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華胥の亡霊 |
The Elegant Ghost |
能力: 死の操る程度の能力 |
Ability: Ability to manipulate death |
危険度: 極高 |
Threat level: Aggressive |
人間友好度:高 |
Human friendship level: High |
主な活動場所: 冥界 |
Main place of activity: Netherworld |
冥界にある白玉楼に住む西行寺家のお嬢様である。 |
The mistress of the Saigyouji family who resides in Hakugyokurou in the Netherworld. |
千年以上も亡霊のままという、極めて珍しい長寿(*1)の亡霊である。 |
It is said that she died over 1000 years ago, so she is a spirit with an extremely unusual lifespan (*1). |
人を怨む事も無い上に、幽霊の統制を取る事が出来る能力が買われ、閻魔様から幽霊管理を命じられる。 |
Impressed by her unwillingness to curse people and her ability to control spirits, she was appointed by the great Yama to manage the souls of the dead. |
それと引き替えに冥界での永住が許されている。 |
In return she was permitted eternal residence in the Netherworld. |
姿形は人間と変わりがない。 |
She is not different from the human in the appearance and shape. |
生きていた頃と比べると、若干肌の色や髪の色が薄いと言われる。 |
It is said that the color of her skin and hair is quite lighter than those when she lived. |
肉体も冥界の白玉楼に封印されている為、永久に供養出来ないと言われている。 |
As her body is sealed away within Hakugyokurou, it is said to be impossible to hold a service for her. |
つまり、亡霊の姿で永遠に生きる(*2)事になる。 |
Thus, she will live (*2) eternally in the form of a ghost. |
彼女の性格は非常に暢気で、自分が冥界に来てからどの位経ったのか覚えていないという。 |
Her personality is so extraordinarily easygoing that it is said she doesn't remember how long she's been in the Netherworld. |
それどころか、朝食べた内容も覚えていないらしい(*3)。 |
It seems she doesn't even remember what she had for breakfast (*3). |
能力 |
Power |
死を操る能力とは、文字通り抵抗無く人を殺す事が出来る能力である。 |
The ability to manipulate death literally means the ability to kill someone with no resistance. |
また、死んだ後の幽霊も操る事が出来る。 |
Of course, once they're dead, she would be able to control their spirit, as well. |
目を付けられたらまず敵わないだろう。 |
Nothing good can come out of challenging her. |
この妖怪に纏わる逸話 |
Stories about this youkai |
西行妖と呼ばれる桜 |
The Sakura Called Saigyou Ayakashi |
彼女の父親が、多くの人間に慕われた歌聖であり、自分の要望通り桜の下で眠りについた。 |
Her father was a widely admired poet, and eventually fell into eternal rest beneath a cherry tree, as he'd always wanted. |
死後も慕われ続け、現在は神格化され天界に住む。 |
His adoration continued after his death, and now he has ascended into heaven. |
その桜の木では、満開に咲くと幽々子の父親と同じ様にそこで死んでいく者が例年後を絶たなかった。 |
Every year some grand personage would die beneath that tree when it was in full bloom, just like Yuyuko's father. |
その血を吸い続けた桜の木は、後に人を死に誘う妖怪桜となり、西行妖と呼ばれる様になった。 |
The tree that continued to suck their blood eventually became a youkai cherry tree with the ability to lure people to their death, and it was called the Saigyou Ayakashi. |
現在の西行妖は冥界の白玉楼に存在し、彼女の肉体も多くの人間と共にその西行妖の下で眠り、西行妖を封印していると言われている。 |
It is said that the Saigyou Ayakashi is now kept in Hakugyokurou in the Netherworld, sealed thanks to the bodies of countless people, including Yuyuko, who sleep beneath it. |
その為、満開に咲く事は無い。 |
So, it never reaches full bloom. |
幽霊移民計画 |
The Ghostly Emigration Project |
今から二~三十年程前の話である。 |
This is a story of twenty or thirty years ago. |
成仏が制限されて(*4)から冥界に留まれる幽霊が多くなった。 |
The number of spirits in the Netherworld increased due to limits on ascension (*4). |
