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- Next: pg. 69-70 Tewi Inaba
狂気の赤眼 |
Lunatic Red Eyes |
能力: 狂気を操る程度の能力 |
Ability: Manipulation of madness |
危険度: 不明 |
Threat level: Unknown |
人間友好度: 普通 |
Human friendship level: Normal |
主な活動場所: 迷いの竹林 |
Main place of activity: Bamboo Forest of Lost |
他の妖獣と大きく性質が異なり、一際特殊な妖怪兎が鈴仙・優曇華院・イナバだ。 |
Reisen Udongein Inaba, the youkai rabbit whose dissimilitude with other youkai makes her all the more unusual. |
獣らしさの少ない背筋の伸びた正しい姿勢。 |
She has an upright posture which is very un-beast-like. |
妖獣にしては緩慢な移動。 |
Considering she is a youkai beast, her movement is rather slow. |
妖獣なのに人間を襲う事が無い。 |
Although she is a youkai beast, she does not attack humans. |
反対に人間を避ける。 |
In fact, she avoids them altogether. |
極端に長い耳と毛。 |
She has extremely long ears and hair. |
全てにおいて他に類を見ない妖怪兎である。 |
She is certainly one-of-a-kind among the youkai rabbits in all respects. |
因幡てゐが兎のリーダー的な存在だが、このてゐに命令をし操っているのが彼女である(*1)。 |
Tewi Inaba is basically the leader of the rabbits, but she gives orders to Tewi(*1). |
事実上の兎のリーダーである。 |
This makes her the de facto leader of the rabbits. |
彼女の赤い眼をまともに見ると狂うと言われている。 |
It's said you'll go mad if you look directly into her red eyes. |
それに彼女の声は、聞き取っても全く頭に入ってこなかったり、反対に離れているのに耳元で喋っているかの様に聞こえたりする。 |
In addition, her voice is said to have unusual effects as well; for example, you may be unable to understand what she's saying even if you hear her perfectly, or you may hear her as if she were whispering into your ears, even though she's far away. |
その不気味さもあって、殆どまともな会話が出来ない。 |
Thanks to phenomena such as these, it's hard to have a serious, direct conversation with her. |
普段は迷いの竹林にある永遠亭に住んでいる。 |
She normally lives at Eientei in the Bamboo Forest. |
そこでの行動は不明だが、時折人里に現われては薬売りをやっている。 |
Her movements there are unknown, but occasionally she can be seen in the human village selling medicine. |
怪しげな薬を大量に持ち歩く事でも有名である(*2)。 |
She's well known for walking about with large amounts of suspicious-looking medicines(*2). |
狂気の能力 |
Lunatic Ability |
狂気を操るとは気を狂わす事であり、即ち物事に宿る波を操作する事である。 |
The ability to control madness is essentially the power to make you go mad, specifically, the power to control the waves that make up all things. |
波長を長くすれば、即ち暢気となり、何事にもやる気をなくし動かなくなる。 |
Increasing the wavelengths, that is, making the subject carefree, results in an apathetic lethargy. |
波長を短くすれば、即ち狂気となり、情緒不安定で感情的になり、人と話が出来なくなる。 |
Decreasing the wavelengths, that is, bringing madness to the subject, results in emotional instability, and leaves the subject unable to talk with other people. |
振幅を増せば、即ち存在が過剰になり、どんなに離れた場所でも意思の疎通が出来る。 |
Increasing the amplitude results in an excess of existence, which allows her to transmit her will anywhere. |
振幅を減らせば、即ち存在が希薄になり、どんなに近くでも声が通らなくなる。 |
Decreasing the amplitude results in a dilution of existence, in which case one's voice will never reach another, no matter how close they are. |
位相をずらせば、即ち干渉が起こらず、触れる事が出来なくなる。 |
Synchronizing the waves' phases causes interference to vanish, which makes it impossible to touch anything. |
逆位相を取れば、即ち存在を否定し、完全に姿を消す。 |
Offsetting the phases negates existence, and completely hides the subject's form. |
この様な多彩な能力を使い、人を狂わすのである。 |
By using various effects such as these, she can induce madness. |
目撃報告例 |
Eyewitness reports |
あれは朝早く竹林に筍取りに行った時じゃった。 |
"It was early in the morning, and I'd gone to cut bamboo in the forest. |
その時は何故か筍が大量で、ずっと下を見とったんじゃ。 |
From out of nowhere, I could see huge amounts of bamboo below me. |
腰が痛うなって体を起こしたんじゃ。 |
My hips started aching, then the rest of my body, too. |
そしたら、奇妙な妖怪兎を見かけてのう。 |
Then, I saw a strange youkai rabbit. |
その妖怪兎は、何か空を見てブツブツ語りかけてたんじゃ。 |
She was looking at the sky and muttering under her breath. |
誰かと話しているかの様だったが、そっちには沈む前の月しか無いし……。 |
It looked like she was talking to someone, but there was nothing there but the setting moon ... |
気味が悪かったのでその場を去ろうとしたとき、その妖怪兎が振り向いて儂に気付いたんじゃ。 |
I decided to leave because of the eerie atmosphere, but then she turned around and realized I was there. |
そしたら、すーっと姿が見えなくなったんじゃよ。 |
And all of a sudden, she completely vanished. |
あれは夢だったのかのう(筍取りの翁) |
I wonder if it was just a dream ..." (The old woodcutter) |
夢かも知れない(*3)。 |
Maybe it was, perhaps(*3). |
この妖怪兎の行動は奇怪で、まだ不明な事が多過ぎる。 |
As this youkai rabbit acts in such a mysterious fashion, there is so much that is unknown about her. |
対策 |
Countermeasures |
この妖怪が人間を襲ったという報告は無い。 |
There are no reports of this youkai attacking humans. |
だが友好的かというとそうでもなく、人里に薬売りに来たとしても仕事を終えると、人間を避ける様に迷いの竹林に消えてしまう。 |
However, she can't exactly be considered friendly, either; for example, whenever she comes to the human village to sell medicines, she disappears back into the forest as soon as her work has ended. |
食生活も人間と常に同じ物を食べているようである。 |
She seems to prefer the same sorts of foods that humans eat. |
この辺も普通の妖怪とは異なる。 |
Even in this fashion she differs from most youkai. |
ただ、注意しないといけないのが、この妖怪の赤い眼をまともに見てはいけないという事である。 |
However, one must make certain not to look directly into her red eyes. |
この眼は満月と同様の効果を持ち、確実におかしくなる。 |
Just like the full moon, they have a strange effect on humans. |
*1 余り言うことを聞かないと専らの噂。 |
1: An as-yet unfounded rumor is that she seems to listen to little of what she says. |
*2 恐ろしく苦い薬とか。 |
2: Such as frighteningly bitter medicines. |
*3 もしくは老人特有のアレ。 |
3: Or perhaps it was an old man being ... |
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- Previous: pg. 64-65 Ran Yakumo
- Next: pg. 69-70 Tewi Inaba