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春を運ぶ妖精 |
Fairy Conveying Spring |
Lilywhite [sic] | |
能力: 春が来た事を伝える程度の能力 |
Ability: Ability to announce that spring has come |
危険度: 極低 |
Threat level: Friendly |
人間友好度: 高 |
Human friendship level: High |
主な活動場所: 不定 |
Main place of activity: Varies |
人間、妖怪、幽霊全てにおいて春になると、突然活動的になる者も少なくない。 |
When it is spring, the humans, ghosts and everything that suddenly become active are not few in number. |
その象徴とも言われる妖精が、春を運ぶ妖精、リリーホワイトだ。 |
The fairy who symbolizes this, is the fairy who carries the spring, Lily White. |
リリーホワイトは普通の人間が気付かない様な些細な変化を見つけ、冬の間中眠りについていた生き物(*1)達に、目覚めの季節が来た事を伝える。 |
Lily White notices the trivial changes that normal humans don't notice, and tells the creatures(*1) that have been in deep hibernation during the winter that the season of awakening has come. |
この妖精が通った後は、春の陽気に包まれる。 |
After this fairy has passed, spring may be wrapped cheerfully. |
身長はかなり低く、薄い羽根を何枚も持つ(*2)。 |
Her height is quite low, and she has a lot of feathers (*2). |
好戦的ではなく、たとえ出くわしても危険度は低い。 |
She is not militant, even if you come across her, her threat level is low. |
ただ、春を伝えている時に邪魔をするのは避けた方がよい。 |
Simply disturbing the one who is conveying spring is better avoided. |
この妖精が最も力を持っているときだからである。 |
This is when the fairy has the most power. |
他の妖精と同じく、何処に住んでいるのか判らない。 |
Like other fairies, where she lives is unknown. |
それに春以外の季節では見かける事すら少ない。 |
Chances of seeing her during the other seasons aside from spring are low. |
その為、リリーは春の季語となっている。 |
Because of that, Lily has become the word of the season of spring. |
目撃報告例 |
Eyewitness Reports |
・雪落ちて まだかまだかと 白の山 春告精の 跡探す道 (春の人) |
The snow falls |
この歌で言う春告精(はるつげせい)は、リリーホワイトの事である。 |
The Fairy Herald of Spring referred to in this poem is Lily White. |
・いつも西からやってきて山(*3)に去って行くが、戻って来たのを見たためしがない。一体何処に住所があるのだろうか (多数報告あり) |
She always appears from the west and disappears toward the mountain(*3), but there is no instance in which she has been seen going back the other way. Where in the world does she live? (Reported by many sources) |
山から戻ってこないので、毎年、山の妖怪に喰われて春を告げるのをやめるのかも知れない。 |
Perhaps the reason that she's never seen returning from the mountain is that, each year, she's eaten by the mountain youkai and stops announcing spring. |
・子供が捕まえた。すぐに逃がせと言ってすぐに逃がした為か、幸い被害はなかった (匿名の親) |
My child caught her. Perhaps because she immediately said "Let me go!" and my child promptly let her go, there fortunately wasn't any damage. (Anonymous Parent) |
この妖精は人間に害を与えるような者ではないが、人外の者には、基本的に手を出さない方が無難である。 |
This fairy isn't the sort that would usually injure humans, but it's generally safer not to get involved with non-humans. |
対策 |
Countermeasures |
こちらから手を出さなければ特に危険はない。 |
If you don't do anything to her, there's no real danger. |
むしろその姿を見かけることは吉兆である。 |
In fact, catching sight of her is a good omen. |
素直に、春が来た事を喜びたい。 |
She simply wants to celebrate the fact that spring has come. |
もし、攻撃を仕掛けてきた場合、興奮している可能性がある為、その場を離れた方がよい。 |
If she happens to attack, it's possible that she's just excited, so the best course of action is to leave the area. |
この妖精は、今まさに春になろうとしている場所から離れることができない。 |
This fairy won't be able to leave a place where it's clearly becoming spring. |
こちらが退けば追ってくる心配は無いだろう。 |
If you get away from her, there's no need to worry that she might chase after you. |
反対に、餌を与えたりして手懐けるのも面白い。 |
In fact, it could be interesting to set out bait in order to win her over. |
花の種を用意しておくと、喜んで辺りに花を咲かせるだろう。 |
If you prepare some flower seeds, she'll have fun making the nearby flowers bloom. |
それもあってか、街の花屋さんに大人気の妖精である。 |
Because of this, she's a fairy who's very popular with florists. |
*1 幽霊や亡霊も含む。 |
*2 透けて見える薄い鳥の羽根の様な物を大量に付けているだけで、実際は大きな二つの羽根である。 |
2: These are only the thin see-through things like bird's feathers in large numbers, in fact, they are two huge feathers. |
*3 妖怪の山、後述。 |
3: Youkai Mountain. Mentioned below. |
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