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境界の妖怪 |
Youkai of Boundaries |
能力: 境界を操る程度の能力 |
Ability: Manipulation of boundaries |
危険度: 不明 |
Threat level: Unknown |
人間友好度: 普通 |
Human friendship level: Average |
主な活動場所: 如何なる場所でも |
Main place of activity: Anywhere and everywhere |
妖怪らしい妖怪と言えば、まず八雲紫の名前が挙げられるだろう。 |
If I were to name one youkai that is the most youkai-like of youkai, that would be Yukari Yakumo. |
この妖怪は、根源に関わる能力の危険さもさる事ながら、神出鬼没で性格も人情に欠け、行動原里が人間とまるで異なっている事等、まず相手にしたくない妖怪である。 |
Aside from the fundamental dangerousness of her ability, she also tends to appear and disappear without warning, her personality seems to lack common sense, and her behavioral principles are completely different from those of humans, making her a youkai not to be dealt with. |
姿は人間と特に変わりはない。 |
Her appearance is not different from that of a human. |
派手な服装を好み、大きな日傘を使う。 |
She prefers extravagant clothes, and is often seen with a large parasol. |
主な活動時間は夜で、昼間は寝ている。 |
Her main time of activity is night, and she sleeps in the daytime. |
典型的な妖怪である(*1)。 |
All in all, she is a typical youkai (*1). |
また、冬は冬眠していると言われるが、本人の談だけで実際は何処に棲んでいるのか確認取れていないので、真偽の程は定かではない。 |
Though she claims to hibernate through the winter, we have only her word on it and it's unknown where she lives, so this is unconfirmed. |
古くは、幻想郷縁起阿一著(*2)の妖怪録にも、それらしい妖怪が登場している。 |
Historically, there is an article in the Youkai Encyclopedia from Aichi's (*2) Gensokyo Chronicle that seems to describe her. |
その時代にあった姿で現われるという。 |
She is said to look the same now as she appeared back then. |
能力 |
Ability |
境界を操る能力は、全ての物事を根底から覆す恐ろしい能力である。 |
The ability to manipulate boundaries is a terrifying ability capable of fundamentally undermining reality. |
知っての通り、物の存在は境界が存在する事で成り立っている。 |
As you know, everything is built upon the existence of boundaries. |
水面が無ければ、湖は存在しない。 |
If there was no water surface, there could be no lake. |
稜線が無ければ、山も空も存在しないだろう。 |
If there was no sky line, neither mountain nor sky could exist. |
幻想郷の大結界が無ければ、幻想郷も存在しない。 |
Were it not for the Great Barrier, even Gensokyo itself wouldn't exist. |
もし全ての物に境界が存在しなければ、それは一つの大きな物であるという事である。 |
If there were no boundaries, everything would probably exist as a single enormous object. |
つまり、境界を操る能力は、論理的創造と破壊の能力である。 |
Thus, the ability to manipulate boundaries is an ability of logical creation and destruction. |
論理的に新しい存在を創造し、論理的に存在を否定する。 |
It essentially creates a new being, or denies the existence of a being. |
妖怪が持つ能力の中でも神様の力に匹敵するであろう、最も危険な能力の一つである。 |
Among the abilities youkai are known to possess, this is one of the most dangerous, being comparable even to the power of gods. |
また、空間の裂け目から自在に何処にでも瞬時に移動し、体の一部だけを別の場所に移動させる事も出来る。 |
She is also capable of going anywhere through a gap in space, whether it be her entire body or only a part of her. |
物理的な空間だけでなく、絵の中や夢の中、物語の中等にも移動する事も出来るという。 |
It's said that this ability is not limited to physical space, but also applies to pictures, others' dreams, and even stories. |
他にも、超人的な(*3)頭脳を持ち、特に数字に強い。 |
In addition, she is possessed of superhuman (*3) intellect, and is especially good at mathematics. |
