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Yougakudan's New Music for the First Time in 8 Years!!
On the Night of New Moon
That Yougakudan Takes Place Only One-Day
- 1.ジャパニーズサーガ
- 1. Japanese Saga
The first of these new songs has a very heavy game music feel to it.
It has very easy-to-follow phrases and a great rhythm;
I have the feeling there just aren't that many songs like this anymore.
Still, I really love this kind of song, so thinking that makes me feel a little lonely.
May your life have more adventurous sagas!
- 2.阿礼の子供
- Child of Are
A bit of a curveball. The image in this song is a mysterious girl, something of a specialty of mine.
I thought I'd give it a mysterious atmosphere, but it all cleared up by the main melody - see, a curveball.
It sounds doubly nostalgic since listening to it reminds of RPG dungeons, seriously.
- 3.夜の鳩山を飛ぶ -Power MIX
- Fly above Hatoyama at night - Power MIX
This is a song I improvised a long time ago, but since that makes it a sad song
unlikely to show up in any albums, I did my best to clean it up for performance here.
It was originally a song that just repeated over and over,
so I gave it a melody that reveals more of itself over time if you listen to it over and over.
It's a fairly quirky melody, but that makes it nice ... doesn't it?
いつも心に Fantastic Modulation 幺樂団
Always Fantastic Modulation for the heart, Yougakudan
FM音源をこよなく愛したバンド、幺樂団の復活演奏会のチラシ。 |
A reunion performance flyer from Yougakudan, a band that particularly loves FM synthesis. |
やはり幺樂団の曲は、幻想郷にはない未来の音がして最高です。 |
Yougakudan's music shows a future that Gensokyo has not seen, and is most excellent. |
でも、コメントを読む限り幺樂団は外の人間のバンドなのでしょうか? |
But, based on the comments, is Yougakudan a band from outside? |
ただ、そういう謎めいた雰囲気も相まって、すっかり虜になってしまいました。 |
Still, its mysterious atmosphere is practically captivating. |
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