player is awarded extra lives upon reaching certain score totals. In Story Mode, extra lives are awarded at 10 and 20 million points.

Upon losing all their lives, the player is given the choice to continue on the round where they left off. However, if you do continue, your current score will be reset back to 0 the number of times you have continued. You may continue up to 3 times.

Field Objects[]

Small White Bullets[]

The most basic of offensive projectiles, these small white bullets are generally easy to dodge, but can become extremely hazardous in large quantities. Their base movement speed is determined by the difficulty setting. Additionally, their speed slowly increase over the course of an individual round.

When small white bullets are caught within the lingering explosions of former enemies, they are removed from the field only to reappear at the top of the opposing player's field.

Spell Attack Bullets[]

More advanced projectiles, which appear only as a result of Spell Attacks, Boss Attacks, and EX Attacks. These are character-specific in appearance and movement speed, but can not be removed from the field by enemy detonations.

Stage Enemies[]

Stage Enemies come in a variety of sizes and colors. Their sizes determine the scale of the explosion that will appear when they are destroyed. Their color is an indication of the number of normal shots that will be required to destroy them. When shot, their colors change in order to denote their current remaining health.

Red - 1 Hit 
Green - 2 Hits 
Blue - 3 Hits 
Purple - 4 Hits

The appearance of Stage Enemies is dependent upon the current area that a round is taking place at (character-specific). However, despite their varied appearances, all Stage Enemies are practically the same.


Fireballs are created when large numbers of small white bullets are removed from the field due to the detonation of enemies (or other Fireballs). They appear at the top of a player's field and move in a straight-line downwards. Their speed is dependent upon the difficulty setting and the duration of the current round. They require a greater amount of firepower to destroy than normal Stage Enemies do, though Charge Shots generally destroy them instantly.

When Fireballs are caught within the explosions of regular Stage Enemies, they violently explode as well, allowing for increased Hit Combo possibilities. The collateral destruction (that is, not directly destroyed with a shot or Charge Shot) of a Fireball gives a large boost to the Spell Points counter.

When Fireballs are destroyed (in any way), they reappear at the top of the opponent's field. Blue Fireballs are newly created, while Red Fireballs have been bounced between the players' fields one or more times.

Character Statistics[]

See: Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream: Characters.

Screen Layout[]


Th03 Vs. Match Mode Screen Layout

  1. Remaining Health Points
  2. Hit Combo Counter
  3. Spell Points Counter
  4. Current Score
    • Lives Remaining (Story Mode - Player 1)
    • Wins (Story Mode - Player 2 [AI], Vs. Match Mode - Both Players)
  5. Player Characters
  6. Bomb Stock
  7. Spell Gauge
    • Left Side - Spell Attack Level
    • Right Side - Boss Attack Level



Any damage you deal to any Stage Enemy, Fireball, or Boss, whether it be caused by your shots, Charge Shots, or bombs, will cause your score to increase very slightly. Actually destroying enemies will award you slightly more points, but the points earned from this are around the range of hundreds to thousands of points per enemy. This is not a significant amount at all.

Spell Points[]

When enemies are destroyed or small white bullets are caught within the explosive radii of defeated enemies and removed from the field, Spell Points are accumulated by the counter at the top-left corner of a player's field, beneath the Hit Combo display (when visible). However, after a brief duration of inactivity (no additional Spell Points are being added), the Spell Point counter will reset to 0. When this occurs, the Spell Points are added directly to your score.

Clear Bonus[]

At the end of each round, the player is awarded a point bonus based on their performance throughout the round. The bonus is calculated as follows:

Max Combo x 10000
Number of Spell Attacks x 100000 (there is no distinction between Level 2 and 3 attacks)
Number of Boss Attacks caused by Spell Points x 150000
Number of Boss Attacks reversed [by another Boss Attack] x 200000
Number of Boss Panic Level 3 Spell Attacks x 300000

The combined total is the awarded stage clear bonus.

In addition, if the round happened to be the final round (Story Mode Only), the following is added:

Lives Remaining x 1000000
