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- Previous: pg. 121-124 Sakuya Izayoi
- Next: pg. 128-129 Eirin Yagokoro
香霖堂店主 |
Kourindou’s Owner |
職業: 道具屋店主 |
Occupation: Antique store shopkeeper. |
能力: 道具の名前と用途が判る程度の能力 |
Ability: Ability to know the name and purpose of an item. |
住んでいる所: 香霖堂 |
Residence: Kourindou |
魔法の森の入り口で営業している道具屋、香霖堂の店主である。 |
He is the owner of Kourindou, an antique store established at the entrance of the Forest of Magic. |
香霖堂には他の店員は居ない。 |
There are no other shop clerks at Kourindou. |
彼は、正確に言うと人間ではなく、人間と妖怪のハーフである。 |
He is not exactly human, but rather a half-human, half-youkai. |
人間よりも長寿だが、鍛えてない為か余り強くない。 |
Even though he lives for longer than a human, he is not very strong, probably due to lack of training. |
過去に道具屋の最大手である霧雨家で働いていたが、自分の能力を生かすには普通の道具屋では駄目だ、誰も使い道が判らなくて困っている様な道具を扱う必要がある、と考え独立した。 |
In the past, he worked at the Kirisame family's antique store, but he started a store on his own, believing that in order to make the most of his ability, he shouldn't just handle normal items, and he needed to deal with ones that nobody would know how to use. |
誰も使い道が判らなくて困っている様な道具、 つまり外の世界の道具である。 |
Items that nobody would know how to use, meaning items from the outside world. |
彼の性格は、博識だが一人で考え込みがちで店から出たがらず、お客に対しても冷たく当たる。 |
Although he is very knowledgeable, he is prone to pondering all by himself and not leaving the shop, as well as being cold even towards customers. |
お世辞にも商売向きな性格ではない。 |
Not a suitable attitude for conducting business. |
能力 |
Ability |
道具の名前と用途が判る能力を持っている。 |
He has the ability to know the name and purpose of an item. |
初めて見た道具であっても、見ただけで名前が思い浮かび、名前を口に出しただけでどういう用途に使うのかが想像できるという。 |
Even if it is an object he is seeing for the first time, just by looking at it, its name comes to his mind, and just by saying this name, he can imagine what the object's purpose is. |
非常に道具屋向きな能力だが、一つだけ致命的な欠点がある。 |
Although this is an extremely suitable ability for an antique dealer, it does have one fatal weakness. |
それは、道具の使用法までは判らない事だ。 |
He is unable to determine the use of an item. |
その為、香霖堂で入手出来る道具の殆どが、自分で使用法を調べなければならない(*1)。 |
Because of that, you must find out for yourself how to use of most items obtained at Kourindou (*1). |
それでも一部の道具は使用法も判り、普通に使いこなせている物もある。 |
But even so, there are some objects whose manner of use can be understood and operated. |
使いこなせれば、外の世界の高い技術の恩恵を受ける事が出来るのだが、使いこなせた道具の殆どを、彼は非売品にしてしまう。 |
By using those, one can be benefit from the skilled crafts of the outside world, but he refuses to sell most of the useable items. |
つまり、自分だけが外の世界の高い技術の恩恵を受けているのだ。 |
Basically, he is the only one benefitting from the higher technology of the outside world. |
これほど商売向きじゃない店主も居ないが外の世界の道具を扱っている店は香霖堂しかないので、それなりに常連も居るという。 |
Even though there's hardly a shop owner more unsuited to business, Kourindou still is the only shop that deals with outside world items, and because of this, it has its regular customers. |
香霖堂 |
Kourindou |
魔法の森を背に、ごちゃごちゃとして落ち着きのない異国風の建物が建っている。 |
Just beside the Forest of Magic, there is a disheveled and unsightly foreign-style building. |
それが香霖堂である。 |
That is Kourindou. |
日用品よりも、外の世界の道具や、妖怪の道具、冥界の道具、そういった物を扱っている店である。 |
Rather than daily necessities, the items dealt with in this shop are outside world tools, youkai items, and articles from the netherworld. |
香霖堂は、人間、妖怪共に拒む事はなく、誰でも利用出来る。 |
At Kourindou, neither humans or youkai are ever refused, so anyone can frequent. |
店内は倉庫としか思えない程、物が多く、無造作に置かれている。 |
The store's interior, full of randomly scattered articles, can only be thought of as some kind of warehouse. |
