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無縁塚 |
Muenzuka |
危険度: 極高 |
Threat Level: Extremely High |
遭遇する妖怪: 幽霊、亡霊他 |
Encounterable Youkai: Ghosts, Spirits etc. |
再思の道を奥に進むと、行き止まりにあるのは無縁塚である。 |
Heading further along the Road of Reconsideration, one would reach Muenzuka, where the road ends. |
木に囲まれた小さな空間だが、この場所は人間、妖怪問わず幻想郷の中でも危険度が最も高い部類に入る。 |
Although it's a small area enclosed by trees, this place is where the most dangerous humans and youkai of Gensokyo are. |
この場所は、縁者の居ない者の墓地となっているのだが、縁者の居ない者とは元々外から迷い込んだ人間である事が多かった為、次第にここの比率が外の世界に偏り始め、結界が緩み始めたのである。 |
Although this place is a graveyard for those without relatives, because many of those beings are from the outside world, but became lost and ended up here, the growing inclination towards the outside world has begun to gradually loosen the magic barrier. |
また、墓地ということもあり、冥界とも繋がりやすく、何が起こるか判らない場所である(*39)。 |
Also, as there is something similar to a graveyard, and also easily established connections to the realms of the dead, it's a place where one doesn't know what might happen(*39). |
ただ、ここの紫の桜と呼ばれる桜の美しさは、本数は少ないものの他に見る事の出来ない幽玄な美しさを見せる。 |
However, there are lovely things called purple cherry blossoms although their numbers are small; and there are also other never seen mysterious wonders on display. |
この桜の花が散る時、無縁塚の死者は迷いから解き放たれ、漸く中有の道へと進む。 |
When the flowers of these cherry blossoms fall, the deceased of Muenzuka will be released from their doubts and wanderings, and will finally progress to the Road of Liminality[1]. |
紫の桜は無縁塚の土を浄化し、一年に一度、花を咲かせて迷いを断つという、幻想郷でも珍しい妖怪桜である。 |
The flowers of the purple cherry blossoms purify the soil of the Muenzuka, once per year this severing of doubts and fears causes the flowers to blossom, and even for Gensokyo, this is a quite a peculiar youkai cherry tree. |
その紫の桜のホロホロと散る花びらは、無縁塚全体が泣いているかの様な錯覚を観る者にもたらす。 |
Those cherry petals that drop by ones and twos create a sight reminiscent of something like the whole of Muenzuka weeping, an illusion that will beguile any viewers. |
花見に絶好の場所と思いきや、その涙の様なもの悲しさに、この桜を観て騒ぐ者は居ない。 |
This might be the most perfect place for flower viewing, or so one might think, but the sorrowful sights create such sadness that there are none who clamor to have their flower viewing here. |
*39 本来、結界が交わる事はあり得ないが、ここではそれが起こっている。その為、自分の存在を維持する事が困難になってしまう。 |
39: Originally, being able to cross the magic barrier was impossible, but that situation is exactly what has come to pass. For this reason, maintaining one's presence has become difficulty.[2] |
^ 中有 (Romanized: "Chuuu") can refer to the Buddhist concept of an intermediate state of existence between life and rebirth, sometimes cited as 49 days.
^ Possibly meaning that it's difficult to stay in one realm, as opposed to slipping or wavering between different realms.
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