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- Next: pg. 139 Misty Lake
危険度: 低 |
Danger level: Low | |
遭遇する妖怪: 様々 |
Encounterable youkai: Several | |
人間の里から魔法の森方面へ向かっていくと、森の入り口に奇妙な建物が見えてくる。 |
If you go from the Human Village towards the Forest of Magic, you’ll see a strange building. | |
この建物は、外も中もよく判らない道具で埋められており、営業する気があるのか判らない程静かで暗い道具屋、香霖堂である。 |
This building is Kourindou: it is buried both on the inside and outside in items you can’t quite know what are, so quiet and gloomy that one can’t know if it’s really intended for business. | |
この店は幻想郷で唯一、外の世界の道具も、妖怪の道具も、冥界の道具も、魔法の道具も全て扱う道具屋である。 |
This is the sole shop in all Gensokyo that deals with outside world, youkai, netherworld and magic items. | |
ただ、外の世界の道具はこの店の店主ですら使い道が判らず、興味を惹く者は多いが大抵の物は売れていないと言う(*6)。 |
However, not even the store owner knows how to use the outside world articles, and although there are many people interested in them, most of those items are not for sale (*6). | |
どの商品も値段が書かれてなく、欲しい商品があったら店主と交渉しないといけない。 |
None of the merchandise has price tags, so when there’s something you want, you will have to bargain with the store owner. | |
また、外の品は特に在庫が無い物が多く、一度逃したら次は何時入荷するか判らない。 |
And besides, outside items are frequently out of stock, so once they go you can’t know when another is going to arrive. | |
ただ、使い方が判らない為、結局売れていないと言う。 |
But then again, since their manner of use is not known, they end up not selling. | |
店主の森近霖之助は、ちょっと変わっていて、人間とも妖怪とも分け隔て無く接する事が出来る。 |
The owner, Rinnosuke Morichika, strangely doesn’t make any distinction between humans and youkai, dealing with both of them. | |
と言うのも、本人は人間と妖怪の中間くらいの人妖で、自分から人間を襲う事もなければ、妖怪から襲われる事も無いからである(*7)。 |
And, in fact, he is a human-youkai half-breed himself. And even though he doesn’t attack humans, he is not attacked by youkai either (*7). | |
人間の里から香霖堂までの道のりは若干長く、妖怪も出やすい場所なので少々買い物に行き難いが、意外と面白い物が沢山あるだろう。 |
Even though the way from the Human Village to Kourindou is somewhat long, it’s a place where youkai are likely to show and overall difficult to go shopping there, one may find a lot of surprisingly interesting items there. | |
ただ、店主の話は適当に切り上げないと中々終わらない。 |
If you don’t cut short the owner’s rants though, he is likely to never stop. | |
*6 実は店主が蒐集家で、大抵の品が売る気が無いと専らの噂。 |
6: The fact that the owner is a collector and is not interested in selling most of the items is entirely a rumor. | |
*7 相手にしたくない性格だからかも知れない。 |
7: Maybe because they hate to face his personality. |
- Return to Perfect Memento in Strict Sense
- Previous: pg. 137 Hakurei Shrine
- Next: pg. 139 Misty Lake