その上、長く生きてきた為、知識や経験も豊富である。 |
Furthermore, due to her long lifespan, she has a broad range of knowledge and experience. |
日常 |
Daily life |
本人は意外と話したがり屋であり、自分や幻想郷に関する事を色々と教えてくれる。 |
She is actually quite talkative, eager to teach you about herself or about Gensokyo. |
ただ、どれも確かめようがなかったり、実際に確認が取れなかったりして、真実かどうかは判らない。 |
However, most of her stories are impossible to prove or confirm, so no one can say if what she says is true. |
家は、博麗神社と同じで、幻想郷と外の世界の境界に建っているというが、その建物を実際に見た者は居ない。 |
Her house is said to be located at the boundary between Gensokyo and the outside world, just like the Hakurei Shrine, but no one has ever actually seen it. |
空間の切れ目を使い、何処からともなく現れ、そして何処かへ消えてしまうからである。 |
This is because her only movements are through gaps in space, so she seems to appear out of nowhere and disappear into nothing. |
後を追うことも出来ず、真偽の程は定かではない(*4)。 |
No one can follow her through the gaps, so it's not known if it's true or not (*4). |
また、普段は自分から動く事は少なく、妖獣を式神として操り、雑用は全てこの妖獣に任せている。 |
In addition, she rarely acts directly, instead leaving practically all of her work to a beast she controls as a familiar. |
特に昼間や冬など、寝ている時はこの式神が紫の代わりに行動している。 |
This is especially true in daytime and winter when she is sleeping, and in such cases that familiar is seen moving around in her stead. |
後は、長く生きてきた者同士の妖怪の友人関係も多い。 |
Additionally, as she is an elder being, she has many friends that are also elder. |
冥界に棲む西行寺幽々子(後述)、鬼の伊吹萃香(後述)など、大抵の友人関係が最強クラスの妖怪である。 |
Most of her friends are first-class youkai like Yuyuko Saigyouji of the netherworld and the oni Suika Ibuki. |
幻想郷との関係 |
Relationship to Gensokyo |
幻想郷自体が、大きな結界によって外界と遮断されている。 |
Gensokyo is separated from the outside by a large magical barrier. |
この結界というのは、中と外を分ける境界線の事である。 |
This barrier literally is the boundary between inside and outside. |
ただ、外の世界と幻想郷は、物理的には地続きである為、結界が持つ境界が論理的に幻想郷という場所を創っていると言えるだろう。 |
However, the inside world and the outside world are still physically contiguous, so it can be said that the barrier is logically creating the place that we call Gensokyo. |
つまり、境界の妖怪が存在するだけで、幻想郷の様な場所を創る事も壊す事も可能と言えるだろう。 |
That also means that as long as the youkai of boundaries exists, she can create or destroy a place like Gensokyo whenever she desires. |
境界で囲まれた幻想郷に、何処に住んでいるのか判らない境界の妖怪が存在する事は、幻想郷の成り立ちにおいて極めて重要な関係があると言える。 |
It can be argued that the fact that a youkai of boundaries exists in Gensokyo, a land surrounded by an enormous boundary, implies that she must have some extremely significant connection to the origin of Gensokyo. |
不思議な事に、この妖怪は人間を襲う事が少ない。 |
Strangely, this youkai rarely attacks humans. |
人を襲わない妖怪は妖怪ではないので、どこかで人を襲っている筈である。 |
A youkai that never attacks humans is by definition not a youkai, so it is likely that she occasionally does attack humans. |
自由に外の世界に行ける妖怪の為、その場所は外の世界ではないかと言われている(*5)。 |
As she can freely visit the outside world, it's speculated that she attacks humans in the outside world (*5). |
この妖怪に纏わる逸話 |
Stories about this youkai |
幻想月面戦争騒動 |
Genso-Lunar War |
千年以上昔の逸話である。 |
This is a story from over 1000 years ago. |
実と嘘の境界を弄り、湖に映った月に飛び込み月に攻め入った事があるという。 |
