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- Next: pg. 41-42 Hong Meirin
夜雀の妖怪 |
Night Sparrow Youkai |
能力: 歌で人を惑わす程度の能力 |
Ability: Can drive humans mad with her song |
危険度: 中 |
Threat level: Medium |
人間友好度: 悪 |
Human friendship level: Poor |
主な活動場所: 夜道 |
Main place of activity: Night Road |
暗い夜道や人気の無い森で、歌や鳴き声を使って人を惑わす妖怪というのは割と数が多い。 |
There are relatively many youkai who use songs or cries to make humans lose their way at a dark night road or an empty forest. |
ミスティア・ローレライもその内の一人である。 |
Mystia Lorelei is one of them. |
姿を見せる事無く、どこからともなく歌声が聞こえてきて、その歌に気を取られている間に道に迷い、妖怪に襲われるという。 |
Without a source in sight, a singing voice from nowhere in particular can be heard, and while one is taken by that voice they lose their way and are attacked by youkai. |
余り昼間に出会う事はなく目撃報告も少ないか、大きな羽を持つ人型の妖怪だと言われる(*1)。 |
She is not often seen at noon and there are few witness reports, but it is said that she is a humanoid youkai with large wings (*1). |
ミスティアの歌は思いの外派手な曲で、とても妖怪の曲とは思えないノリの良さを持つ。 |
Mystia's songs are unexpectedly vibrant, and have an energy that would not normally be expected from youkai. |
その為、若い人を中心に人気がある(*2)。 |
Because of this, she is popular amongst the young people (*2). |
反対に、歌妖怪界の古参の間では「最近の若い妖怪はうるさいばかりで訳の分からない歌ばかり歌って困る。あれでは雑音じゃないか」と言われているとか。 |
On the other hand, amongst the elder song youkai, they say, "The young youkai lately are just loud and sing senseless songs, it's such an annoyance, it's nothing but noise." |
また、歌でおびき寄せてさらに周りを見えなくする為に、人間を鳥目にする能力を持っている。 |
She also possesses an ability to make humans night-blind as well as luring them with song. |
僅かな灯りと歌を頼りに闇夜の道を進んでいると、そのままこの妖怪に襲われてしまうだろう。 |
If one continues to follow the faint light and song on a night road, they will most likely be attacked by this youkai. |
目撃報告例 |
Eyewitness Reports |
・てっきりプリズムリバー楽団がヴォーカルでも雇ったのか、と思って近づいたらえらい目にあった (匿名) |
"I thought that the Prismriver Ensemble hired some vocals, but when I went closer nothing good came of it." (Anonymous) |
プリズムリバー楽団とは異なり、こちらは人間に対する友好度がかなり悪い。 |
Unlike the Prismrivers, her friendliness towards humans is considerably bad. |
歌声を聴いても、興味本位で近寄ったりしてはいけない。 |
Even if you hear a singing voice, you should not approach out of curiosity. |
・獣道に赤提灯の屋台が一軒だけあったから、何かと思ったら夜雀の屋台だった (ウワバミ六介) |
"While walking along an animal trail, I saw a single red lantern food cart. Wondering what it was I went closer, turns out it was the night sparrow's cart." (Boozer Rokusuke) |
屋台を始めたと言う噂もある。 |
There are rumours that she has started a food cart. |
妖怪も暇をしているのか。 |
Perhaps youkai also become bored. |
・あれは絶対に夜雀ではない! (匿名) |
"That's definitely not a night sparrow!" (Anonymous) |
私もそう思う。 |
I think so too. |
対策 |
Countermeasures |
この歌の魔力の影響を受けてしまう時は、決まって一人で歩いている時だけである。 |
The only time anyone is affected by this song is when they are walking alone. |
二人以上で歩いている時は、先に歌に惑わされた方を、まだ惑わされていない人間が正気に戻す事が出来る為、滅多に襲われる事はない。 |
If walking in pairs, the person who becomes confused by the song can be brought back to reality by the other person who is yet to be affected, so attacks are very rare. |
対策は、暗い夜道を一人で歩かないようにする。 |
The countermeasure would be to not walk alone at night. |
これはこの妖怪に限らず、他の妖怪にも当てはまる最も基本的な対処法である。 |
This is not just limited to this youkai, but is the most basic form of protection against other youkai. |
では、鳥目の対策はどうすればいいのか? |
Then, how does one deal with becoming night-blind? |
それは、八目鰻をたべると良い。 |
Eating lamprey is good for that. |
毎日食べれば、次第に良くなるだろう。 |
If you eat some every day, your eyes will gradually improve. |
この妖怪を退治するにはどうすれば良いのか。 |
What must one do to exterminate this youkai? |
夜は殆ど勝ち目がないので、昼間退治する事になるが、昼間は姿を潜めている為それも容易ではない。 |
Since there is little chance of winning at night, you must resort to doing it during the day, but since she hides during the day that is not a simple thing to accomplish. |
最も有効な退治法は、夕方に罠(*3)を仕掛けて、朝方罠に引っ掛かっていたらそこを退治する事である。 |
The most effective extermination method is to set up a trap (*3) in the evening, and if you find that she is caught in the trap by morning, extermination follows from there. |
この手の妖怪は、定期的に退治しないと図に乗って人里まで降りてくるので、忘れずに退治しよう。 |
If you do not regularly exterminate this kind of youkai, they will eventually appear at human villages, so make sure to exterminate them once in a while. |
*1 最初にこの姿を見ていたら、夜雀とは呼ばれなかっただろう。 |
1: If this form were the first to be seen, she might have not been called a night sparrow. |
*2 人気があってはいけないが。 |
2: It is not good if she is popular, though. |
*3 トリモチで良いだろう。 |
3: Birdlime is effective. |
- Return to Perfect Memento in Strict Sense
- Previous: pg. 37-38 Wriggle Nightbug
- Next: pg. 41-42 Hong Meirin