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幸運の素兎 |
White Rabbit of Good Fortune |
Tei Inaba [sic] | |
能力: 人間を幸運にする程度の能力 |
Ability: Can bring fortune to humans |
危険度: 低 |
Threat level: Low |
人間友好度: 普通 |
Human friendship level: Normal |
主な活動場所: 迷いの竹林 |
Main place of activity: Bamboo Forest of Lost |
野生の兎のリーダー格である妖怪兎が、因幡てゐだ。 |
Tewi Inaba is the youkai rabbit that serves as the leader of the wild rabbits. |
健康に気を遣っているうちに、長生きする様になった兎である。 |
She is a rabbit who has managed to live a long life by taking good care of her health. |
人語を解し、人間の姿を取る事が出来る。 |
She can assume human form and understand human speech. |
この妖怪兎だが、別名幸運の素兎とも言われ、姿を見た者には幸せが訪れると言われている。 |
This youkai rabbit is also known as the Rabbit of Good Fortune, and it's said that those who see her have good luck. |
だが、すばしっこくて、さらに迷いの竹林に居ることが多いので、簡単には見つける事が出来ない。 |
However, not only is she very fleet-footed, but she spends much of her time in the Bamboo Forest, so it isn't very easy to find her. |
性格は、非常に悪戯好きだが臆病な所もあり、狡賢い。 |
She has a very mischievous personality, but can be cowardly, and is shifty. |
喜怒哀楽が激しく、妖精に近い性格を持つ。 |
She is extremely emotional, to the point that her personality is not unlike a fairy's. |
普段は迷いの竹林のどこかにあると言われる、永遠亭で暮らしているという。 |
It's said she spends most of her time in the Bamboo Forest and lives at Eientei. |
この妖怪兎だが、実は永遠亭が出来る前から存在していて、幻想郷の中でも最も長く生きている部類の妖怪だと言われている(*1)。 |
In fact, she has lived in the Bamboo Forest since before Eientei was constructed, and is said to be one of the longest living youkai in Gensokyo(*1). |
目撃報告例 |
Eyewitness reports |
・この前、竹林でやっと妖怪兎を見ましたよ!これでオラにもささやかな幸せが訪れる (匿名) |
"I finally found that rabbit in the bamboo forest just now! I'm sure Lady Luck will be visiting me from now on ..." (Anonymous) |
幸運はそんなに長持ちしないので、きっと迷いの竹林で迷わず帰れたという幸運で終了では無いか。 |
Good fortune isn't all that long-lived, so you may have exhausted your share by simply making it back safely from the forest. |
・ああ、兎肉は淡泊だからどんな味付けにも合うよ (香霖堂店主) |
"Aah, rabbit meat is so light, I wonder what goes with it?" (Kourindou proprietor) |
兎肉は幻想郷では人気の高い食材の一つである(*2)。 |
Rabbit meat is just one popular dish in Gensokyo(*2). |
・兎を罠にかけても、中々妖怪兎は掛かっていないんだよね (匿名) |
"Even if I catch rabbits in my traps, there are never any youkai rabbits inside." (Anonymous) |
流石に、妖怪兎となると智慧がある。 |
Of course, youkai rabbits are pretty clever. |
対策 |
Countermeasures |
幸運を授けてくれると、珍しく人間からの人気が高い妖怪兎だが、見つけようとすると一筋縄ではいかないだろう。 |
Due to her reputation as a harbinger of good fortune, she is unusually popular among humans for a youkai, but one can't find her by ordinary means. |
迷いの竹林に居る事が、見つけにくさに拍車をかけている。 |
Her inclination to stay in the Bamboo Forest only compounds the problem. |
この妖怪兎を見つけに竹林に入るのは無謀である。 |
Entering the forest to find this rabbit would certainly be reckless. |
竹林での単調な風景と深い霧で方向感覚を狂わされ、さらに多くの妖怪が棲んでいる為、不用意に入ってはいけない。 |
The dense fog and monotonous scenery in the bamboo forest confuses your sense of direction, and the forest is full of youkai, so it's unwise to enter it unprepared. |
妖怪兎を見つけた時点で幸運であるとも言える。 |
One might say that it would be good fortune enough to even find her. |
元々幸運な人間にしか幸連は訪れないのかも知れない(*3)。 |
It may be that good fortune only visits those who were fortunate to begin with(*3). |
ちなみに、四つ葉のクローバーで喩えると、四十葉のクローバー程度の幸運を貰えると言われている。 |
Compared to a four-leaf clover, it's good fortune on the order of a forty-leaf clover. |
*1 この幻想郷縁起の編纂が始まった時から、既に存在が確認取れている。 |
1: Her presence had already been noted at the time the Gensokyo Chronicle was first compiled. |
*2 かくいう私も大好物。 |
2: It's a favorite of mine, as well. |
*3 当たり前。 |
3: Of course. |
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