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東方求聞史紀 記憶する幻想郷 (Touhou Gumonshiki: Kioku-suru Gensoukyou) ~ Perfect Memento in Strict Sense: Memorizable Gensokyo is a manga that is based upon Perfect Memento in Strict Sense and published in the December 2006 issue of the Comic REX magazine. It was drawn by Aki Eda and written by ZUN.
Memorizable Gensokyo(Main Part) (2006-12)
Artist: Aki Eda
Translated by Solamarle, edited by Arsen
コミック版 『東方求聞史紀』によせて 初めましてZUNです。 今回のコミックは、一迅社さんの方から発売 される『東方求聞史紀』の紹介コミックとなっ ております。 『東方求聞史紀』は、作中にあった『幻想 郷縁起』が含まれています。と言うか、『求聞 史紀』の中身はほぼ全て『幻想郷縁起』です。 それ故に、東方初の資料集となる『求聞史 紀』ですが、『幻想郷縁起』を書いた稗田阿 求に関する資料が含まれておりません。灯 台もと暗しです。 まぁ阿求の紹介は、今回のコミックで行う事 が出来たんで良かったです。実は『東方文花 帖』の時みたいに、作中にコミックを入れる事 も考えましたが、今回は完全に『幻想郷縁起』 は幻想郷の中の本という事で、あえて作中に コミックを入れるのは避けました。 今回は、秋★枝さんに阿求は子供っぽい 一面も持っていて可愛らしく描いて頂けたので 満足です。いやもう。 最後に『東方求聞史紀』ですが、発売が延 び延びになって申し訳ございません。まぁその 辺も紅茶でも飲んでのんびりと。 上海アリス幻樂団 ZUN (博麗神主)
Media:Memorizable Gensokyo Afterword.jpg
Afterword (English Translated)[]
Comic Edition Remarks on "Perfect Memento in the Strict Sense" Greetings, it's ZUN. This time, the comic was released through Ichijinsha Publishing and is an introductory comic to "Perfect Memento in the Strict Sense". "Gensokyo Chronicles" is something that came about from and is included as a part of the "Perfect Memento in the Strict Sense". Or maybe I should say that the contents of "Perfect Memento in the Strict Sense" just about all comes from the "Gensokyo Chronicles". And so, "Perfect Memento in the Strict Sense", Touhou's first information compilation, does not include information concerning the author of the "Gensokyo Chronicles", Hieda Akyu. This is a case of "can`t see the forest for the trees". Well, with regards to the introduction of Akyu, I'm relieved that it happened with this comic. To be honest, while working on "Bohemian Archives of Japanese Red", I thought about including a comic like that book, but because this time the "Gensokyo Chronicles" was supposed to perfectly render an actual book from the world of Gensokyo, I once again avoided including a comic with the work itself. This time, Aki★Eda was satisfied to draw Akyu in a cute and lovely child-like style. So delightful! Finally, with regards to the release of "Perfect Memento in the Strict Sense", I offer my sincerest apologies for all the dallying and delays. Well, the delays themselves are like leisurely sipping poison so... Team Shanghai Alice Zun (Kannushi of the Hakurei Shrine)
Message Paper[]
訪れる 妖鬼妖怪 恐ろしさ 釣瓶落としか ツルベオトシか どうも、ZUNです。 どんどんと妖怪が恐ろしくなくなりますね。 その速度は、秋の夕日と同じで、釣瓶落としの 如くです。 でも幻想郷には、釣瓶落としという妖怪も居 るのでややこしい事その上ないですな。 って、折角の阿求繪の上に勝手に阿求が詠ん だような句を乗せるどうなのか。ま、秋の句で すけど。 2006/11 ZUN (博麗神主)
大好きな作品のコミカライズということで、 できるだけ原作を忠実に表現しようと頑張ってみました。 紫様は、妖怪という事を意識しすぎて、ちょっと 怖くなってしまった感もありますが(苦笑) カラー有り、見開きあり…と初めて尽くしで色々と四苦八苦 しながら描きました。 楽しんでいただけたら嬉しいです。 二〇〇六年 十一月 秋★枝
Media:Memorizable Gensokyo Message Paper.jpg
Message Paper (English Translated)[]
To pay a visit Oni and youkai Fearful dread Is it a tsurube-otoshi monster? IS IT A TSURUBE-OTOSHI MONSTER? Hi there, it's ZUN. It's quickly becoming the case that youkai aren't so scary or dreadful anymore. Like an autumn sunset, so goes the tsurube-otoshi monster. But the tsurube-otoshi monster does still exist in Gensokyo, and it as simple as that. Speaking of which, just as a picture of Akyu is finally complete, something like Akyu composing a poem has now also been included, what's going on?! Well, it's kind of like an autumn sunset. 2006/11 ZUN (Kannushi of the Hakurei Shrine)
With regards to this cherished work of mine and its illustrations, all possible effort was made to remain faithful to the original work. Lady Yukari is becoming so aware of everything relating to youkai that it's kind of becoming not so frightening anymore... (Bitter Smile) There's color, there's two-paged illustrations, and all kinds of other extremely difficult to produce qualities in this work which I illustrated. It was fun and enjoyable to put together, and to hold it in my hands is simply happiness. 2006 November Aki★Eda
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