It is said that she once invaded the moon by modifying the boundary between truth and lie and plunging into the mirrored moon on the lake's surface. |
増長した妖怪を集めて行ったが、月の近代兵器の前にあえなく惨敗する。 |
Although she went in with an army of impudent youkai, they were crushed by the Moon's advanced weaponry. |
これ以来、妖怪達は自分のテリトリーを越えて攻め入る事は少なくなったと言われる。 |
It is since this incident that youkai usually do not choose to attack beyond their territory. |
この騒動を機に、この境界の妖怪の力が人間の間にも知れ渡った。 |
The stories of this event are also what made her powers widely known among humans. |
妖怪拡張計画 |
Youkai Expansion Project |
五百年以上前の逸話である。 |
A story from over 500 years ago. |
人口の増加により、人間に押され気味だった幻想郷の妖怪の勢力を回復する為に、紫が立案、実行した。 |
The project refers to a plan designed and implemented by Yukari in order to restore power to the youkai of Gensokyo, who felt pressured by human expansion. |
これ以前の幻想郷は単なる人里離れた山奥に過ぎなかったが、幻想郷の周りに幻と実体の境界を創り、論理的に世界を創ってしまおうという計画である。 |
Until then Gensokyo was merely an isolated mountain place, but she planned to create the boundary between illusion and reality around Gensokyo, thus logically creating a new world. |
幻想郷の中を幻の世界、外の世界を実体の世界とする事で、外の世界で勢力が弱まってきた妖怪達を自動的に幻想郷に呼び込んでしまうという画期的なものである。 |
By establishing Gensokyo as an illusionary world, and the outside as the real world, the youkai weakened by the outside world would naturally flock to Gensokyo; this was a truly epochal event. |
これにより、日本の外の国からも妖怪が移民してくる様になった。 |
At this time, it seems that youkai from outside of Japan immigrated to Gensokyo, as well. |
境界の効果は現在も続いている。 |
The effects of the boundary remain even in the present time. |
また、この計画の賢い所は、外の世界で妖怪が消えれば消えるほど、幻想郷では妖怪が強くなる事だ。 |
The cleverness of the plan lies in allowing youkai to disappear in the outside world while permitting them to thrive within Gensokyo. |
外の世界が人間の天下である以上、幻想郷では妖怪の天下が続いている。 |
As long as the outside world remains in the hands of the humans, Gensokyo will be the demesne of the youkai. |
大結界騒動 |
The Great Barrier Disturbance |
今は当然の様に存在する博麗大結界(*6)。 |
This, of course, refers to the Great Hakurei Barrier (*6). |
この妖怪は、大結界を提案し今の幻想郷を創った賢者の一人だと言われる。 |
It is said that this youkai was one of those who suggested the creation of the Great Barrier and created what is now Gensokyo. |
ただ、最初は数多の妖怪の反発に合い、妖怪同士の闘争があったようである。 |
However, it appears that there was some opposition to this plan from a number of youkai, and that there was open conflict between youkai. |
この間、妖怪は人間をほったらかしだったので、幻想郷の人間の間では大結界は絶賛された。 |
As this conflict distracted youkai from their normal attacks against humans, the Great Barrier has received great praise over the period of Gensokyo's existence. |
結局、妖怪達に大結界の有用性が伝わり、今はこの結界に反対する者は殆ど居ない。 |
Word of the usefulness of the Great Barrier has now circulated among the youkai, and there are scarcely any that oppose its existence. |
幽霊騒動 |
The Phantom Disturbance |
冥界と顕界の境界が薄くなり、幽霊が顕界に、生者が冥界に行きやすくなってしまったという騒動。 |
The Phantom Disturbance refers to a time when the border between the Netherworld and the world of the living weakened, making it easy for the respective denizens of each to go back and forth. |
この妖怪の仕業なのは明らかである。 |
