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無名の丘 |
Nameless Hill |
危険度: 中 |
Threat Level: Medium |
遭遇する妖怪: 妖精、幽霊他 |
Encounterable Youkai: Fairies, Ghosts etc. |
妖怪の山とは正反対の方向に低い山があるが、その中腹に大量の鈴蘭が咲く草原がある。 |
Opposite of Gensokyo from the Youkai Mountain is a small mountain, and halfway up it is a meadow with a great number of lilies-of-the-valley. |
何故か、人里から隠される様に存在する。 |
Somehow, it remains a place hidden from the human village. |
日当たりは余り良くない上に風通しが良く、気温は余り上がらない。 |
It doesn't get much direct sunlight and it's fairly windy, so it doesn't get very warm. |
何故、この鈴蘭畑が無名の丘と呼ばれる様になったのかと言うと、昔はここが間引きの現場だったからである(*26)。 |
The reason this place is called Nameless Hill is because long ago it was a place where children were abandoned (*26). |
名も付けられなかった幼子が、鈴蘭の毒の中で眠る様に亡くなっていった。 |
Young children who weren't even given names were brought here to sleep to their death among the lilies' poison. |
死体は妖怪に片付けられ、跡形もなく消えてしまう。 |
The dead bodies were cleaned up by the youkai, so they disappeared without a trace. |
しかし、ここに捨てられた子供が悪戯好きな妖怪に生きたまま連れ攫われ、妖怪として育てられる事もあったと言う。 |
However, it's said that some of the children were spirited away, alive, by mischievous youkai and raised as youkai. |
親も我が子が死ぬ姿を見たくなく、もしかしたら妖怪となってでも生きているかも知れない、と思いたくてここに捨てたという悲しい話である。 |
Of course, even the parents wouldn't have wanted to see their own children die, so perhaps they would leave them here thinking they might have a chance to live as youkai; it's a sad story. |
そんな暗い過去もあってか、今はここに近寄る人間は殆ど居ない。 |
Perhaps because of its dark history, not many humans visit this place today. |
いつの間にか妖怪も近寄らなくなり、今は幻想郷から忘れ去られた場所、文字通り『無名』の丘となっている(*27)。 |
At some point youkai stopped visiting as well, so this is a place forgotten by contemporary Gensokyo, having become "nameless" just as the term implies (*27). |
*26 幻想郷が外と自由に行き来できた頃の話である。勿論、今は間引きは行われていない。 |
26: This is a story from when one could pass between Gensokyo and the outside world. Of course, this doesn't take place today. |
*27 うまいこと言った。 |
27: Ah, how clever! |
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- Next: pg. 144 Scarlet Devil Mansion