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紅い悪魔 |
Scarlet Devil |
能力: 運命を操る程度の能力 |
Ability: Ability to manipulate fate. |
危険度: 極高 |
Threat level: Very High |
人間友好度:極低 |
Human friendship level: Very Low |
主な活動場所: 紅魔館近辺 |
Main place of activity: Around the Scarlet Devil Mansion |
幻想郷で確認が取れている吸血鬼と言えば、紅魔館に棲むスカーレット家である。 |
If one refers to vampires that are known to exist in Gensokyo, they must be the Scarlet family living in the Scarlet Devil Mansion. |
その主がこの紅い悪魔(*1)、レミリア・スカーレットだ。 |
Its master is the Scarlet Devil (*1), Remilia Scarlet. |
姿と考え方は幼いが、実際は五百年以上生き続け、吸血鬼らしく驚異的な身体能力を誇る。 |
Her appearance and behavior might seem childish, but she has actually lived for more than 500 years and possesses amazing physical powers, as do other vampires. |
身長は低く、まるで十にも満たない幼児の様だが、背中に自分の身長よりも大きい羽根を携え、シルエットだけならかなり大きく見える。 |
She's short and looks like a little girl under the age of ten, but she has wings that span wider than her height, and by looking at her silhouette, she may seem quite large. |
また、態度も大きい。 |
Her ego is large as well. |
行動も子供っぽく、驚異的な身体能力と無尽蔵の好奇心を兼ね備えた、いつ爆発してもおかしくない恐怖の悪魔である。 |
Her actions are like a child's, which combines with her amazing strength and unlimited curiosity to make her a threatening devil that may explode at any time. |
昼間は紅魔館で眠り、夜になると散歩したりパーティを開いたりしてはしゃぐだけはしゃいだ後、疲れたら眠る。 |
She sleeps during the daytime in the Scarlet Devil Mansion. At night she takes a walk or hosts a party and has as much fun as she can. After getting tired, she sleeps again. |
能力の運命を操る事は、本人は意識してかしないでか、周りにいると数奇な運命を辿るようになり、一声掛けられただけでそこを境に生活が大きく変化する事もあると言う。 |
It is not sure whether or not she is not using it consciously, but her ability to manipulate fate can make people just being around her have a lot of ups and downs in future, and just speaking to her even once could sometimes change the fates drastically. |
まず、珍しい物に出会う事が高くなるらしい(*2)。 |
As a start, you become more likely to encounter rare things (*2). |
この妖怪に纏わる逸話 |
Stories about this youkai |
紅霧異変 |
Red Mist Disaster |
紅魔館の存在が人間の間に大きく知れ渡った異変である。 |
This incident led to many humans knowing the existence of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. |
幻想郷が紅く深い霧に包まれ、地上は日の光も届かず、夏なのに気温も上がらないという異変があった。 |
There was an incident where Gensokyo was covered in deep red mist and the sunlight could not reach the Earth, leading to a summer with low temperatures. |
この霧は吸うだけで気分が悪くなり、人間達は数日間に渡って、人里どころか家からもまともに出られなくなったのである。 |
This mist persisted for a few days, and led to people being unable to leave not only the human village, but even their homes. |
結局、霧の原因はレミリアであり、ただ単に幻想郷から日光を奪えば、昼間でも騒げるんじゃないかという自己中心的な動機により、引き起こされた異変である。 |
It was found out that Remilia was the cause of this mist, with the self-centered intent of removing the sunlight so that she could party during the day as well. |
最終的には博麗神社に住む巫女が、彼女を懲らしめて解決したと言われている。 |
It's said that in the end, the shrine maiden of the Hakurei Shrine punished her in order to end this incident. |
目撃報告例 |
Eyewitness Reports |
・この間花見してるのを見たよ。日傘を差してさ。日光に弱いっていうのに夜桜じゃないんだな (匿名) |
"I saw her watching flowers. She was using a parasol. Even though she's weak to sunlight, she didn't choose to see the night sakura instead." (Anonymous) |
彼女は昼間でもよく見かける吸血鬼である。 |
She is a vampire who is often spotted in the daytime as well. |
日傘は紫外線を防ぐのに最適らしい。 |
It is believed that parasols are ideal for her to block UV rays. |
・この間夜桜見てるのを見たよ。日光に弱いっていうからやっぱ夜桜なんだな (匿名) |
"I saw her watching night sakura. I guess she watches night sakura since she's weak to sunlight." (Anonymous) |
結局、一日中花見をしていた可能性が高い。 |
So it's highly likely that she was watching sakura for the whole day. |
・怪我をして倒れてたら、紅魔館の人に助けて貰って、何日か泊まった事があったよ。悪魔の家っていうけど、意外と親切なもんだな。ただ、食事が食べられる物が殆ど無かったのと、毎晩騒がしくて眠れないからさっさと逃げてきたけど (匿名) |
"Having been wounded, I passed out, and someone from the Scarlet Devil Mansion helped me and let me lodge in. The place was called the Devil's Mansion, but unexpectedly she was gentle. Well, since there wasn't anything much to eat, and since it was very noisy during the night, I couldn't sleep, so I ran away." (Anonymous) |
吸血鬼は意外と紳士的である。 |
Vampires are surprisingly polite. |
特に幻想郷の人間を食べない様にしているので尚更である。 |
Especially since they try not to eat the humans in Gensokyo. |
ただ、のたれ死ぬ筈の運命を、別の運命に変えられた可能性もある(*3)。 |
However, it might be that your fate to 'just die in the streets' has been altered (*3). |
対策 |
Countermeasures |
多くの弱点を抱えている妖怪だが、その弱点を突いたりして刺激するのは得策ではない。 |
Although she is a youkai with many weak points, it is not a good idea to exploit them and excite her. |
生半可な事では退治しきれないので、怒りを買ってしまい、いとも簡単に消し飛ばされてしまうだろう。 |
Since she cannot be exterminated under normal circumstances, you will most likely anger her and simply be blown away. |
好奇心が旺盛な為、思いつきでパーティに人間を呼んだり、人里で遊んだりする事がある。 |
Since she has abundant curiosity, she may choose to invite humans to her parties or play in the human villages out of nowhere. |
だが、性格は幼い為、気分を損ねないように接しないと、恐ろしい目に遭う事もある。 |
However, because she is childish, you must be careful not to render her in a bad mood. Otherwise, there may be terrifying consequences. |
大人しく我儘に付き合わないといけないだろう。 |
You will have to put up with her selfishness. |
人間だけではなく、妖怪に対しても「自分より優れた奴は居ない」と考えている。 |
She thinks that nobody is superior to her, not only among humans but among youkai as well. |
いつでも高圧的な態度で、誰に対しても友好度は低い。 |
Because of her high-handed attitude, she is friendly to none. |
*1 幻想郷に来る前から人々に紅い悪魔と呼ばれていたという。由来はよく血をこぼし、白いおべべを紅く染めていたからだという。 |
1: She was called the Scarlet Devil before coming to Gensokyo. This came from the fact that she often spills blood and stains her white clothes. |
*2 実際はそんなもんじゃないかも知れないが、目で見て判る効果が無い能力である。 |
2: Maybe it isn't like that, but it's an ability whose effects cannot be seen by the human eye. |
*3 変えられた運命次第では、人妖になってしまう事もあるという。 |
3: Depending on how she changed fate, you might even become a half-human-half-youkai. |
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- Next: pg. 80-81 Flandre Scarlet