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水の職人妖怪 |
The Craftsman Youkai of the Water |
主な危険度: 中 |
Usual threat level: Average |
遭遇頻度: 低 |
Frequency of encounter: Low |
多様性: 低 |
Variety: Low |
主な遭遇場所: 妖怪の山 |
Main place of activity: Mountain of Youkai |
主な遭遇時間: いつでも |
Main time of activity: Any time |
特徴 |
Features |
妖怪の山に棲む河の妖怪である。 |
They are river-dwelling youkai living in the Mountain of Youkai. |
手先が器用で高度な技術を持ち、様々な道具を生み出す妖怪である。 |
They are youkai that produce various tools with skillful hands. |
天狗と共に独自の社会を築き、高度な生活を送っているという。 |
They have built an own society together with the tengu, and are said to live an advanced life there. |
姿は人型だが、鼈の甲羅を背負い、頭に皿を載せている。 |
Their appearance is human, but on their back they have a turtle shell, and on their head a plate is placed. |
泳ぎを得意とし、水の中では魚より早く動けるが、地上では人間の身体能力と大差無い。 |
Swimming is their forte, and in the water they can move faster than a fish, but on dry land there is no big difference from the power of a human. |
比較的戦闘能力も低く、滅多に人前に姿を現わさない。 |
Their battle skills are also comparatively low, so they seldom show themselves in front of humans. |
さらに人間に見つかると逃げてしまう為、生態は謎に包まれている。 |
Furthermore, since they run away when noticed by humans, their behavior is shrouded in mystery. |
目撃するとすれば、たまに河を流れてくる間抜けな河童だけである。 |
When they are spotted, it is just the occasional stupid kappa that has been washed away with the river. |
河童の道具 |
The Tools of Kappa |
河童が創り出す道具は、外の世界の道具と共に、幻想郷の二大近代道具として重宝されている。 |
The tools created by kappa are together with the tools of the outer world treasured as the two great brands of tools of today. |
だが、大抵の道具は使い方が判らない。 |
However, it is unknown how to use most of the tools. |
天狗が使う写真機なんかが良い例である。 |
The photographing devices used by tengu are a good example of this. |
ボタンを押しても何故かウンともスンとも言わない。 |
Even if you push the button it remains silent for some reason. |
他にも、何故か狂わないで正確に時を刻む時計や、遠くの人と会話出来る道具。 |
Others are the clock that somehow tells time correctly, and a device capable of talking to people over great distances. |
離れた場所に映像を送る送信機と受信機等、様々な道具を生み出し(*3)、山の社会を高度な物にしているという。 |
Having produced devices for transmitting images to other places, as well as receiving them, the mountain society is said to become very advanced with their various devices(*3). |
河童の生活 |
Everyday Life of Kappa |
河童は泳ぎが得意だが、別に水の中に棲んでいる訳ではない。 |
Swimming may be the strong point of kappa, but it is not as if they actually live in the water. |
普段は地上に暮らし、道具を作っているのも地上である。 |
Usually they live on land, where they also make their tools. |
敵が来ると水に潜り姿を隠す。 |
If an enemy approaches they dive into the water and hide. |
ただ、人間より長く水の中に居られるが、無限に息が続く訳ではなく、やはり時折息継ぎをする(*4)。 |
However, while they can stay under water longer than a human, it is not as if they can go on breathing. Occasionally they must get up for air(*4). |
河童の服は水はけが良く、着たまま水に潜る事が出来、泳ぎの邪魔になったりする事は無い。 |
Kappa clothing have good drainage, is possible to keep on as you jump into the water, and won't get in the way when swimming. |
*3 外の世界の道具を見よう見まねで作ったとも言われるが、防水効果は抜群。 |
3: It is also said that they are created by copying devices of the outer world, but the water-proof effect is outstanding. |
*4 一息で数時間は持つ。 |
4: They can hold their breath for several hours. |
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