並べられている道具が一体何なのか判らない物だらけなので、気になったら店主に尋ねるしかない。 |
Since the items are not ordered − just a lot of unidentified items everywhere − if something interests you, all you can do is inquire the shop owner about it. |
値段も書いてなく、相場も判らないので店の言いなりになるのには気を付けよう。 |
There are no prices listed either, and no way to know the market value so beware as you're at the store's mercy. |
店の奥にはそこそこ大きな倉庫があり、そこに眠っている道具の殆どが非売品である。 |
There is a large storeroom inside the store, and most of the items lying there are not for sale. |
便利だったりお気に入りの道具は非売品にするという、商売する気が有るのか判らない(*2)のも香霖堂の特徴だ。 |
Keeping the items most useful or most liked by him out-of-sale − and making one wonder if he really has any business spirit at all (*2). − is one of the features of Kourindou and its owner. |
香霖堂で売っている主な商品 |
Merchandise usually for sale at Kourindou. |
ストーブ |
Heater |
香霖堂店内は冬に行っても暖かい。 |
Even if you go there during winter, it's warm inside Kourindou. |
むしろ暑い位だが、それはこのストーブのお陰だ。 |
Actually, it's even hot, and that's thanks to this heater. |
燃料が一般に手に入らない為(*3)、買っても役に立たない。 |
But given that its fuel is hard to obtain (*3), it would not be useful even if you bought it. |
パーソナルコンピュータ |
Personal Computer |
外の世界の式神(*4)。 |
A shikigami from the outside world (*4). |
簡単な命令で瞬時に情報を集めてくるという。 |
It's said that given a simple order, they can gather information in an instant. |
様々な形のものがあるが、店主ですら使えた試しが無い。 |
They come in a variety of shapes. However, not even the shop owner has successfully used one. |
はっきり言って買うだけ無駄である。 |
To be frank, simply buying one would be useless. |
携帯電話 |
Cell Phone |
遠く離れた者と会話が出来るという。 |
Those are said to make it possible to talk with others from far away. |
最新式だと冥界にいるご先祖様とも話せるらしいが、これも今のところ使えた試しが無い。 |
Apparently, they are the latest fashion, and even allow one to communicate with one's ancestors in the netherworld. However, those too have not been successfully used as of now. |
精々投げつけて弾幕の一つしか使えないだろう。 |
At most, they can only be used for throwing as danmaku. |
写真機 |
Photographic Machine |
天狗が持っているそれと同様の写真機。 |
It's the same kind of camera as the tengu carries. |
ただ、天狗の写真機より小さく軽い。店主の曰くデジタルカメラとも呼ばれるらしい。 |
However, it's smaller and lighter than that one. According to the shop owner, they are apparently also called digital cameras. |
これも何をしても写真が出てこない。 |
But no matter what you do, no photos come out of it. |
ガラクタ。 |
Simply junk. |
テレビジョン |
Television |
遠くの景色の霊を映し出すことが出来る箱。 |
It’s a box that can display the soul of distant scenes. |
人間の姿が映っていた物は霊が宿りやすく、霊気入れとして役に立っている。 |
Souls easily possess objects that display human form, so it might be useful as container for spirits. |
浄水器 |
Water Filter |
これを通すと水が綺麗になるという不思議な道具。 |
A mysterious item that cleans water that passes through it. |
だが、何故か不味くなる。 |
However, it gives the water a bad taste for some reason. |
不人気。 |
Unpopular. |
ゲーム機 |
Game Machines |
謎の箱。 |
Mysterious boxes. |
外の世界のおもちゃだという。 |
Said to be outside world toys. |
様々なタイプがある。 |
They come in a variety of forms. |
遊び方が不明だが、蹴鞠の様に蹴り会う遊びが流行った。 |
Although the manner of playing is unknown, kicking them around like in Kemari has become popular. |
*1 外の世界の道具は、直感で使い方が分からない物が多すぎる。 |
1: There are too many outside world tools you can't figure how to use by intuition alone. |
*2 無い。 |
2: He has none. |
*3 彼は何処で燃料を手に入れるのか。 |
3: Just where does he get his fuel? |
*4 式神は水に弱いので、コンピュータも水に弱い。 |
4: As shikigami are weak against water, computers are weak against it too. |
- Return to Perfect Memento in Strict Sense
- Previous: pg. 121-124 Sakuya Izayoi
- Next: pg. 128-129 Eirin Yagokoro