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小さな百鬼夜行 |
The Little Pandemonium |
能力: 密度を操る程度の能力 |
Ability: Ability to manipulate density |
危険度: 極高 |
Threat level: Aggressive |
人間友好度:普通 |
Human friendship level: Ordinary |
主な活動場所: 妖怪の山 |
Main place of activity: Mountain of Youkai |
幻想郷から鬼の姿が消えてから長い時間が経っていた。 |
A long time has passed since oni were last seen in Gensokyo. |
だが、つい最近鬼の姿が確認取れた。 |
However, there have been recent confirmed reports of oni sightings. |
それがこの伊吹萃香である。 |
Those are of Suika Ibuki. |
彼女は、突然ふらっと現われ、何故か幻想郷に居着いてしまった(*1)。 |
She suddenly dropped in and settled down in Gensokyo for some reason (*1). |
体は小さいが、身長と不釣り合いに長い角を二本備えている。 |
Her body is small, and the two long horns on her head stand out in contrast from her short stature. |
見た目だけなら他の妖怪に比べても恐ろしい事はないが、そこは鬼である。 |
She may not look terribly frightening compared to other youkai, but she is an oni. |
恐ろしい怪力の持ち主で、その気になれば一人で妖怪の山を崩せると豪語する(*2)。 |
She is possessed of enormous strength, and boasts that if she wanted to, she could tear down the Mountain of Youkai by herself (*2). |
また、無類の酒好きで、常に酒の入った瓢箪(*3)を持ち、呑んでいない時は無い。 |
A drinker without peer, she always carries around a gourd (*3) filled with sake, from which she constantly imbibes. |
その為、素面の彼女は見たという報告も無い。 |
As a result, there are no reports of her behaviour when sober. |
密度を操る能力 |
Power of Manipulating Density |
物事の疎密、濃淡を操る事が出来る能力である。 |
This is the power to alter the density and thickness of anything. |
密度が薄くなるとあらゆる物が霧状になり、反対に高密度になると熱を持ち、溶解したりする。 |
All things become a fine mist if their density becomes low; conversely, dense objects have higher temperatures and melt, etc. |
彼女はお祭り騒ぎが大好きで、事ある毎に人間や妖怪を集めてお祭りを開く。 |
Because she loves the bustle of festivals and merrymaking, she would periodically cause humans and youkai to assemble and hold festivals. |
この時、人間や妖怪を集める力も、この密度を操る能力である。 |
This ability to cause humans and youkai to assemble is a manifestation of her power over density. |
目撃報告例 |
Eyewitness Reports |
・力仕事も出来るし、麈を集めてくれるし、便利と言えば便利なんだけどね (霊夢博麗) |
"She can do physical work, she collects the garbage, she is useful in a sense." (Reimu Hakurei) |
鬼と鋏は使いよう。 |
Even oni and scissors can be useful by a clever way. |
信頼関係さえ成り立っていれば恐ろしくない種族である。 |
If you can build a relationship of mutual trust with them, oni are not that fearsome. |
・珍しい物を集まるくれたりしないかしら (十六夜咲夜) |
"I wonder if she could help me gather unusual things." (Sakuya Izayoi) |
そこまで露骨に利用しようすると危ないかも。 |
It may be dangerous to be that frank about your desires, though. |
対策 |
Countermeasures |
鬼に関する知識も退治の技術も失われた今、無理に鬼退治をしようとしない方がよいだろう。 |
As knowledge about oni and methods of their extermination have lost in modern times, it's best not to even attempt to destroy them. |
万に一つも勝ち目はない。 |
There is absolutely no chance for victory. |
だが、一応、鬼から身を守る手段が幾つかある。 |
However, tentatively, there are a few methods of protecting yourself from an oni. |
鰯の頭を刺した柊の枝を家の入り口に置くという物である。 |
For example, you can run a holly branch through a sardine head and place it in front of the entrance to your house. |
これで鬼が近寄らなくなると言われているが、今のところ効果の程は判らない(*4)。 |
It's said this will prevent an oni from coming near you, but it's unknown how effective this is (*4). |
*1 鬼退治できる人も居ないし、割と迷惑。 |
1: This is particularly problematic given that no-one knows how to wipe out oni. |
*2 鬼ならまんざらでもない。嘘も吐かないし。 |
2: This isn't entirely impossible, given that she's an oni. And after all, oni don't lie. |
*3 無限に酒が湧くという瓢箪。 |
3: A bottomless gourd of sake. |
*4 鰯の頭も信心から。 |
4: With faith, even the head of a sardine can be a charm. |
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