It is obvious that this youkai would have been involved in such a feat. |
賢い妖怪のする事なので、妖怪社会に関して何か崇高な目的がある可能性がある(*7)。 |
Since this was the act of an extremely wise youkai, there was likely some extraordinary benefit to youkai society in doing this. (*7) |
現在進行中の異変で未解決。 |
As this is an ongoing incident the matter remains unresolved. |
目撃報告例 |
Eyewitness Reports |
・気が付くと目の前の食べ物が無くなっている時があるの。やめて欲しい (博麗霊夢) |
"Before I know it, she makes my food disappear right out from under my nose. I wish she'd stop." (Reimu Hakurei) |
見ていない隙にそっと手を空間の切れ目から出して、離れた場所の物を取る事が出来ると言う。 |
When you're not looking she can slip her hand through a gap in dimensions and take things from far away. |
・いつも家の中から現われるのは勘弁して欲しいぜ。ちゃんと玄関から入ってこれないのか (霧雨魔理沙) |
"She keeps just showing up in the middle of my house. Why can't she just use the door like other people?" (Marisa Kirisame) |
神出鬼没にも程がある。 |
One should exercise restraint when using the power of teleportation. |
対策 |
Countermeasures |
人里に現われる事は滅多にない。 |
She seldom appears in the human village. |
余程の事が無い限り、普通の人間を襲う事は無いだろう。 |
To that extent, she likely doesn't attack normal humans very often. |
いくら腕に自信があったとしても、この妖怪を退治する事は止めた方がよい。 |
No matter how confident one is in their abilities, it would be wise not to attempt to pursue this youkai. |
ただ、余程悪質な戦闘でない現り、こちらの力量に合わせて手加減してくれる。 |
(Though, she would likely make allowances for the power of her opponent so as not to allow the battle to become too vicious.) |
とにかく、境界の能力には防御法も弱点も一切存在しない。 |
In any case, there is not a single defense against or weak point in the ability to manipulate boundaries. |
また、知能は人間の想像力を遙かに凌駕し、勿論身体能力も妖怪並である。 |
Her intellect far surpasses the capabilities of humans, and her vitality is what you'd expect from a youkai. |
万に一つも勝ち目はないだろう。 |
Humans probably have no chance of winning against her. |
紳士的態度で接する以外の有効な対策はない。 |
Excepting, of course, the countermeasure of approaching her in a gentlemanly fashion. |
(*1) 最近は夜型の人間が増えたのと同時に、昼型の妖怪も増えてきた。 |
1: Recently, as the number of night humans increases, so does the number of daytime youkai. |
(*2) 初代が纏めた幻想郷縁起。千二百年以上昔。 |
2: The Gensokyo Chronicles written by the first member of the Hieda line, more than 1200 years ago. |
(*3) 妖怪だから超人なのは当たり前。 |
3: Well, she's a youkai, so it's no wonder she is superhuman. |
(*4) 家が外の世界にあるという噂もある。 |
4: Some say that her house is located in the outside world. |
(*5) 外の世界の妖怪で、幻想郷に遊びに来ているという噂もある。冬や昼間等、寝ていると言われる時は、外の世界で過ごしているのかも知れないし、紫の夢の世界が外の世界という噂も。 |
5: Rumor has it that she is a youkai from outside, and she simply comes to here for play. Indeed, she may spend the winters and the daytime, when she claims to be sleeping, in the outside world, and some even say that the outside world is Yukari's dream. |
(*6) 幻想郷と外の世界を分ける境界。論理的な境界だが、人間も妖怪も簡単には行き来出来なくなるという、強い境界である。 |
6: The boundary separating Gensokyo and the outside world. It is said it is extremely difficult for youkai or humans to pass through, and so essentially it creates a separate world. |
(*7) 私は生きている間に確認が取れるとは限らない。 |
7: I have been unable to confirm this while alive. |
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