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- Previous: pg. 130-132 Kaguya Houraisan
- Next: pg. 136 Human Village
紅の自警隊 |
The Crimson Watchguard |
職業: 不明 |
Occupation: Unknown |
能力: 死なない程度の能力 |
Ability: Power of not dying |
住んでいる所: 迷いの竹林の何処か |
Residence: Somewhere in the Bamboo Forest of Lost |
迷いの竹林には奇妙な伝説がある。 |
There's a special legend about the Bamboo Forest of Lost. |
里の人間とは別に妖怪退治を専門とする集団が隠れ住んでいて、音もなく高速に移動し、妖怪さながらの妖術を使い、特に強力で危険な妖怪を探しては退治して暮らしているというもので、今ではその存在は否定されつつある(*1)。 |
It's said that a group of specialized youkai exterminators, separate from the villagers, lived hidden there, with the ability to move quickly, yet silently, and use various magics like youkai, and went after and cleaned up particularly strong and dangerous youkai, though their existence has been questioned recently (*1). |
だが、最近になって迷いの竹林に永遠亭が発見されたりして、その妖怪退治集団の伝説も満更ではない可能性が出てきた。 |
However, with the recent discovery of Eientei in the Bamboo Forest of Lost, the possibility of such a group's existence seems more plausible. |
そんな失先、その集団の未裔じゃないかと思われる人物に出会った。 |
About that time, I encountered a person who could be easily mistaken for a descendant of such a group. |
それが彼女である。 |
That person is Huziwara no Mokou. |
彼女は人間だが、老いる事も滅ぶ事も無い躰を持っているという。長く生きてきた為、様々な妖術を身に付けており、妖怪とも互角に渡り合えるという。 |
She is human, but they say she never ages and cannot be destroyed. Because she has lived for so long, she has learned various magics, and can be said to be on equal footing with youkai. |
人間故に妖怪に狙われる事もあるが軽くあしらう程強く、迷い込んだ人間を妖怪から救っている。 |
Because she's human she exterminates youkai, but she treats them lightly, and primarily rescues lost humans from the youkai. |
里の人間にも妖怪にもまつろわないで、迷いの竹林で隠れ住んでいたという。 |
It's said she doesn't mingle with youkai or the humans from the village, but primarily lives hidden in the Bamboo Forest of Lost. |
伝説の集団との関系を訊ねると、何それ、としらばくれる。 |
When asked about her connection to the legendary exterminators, she feigns innocence. |
余り人と接するのが得意ではないようで、迷い込んだ人間を助けても、何も言わずに立ち去ってしまう。 |
She doesn't seem to concern herself much with humans, and leaves without saying a word even when she rescues lost people. |
能力 |
Ability |
老いる事も滅ぶ事も無い躰を持つ。 |
She possesses a body that doesn't age and cannot be destroyed. |
所謂不老不死である。 |
She is essentially unaging and immortal. |
不老不死の躰は、怪我の治りが異様に早く、大怪我を負っても数日で元通りになる(*2)。 |
Such a body heals unusually quickly, and even critical injuries will be completely healed in a matter of days (*2). |
ただ、痛みは感じるので、それはそれで不老不死の憂鬱と言えるだろう。 |
However, she still feels the pain of her injuries; you could say this is the melancholy of perpetual longevity. |
人間が不老不死の躰を得るには天人にならないといけないのだが、彼女は如何にしてそれを成したのか。 |
It's said that humans can only achieve immortality by becoming a celestial, but somehow she has managed to become immortal. |
最近になって人前に姿を現わすようになったが、それまでは何処で何をしていたのか。 |
She seems to appear before others more often recently, but it's unknown as to why. |
彼女にその事について訊いても決して話してくれないし、謎である。 |
She never speaks even when posed this question, so it remains a mystery. |
自警団 |
Watchguard |
今は、少しでも里の人間と接点を持とうとしているのか、依頼すれば迷いの竹林の護衛をして貰える。 |
Recently, she seems to have come into some sort of understanding with the villagers, and will serve as an escort through the forest to anyone who asks. |
特に急病等で永遠亭に用事がある時は、彼女にお願いして連れていって貰えれば確実である。 |
She can be relied on to lead villagers to Eientei e.g. in the case of sudden illness. |
迷う事無く、妖怪に怯える事無く永遠亭に辿り着ける。 |
She will lead you to Eientei without fear of being lost or accosted by youkai. |
その間、自分の事となると終始寡黙(*3)な彼女だが、こちらから家庭の話など話しかけると、喜んで聞いてくれるそうだ。 |
During that time, she'll remain fairly reticent (*3) about herself, but she seems to be happy to listen to others talk about their own affairs. |
不老不死とはいえ、天人では無いので考え方は大きな違いは無い。 |
She may be immortal, but since she's not a celestial, her way of thinking is not dissimilar to most humans. |
どんどんと気楽に話しかけると、もっと色んな事を教えてくれるかも知れない。 |
We may be able to learn more as she becomes more accustomed to speaking freely with others. |
*1: 忍者集団と考えられていた。 |
1: They're often thought of as a ninja group. |
*2: 髪の毛一本でも残っていれば、そこから元通りになるという。 |
2: It's said she could be regenerated if even a single hair remains. |
*3: 自分は健康マニアの焼鳥屋だ、としか言わない。 |
3: All she says is, "I'm a health nut that runs a yakitori stand." |
- Return to Perfect Memento in Strict Sense
- Previous: pg. 130-132 Kaguya Houraisan
- Next: pg. 136 Human Village