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宵闇の妖怪 |
Youkai of Twilight |
能力: 闇を操る程度の能力 |
Ability: Manipulation of darkness |
危険度: 中 |
Threat level: Medium |
人間友好度: 低 |
Human friendship level: Low |
主な活動場所: 不明 |
Main place of activity: Unknown |
妖怪の中では弱い部類に入るが、その周囲を、昼間でも夜と同じ暗さにしてしまう能力を持つのが、このルーミアだ。 |
Rumia falls into the weaker category of youkai, but she possesses an ability that makes her surroundings dark whether it is night or day. |
この妖怪が出す闇は、松明をも無効化する魔法の闇で、迷い込んだ人間の視界はほぼ無いに等しくなる。 |
The darkness this youkai emits is a magical darkness that renders even torchlights useless, and humans that wander into this darkness have almost no field of vision. |
この闇に乗じて襲われるとひとたまりもないのだが、他の妖怪と群れで行動する事はまず無いのが救いだ。 |
It is simple to drag people into the darkness and attack them, but she does not move in a group with other youkai, which is a relief. |
姿は幼い少女で、赤い眼に黄色い髪に赤いリボン、闇に紛れる為に黒い服を着るというが、常に暗闇にいる為に確認は取りづらい。 |
Her appearance is that of a young girl; she has red eyes and wears a red ribbon on her blond hair. It is said that she wears dark clothes to meld with the darkness, but since it is always dark around her this is difficult to confirm. |
暗闇の化け物として知られていて、普段から恐れている為か、直截姿を見た者は、余りに幼い少女なので拍子抜けすると言う。 |
Perhaps because she is known as a monster of darkness and is normally feared, people who have directly seen her form discover a too young girl and are overcome with relief. |
その姿を隠す為に闇で包むのかも知れない。 |
It is possible that she covers herself in darkness to hide her appearance. |
また、闇の能力はあくまでも補助的な物で、人間を襲う時は力業で行うと言われている。 |
It is said that her ability to manipulate darkness is only a supporting ability, and that she uses pure power to attack humans. |
見た目が見た目なので、どの位強いのか甚だ疑問だが、闇の中では勝負にならない |
Since she looks like what she looks like you cannot tell if she is really strong or not, but a fight isn't possible in the darkness. |
逃げ道すら見えなくなるのは恐怖である。 |
Not being able to see an escape route is frightening. |
目撃報告例 |
Eyewitness Reports |
・何か、大きな黒い塊が森の方に向かって動いてた。恐ろしかった (彦左衛門) |
"I saw a large clump of darkness heading towards the forest. It was scary." (Hikozaemon) |
大きな黒い塊は、この妖怪の闇だと思われる。 |
The large mass of darkness is believed to be this youkai. |
決して近寄ってはいけない。 |
You must not approach it. |
・それで、大きな黒い塊が木にぶつかって暫く停止したかと思うと、こっちに向かってきたので逃げた (彦左衛門) |
"Then the large clump of darkness bumped into a tree and looked like it stopped moving for a bit, but it came towards me so I ran away." (Hikozaemon) |
きっと、木にぶつかったんだと思う。 |
She most likely bumped into a tree. |
もしかして、妖怪にも闇の外が見えていないのか(*1)。 |
Perhaps she cannot see outside the darkness as well (*1). |
・逃げ遅れて、暗闇に突っ込んでしまったが、これといって妖怪とも遭遇せずに、闇が通り抜けていった (匿名) |
"I was too slow in running and got caught in the darkness, but I didn't encounter the youkai and slipped right through." (Anonymous) |
闇の中に誰か人間が入り込んだとしても、中の妖怪には判らないのだろうか。 |
Even if a human runs into the darkness, the youkai inside might not notice. |
だとするとやはり、自分で出した闇の中で、自分も見えていないのだろうか(*2)。 |
If that is the case, she most likely cannot see in the darkness she produces (*2). |
対策 |
Countermeasures |
徒でさえ妖怪に比べ非力な人間は、松明も無効という闇の中となると勝負にならないだろう。 |
Since a human's power can't compare to a youkai's in the first place, it would be impossible to put up a fight within darkness that renders even torchlights useless. |
何か策があるか、余程腕に自信がない限り、闇に入ってはいけない。 |
The best way to deal with this would be to not enter the darkness unless you are very confident in your abilities. |
まだ、夜は月明かりが届けない場所があったら、そこに進むのは止めた方がよい。 |
You should also avoid visiting places where the moonlight doesn't shine at night. |
ルーミアが居るかもしれないからだ。 |
Rumia may be lurking there. |
稀に、闇を出していないルーミア本体に出会う事があるという。 |
Rarely, there are cases of people who have run into Rumia while she was not emitting darkness. |
その条件とは、新月の夜である。 |
This was on the night of the new moon. |
この日は、何故かルーミアが闇の能力を使わない事が多いらしく、目撃情報も後を絶たない。 |
On such a day Rumia cannot occasionally use her powers somehow, and witness reports flood in. |
直截対話をした者は少ないが、殆ど会話が成り立たないと思われる。 |
There aren't many who have exchanged words with her, but they are supposed to have hardly a successful conversation. |
話しかけたりするのは危険だ(*3)。 |
It's probably dangerous to attempt speaking with her (*3). |
*1 と想像すると、黒い塊が途端に面白くなる。 |
1: Imagining that, the clump of darkness suddenly becomes amusing. |
*2 もしかしたら、相当間抜けなのでは無いか。 |
2: Perhaps she is really stupid. |
*3 幼く見えても、人喰いである。 |
3: Even though she looks young, she eats humans. |
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- Previous: pg. 31-32 Encyclopedia: Youkai (Presence)
- Next: pg. 35-36 Letty Whiterock