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- Next: pg. 142 Sanzu River
中有の道 |
Road of Liminality |
危険度: 低 |
Threat Level: Low |
遭遇する妖怪: 幽霊、亡霊他 |
Encounterable Youkai: Ghosts, Spirits etc. |
山の裏側には三途の河が流れているが、その川に辿り着くまでにある道を通らなければならない。 |
The Sanzu River flows on the other side of the mountains, but you must travel down a certain road before you get there. |
それが中有の道だ。 |
That is the Road of Liminality. |
この道を通らないと、三途の河にたどり着く事が出来ない。 |
If you don't go down this road, you can't reach the Sanzu River. |
道は生物でも歩く事は可能だが、基本は死者が河を目指して通る道である。 |
You can walk this road while still alive, but mainly it is the dead who travel it on their way to the river. |
死者の通る道だからさぞかし寂しい道と思うだろうが、実はそんな事は一切無く、道沿いには死者向けの出店(*16)が並んでいたりと、まるで縁日の様に賑やかである(*17)。 |
One might think that surely a road travelled by the dead is a lonely place, but this is not true at all; a number of stands (*16) catering to the dead are lined up along it, and it's just as busy as if it were at a shrine festival (*17). |
お祭り好きな生者もよく訪れる。 |
Living people who like festivals often come here as well. |
何故死者の通る道に出店が出る様になったかと言うと、地獄の財政状態が余りよろしくなく、三途の河の渡し賃だけでは賄えないので、少しでもお金を取ろうとした結果、この中有の道に出店を開く事になったからである。 |
As to the question of how a road the dead travel can have merchant's stands along it, the finances of hell had reached the point where it could no longer sustain itself merely from the ferrying fees levied on the departed, so it opened stands along the Road of Liminality in an attempt to get any more money. |
その結果、地獄に堕ちない者や、生きている者からも、僅かだが収入が入る様になった。 |
As a result, hell can receive some money even from the dead who aren't sentenced to go there, and from the living. |
だが、店を開いている者は地獄に落とされた罪人なので、そのままちょろまかしてしまう者が多いという(*18)。 |
However, those who run the stands are all criminals who were sentenced to hell, so it's said many fall victim to their tricks (*18). |
*16 死んだ金魚掬い屋とか、人魂ボンボン屋など。 |
16: Such as dead goldfish catching, or soul candy stores. |
*17 ここで生きる楽しさを思い出し、引き返して息を吹き返す事もある。 |
17: Sometimes the dead will remember the good times they had while living and retrace their steps to return to life. |
*18 すぐにばれて再び地獄行き。地獄の卒業試験の様な物でもあるらしい。 |
18: As soon as they're discovered they're sent back to hell. It seems to be something like a graduation test from hell. |
- Return to Perfect Memento in Strict Sense
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- Next: pg. 142 Sanzu River