次第に広大だった冥界も幽霊によって圧迫され始めると、彼女は顕界のあちこち(*5)に幽霊達を移民させて、次の生を受けるまでの一時しのぎの場とした。 |
As the already-vast Netherworld beginning to expand due to the pressure of all the spirits, she allowed them to inhabit various places (*5) in the world of the living as they were waiting to reincarnate. |
その移民先とは、廃校や廃病院、廃ビル、といった誰も寄りつかなさそうな所を選んだのだが、物好きな外の人間に幽霊の姿を見られて、その結果、何故か人間が集まってきてしまったらしい(*6)。 |
The places she chose included closed schools and hospitals, abandoned buildings, and places people don't usually visit, but some curious person on the outside caught sight of one of the ghosts, so people started flocking to them (*6). |
結局、その計画が閻魔様の目に留まり、幽霊が見せ物になるのは良くないと言われ、廃止となった。 |
Eventually, the Yama became aware of this plan and decreed that ghosts shouldn't be seen, so it was put to rest. |
最終的に、閻魔様に冥界の土地を拡張して貰い、移民の必要が無くなった。 |
Finally, the Yama increased the size of the Netherworld, thereby removing the necessity for the emigration plan. |
現在の冥界は地獄より広いと言われている。 |
It's said that the Netherworld today is larger than Hell. |
目撃報告例 |
Eyewitness Reports |
・ああ、今年も冥界に花見に行くかな (霧雨魔理沙) |
"Hmm, maybe I should go to the Netherworld for flower-viewing again this year..." (Marisa Kirisame) |
冥界の桜は生きている人間にも大人気。 |
The flowers in the Netherworld are extremely popular even among the living. |
・あんな大きな屋敷に住んだら、掃除が大変そうよねぇ。羨ましいなぁ (博麗霊夢) |
"Cleaning up a place with that much space would be a pain. Still, it must be nice." (Reimu Hakurei) |
家事には専属の幽霊があたるらしい。 |
It seems the housework is left to the spirits. |
対策 |
Countermeasures |
まず、普通にしてて出会う事はないだろう。 |
First of all, you will likely not meet her normally. |
普通は冥界に居て、何か幻想郷に用事があっても、使いである幽霊達が代わりに来て用事を済ます。 |
She stays in the Netherworld most of the time, and if she has business in Gensokyo, she usually has one of the spirits go in her stead. |
ただ、一つだけ例外がある。 |
There is one major exception. |
それは死んだ後の話である。 |
You can speak with her after your death. |
普通に死んで、中有の道を進み、三途の河を渡り、彼岸で十王の裁きを受けた後、悪い事さえしていなければ、冥界に行って成仏か転生を待つ事になるだろう。 |
Normally when you die, after you set out on the road to rebirth, cross the Sanzu river, and receive the judgement of the ten lords during Higan, even if you've done no wrong, you go to the Netherworld and await reincarnation or enlightenment. |
ここで必ず彼女の姿を見る事になる。 |
You will definitely see her there. |
その時、彼女の怒りに触れると恐ろしい事が待っているだろう。 |
Surely something dreadful will await you if you manage to incur her wrath. |
まず、魂魄の剣は一振りで輪廻転生を断つ、その上で彼女に彼岸に送り返されれば、もう後は地獄に墮ちるしか無いのである。 |
Her assistant Konpaku can sever the cycle of transmigration with her sword, and if Yuyuko sent you back to Higan from the Netherworld, you'd surely be sent to Hell. |
死ぬ前に彼女の事を勉強しておくと良いだろう。 |
It's probably best to read about her before you die. |
*1 長寿? |
1: "Lifespan"? |
*2 生きる? |
2: "Live"? |
*3 呆けているのか。 |
3: Perhaps senility is setting in. |
*4 天界は輪廻転生を断ち切った者が行くので、現在飽和状態である。 |
4: As the heavens receive all those who have broken from the cycle of transmigration, they've reached their capacity. |
*5 外の世界も含む。 |
5: Including the outside world. |
*6 ミステリースポット。 |
6: People like mysterious places. |
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