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- Next: pg. 77-79 Remilia Scarlet
カリスマの具現 |
The Embodiments of Charisma |
主な危険度: 極高 |
Main danger level: Very high |
遭遇頻度: 低 |
Frequency of encounter: Low |
多様性: 極低 |
Variety: Very low |
主な遭遇場所: どこでも |
Main place of activity: Anywhere |
主な遭遇時間: 夜間 |
Main time of activity: Night |
特徴 |
Features |
初めて現われてから数百年程度と比較的歴史は浅い妖怪の中で、最も強大な力を持ち、今や幻想郷のパワーバランス(*1)の一つを担っている種族が、この吸血鬼である。 |
Of the newer youkai that have emerged only within the last few centuries, vampires are among the strongest of them, strong enough to take part in the power-balance of Gensokyo (*1) by now. |
昼間は屋敷の中で大人しく暮らし、日が沈むと暴れ出す、夜の帝王だ。 |
During the day they spend their time in their mansion, and once night comes they become active; they are the Lords of the Night. |
主な食事は人間の血液であり、吸血鬼を吸い尽くされた人間は、死ぬ事も幽霊になる事も適わず、ゾンビとなって暫く動いた後に日光で消滅する。 |
Their main diet is human's blood. Those who are sucked to death will neither die nor become a ghost; they will move around as a zombie for a while, then evaporate under sunlight. |
初めて幻想郷に現われた当時は、縦横無尽に暴れまくったが、強大な力を持った妖怪達と一悶着起した後に敗北、最終的に契約(*2)を結んで和解した。 |
They went on a rampage when they first appeared in Gensokyo, lost against powerful youkai, and a settlement was reached as they finally made a contract (*2). |
その契約とは、妖怪が食料となる人間を提供する(*3)代わりに、生きた幻想郷の人間を襲わない、という内容である。 |
The details of this contract are that the youkai will offer them humans from which to feed (*3); in return, the vampires will not attack humans living in Gensokyo. |
勿論、その契約は今でも有効である。 |
Of course, even now, the contract remains in effect. |
吸血鬼は驚異的な身体能力と魔力を誇り、樹齢千年を超える大木を片手で掴んで持ち上げ、瞬きする間に人間の里を駆け抜け、一声掛けるだけで大量の悪魔を召還し、自らを大量の蝙蝠に分解し、さらには霧状にまで細かくし何処にでも入り込み、頭以外が吹き飛ぶ怪我を負っても一晩で元通りになるという。 |
Vampires have marvelous physical performance and magical power: they are able to lift up a thousand-year-old tree single-handedly, to run through a human village within the blink of an eye, to summon many demons with a single word, to dissolve themselves into bats or even a pale mist to intrude into anywhere, and they can recover even when their body is blown away in a night, as long as their head is undamaged. |
個々の能力なら他の妖怪でも同等のレベルを持つ者は居るが、それら全てを兼ね備えた妖怪は、この吸血鬼しか居ないだろう。 |
Some youkai have abilities similar to each of these, but only vampires are known to possess all of them. |
故に最大級の魅力を持つ。 |
This makes them very fascinating. |
ただ、その驚異的な能力故か弱点は多い。 |
However, perhaps due to their extraordinary abilities, they have many weaknesses. |
まず、日光に弱い為昼間は大人しい。 |
First, they are weak against sunlight, so they are docile during the day. |
流れ水を渡れないので雨の日も大人しいし、河も渡れない。 |
Neither can they go across flowing water, so they are docile on rainy days. Also, they can't cross rivers. |
鰯の頭や折った柊の枝に近づけない。 |
They can't approach a sardine head or a shattered holly branch. |
炒った豆を投げられると皮膚が焼ける(*4)。 |
Their skin will be burnt if someone throws roasted soybeans upon them (*4). |
被害内容 |
Potential Harm |
異変 |
Disaster |
吸血鬼クラスになると、直截人間を襲う事を禁止させられている事が多い。 |
For someone as powerful as a vampire, they are usually forbidden to directly assault humans. |
その為、直截出会ったとしてもそんなに危険ではない。 |
So, they aren't so dangerous even if you happen to face one. |
その代わり、幻想郷に異変を起こす事が多い。 |
Instead, they usually choose to cause a disaster that affects the whole of Gensokyo. |
自分の都合で、自然現象から何からを巻き込んだ変化をもたらし、それにより有無を言わさず、人間は平穏な生活を脅かされる。 |
They create change in everything, including natural phenomena, for selfish reasons, which will always lead to endangering human life no matter what is affected. |
異変の動機の殆どが好奇心であり、飽きると止める。 |
Most of these reasons are out of outright curiosity, and once they're bored, it will cease. |
対処法 |
How To Deal With Them |
異変が起こった場合は、もう異変解決の能力を持つ専門家にお願いするしか他ない。 |
Once a disaster has occurred, there's no choice but to seek help from a specialist who has the power to settle the incident. |
能力を持たない人間は、何とか生き延びる道を見つけるのみである。 |
The only thing an average human can do is find a way to survive. |
それ以外の時の吸血鬼は、比較的紳士である。 |
Aside from these times, vampires are relatively gentle and polite. |
危険は少ないだろう。 |
They pose little threat in such case. |
だからといって怒らせてはいけない。 |
But that doesn't mean you should anger them. |
間違っても弱点を突いたりしない方がよい。 |
You shouldn't do something that strikes one of their weaknesses, even by accident. |
半端な攻撃は恐りを買うだけである。 |
A halfhearted attack will only result in enraging them. |
その為にも、相手の弱点を熟知しておく必要があるだろう。 |
In order not to unintentionally offend them, it's advised to know their weaknesses. |
*1 他は、単独の妖怪、山の妖怪(天狗や河童等)、人間や動物辺りでバランスが取れている。 |
1: Others consist of individual youkai, youkai living in the mountains (Tengu, Kappa and such), humans and animals. |
*2 悪魔の契約は絶対で、破る行動を取る事が出来ない。 |
2: A devil's contract is absolute, thus one can never betray it. |
*3 外の人間で、死ぬ価値のない人間(例えば自殺者など)と言われている。 |
3: It's said they are outside humans whose deaths are of no consequence (suicides, etc.) |
*4 でも納豆は好きらしい。 |
4: However, it is said that they like natto. |
- Return to Perfect Memento in Strict Sense
- Previous: pg. 73-74 Keine Kamishirasawa
- Next: pg. 77-79 Remilia Scarlet