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風を起こす山の神 |
Windcausing Mountain God |
主な危険度: 極高 |
Usual threat level: Extremely High |
遭遇頻度: 中 |
Frequency of encounters: Medium |
多様性: 普通 |
Diversity: Normal |
主な遭遇場所: 妖怪の山 |
Main place of encounters: Mountain of Youkai |
主な遭遇時間: いつでも |
Main time of encounters: Anytime |
特徴 |
Characteristics |
山に棲む神格化された妖怪である。 |
Deified youkai who live on the mountain. |
幻想郷でも古来より馴染みの深い妖怪で、独自の社会を作り、排他的な生活を送る。 |
With these extremely friendly youkai who, predating even Gensokyo, have existed since ancient times, a peculiar society is constructed, where a reclusive lifestyle is led. |
天狗にも色々種類があり、天狗のボスである天魔、管理職に当たる大天狗、すばしっこい報道部隊の鴉天狗、事務仕事を得意とする鼻高天狗、山の自衛隊の白狼天狗、印刷業者の山伏天狗等、様々である。 |
There are various types of tengu, including: the tengu boss, Tenma; the management types, Daitengu; the nimble information corps, Crow Tengu; the ones who specialize in office work, Hanataka Tengu; the mountain's defense force, White Wolf Tengu; and the printers, Yamabushi Tengu. |
大体、姿は人間と変わらないが、大天狗みたいに極端に大きい天狗や、鼻高天狗の様に鼻の高い天狗がいたりする。 |
In general, they look the same as humans, but there are extremely large Tengu such as the Daitengu, and extremely proud ones such as the Hanataka Tengu. [Note: The expression here for being proud and the name Hanataka both mean "having a high nose/nose in the air" or "being proud".] |
彼らの高度な文明からも判る様に、天狗は人間より遥に知性が高く、社会性もある。 |
As can be seen from their advanced civilization, Tengu are far more intelligent than humans, and are very social. |
一匹一匹の身体能力も妖術能力も、幻想郷のどの妖怪にも引けを取らない強さを誇る。 |
On an individual basis, they have very strong physical and sorcerous abilities that compare favorably to any youkai in Gensokyo. |
特に空を飛ぶ速度は極端に速く、匹敵する足の持ち主は殆ど居ない(*1)。 |
In particular, they can fly extremely fast, and there are few, if any, who can match their speed (*1). |
天狗の特徴としては、全体的に陽気で酒豪である。 |
One characteristic of Tengu is that they're pretty much all cheerful heavy drinkers. |
飲むお酒の量は半端ではなく、挨拶代わりに一斗のお酒を一気に飲んでしまうと言われる。 |
When they drink sake, they don't hold back in terms of quantity; it's said that as a greeting, they'll drink 18 liters of sake in one gulp. |
また仲間意識が高く、味方がやられると確実に敵対姿勢を取る。 |
They also have a strong sense of community, and if one of their friends is attacked, they'll certainly react with hostility. |
山に侵入者が現れると総出ですぐに排除に当たる等も、他の妖怪に無い特徴だろう。 |
If an intruder appears on the mountain, they'll quickly all show up together to remove that person, which is a characteristic not seen in other youkai. |
普段は、事件が有れば最速の足で駆けつけ、写真を撮るとそれを記事にし、そして印刷して出版して生活をしている。 |
Usually, if there's an incident, they'll show up with their amazing speed, take a photograph and turn it into an article, then print and publish it. |
被害内容 |
Potential Harm |
天狗風、風説の流布、盗撮等 |
Sudden gusts, Spreading of Rumors, Paparazzi Photography etc. |
天狗が通った跡に起こる風は、子供なら吹き飛ばされそうな位強い。 |
The wind that occurs in the wake of a Tengu is strong enough that it might send a child flying. |
滅多に無いが、天狗の怒りに触れると、竜巻で壊滅させられる事も有るという。 |
It doesn't happen often, but it's said that if you anger a Tengu, you'll be annihilated by a tornado. |
それより怖いのが、有る事も無い事言いふらされて、変な噂が立ったりする事である。 |
What's even more frightening is that they'll spread half-truths and weird rumors. |
天狗の噂は、文字通り風の噂となって人間の耳に届く事がある。 |
There are cases where the rumors being spread by Tengu will literally become the wind, and will thus be conveyed to human ears. |
それにより、里に届づらくなったりしてしまう。 |
Thereby, it becomes difficult to properly notify villages. |
全く防ぐ手段の無い被害で、これほど恐ろしい物はない。 |
Because this is something against which there can be utterly no defense, there is nothing more dreadful than this. |
対処法 |
Countermeasures |
まず、不用意に山に立ち入ってはいけない。 |
First, you mustn't go to the mountain unprepared. |
天狗は自分のテリトリーが犯されるのを異常に嫌う。 |
Tengu really hate it when someone trespasses on their territory. |
風の噂については正直防ぎ様が無いので、変な噂を流されても、他人が「それは噂だ」と思う様な生活を送るしかないだろう。 |
There's honestly no way to defend against the rumors on the wind, so even if they circulate strange rumors, all you can do is live your life assuming that other people will think "That's just a rumor." |
噂が全く嘘でも、他人が「あの人ならひょっとしたら」と思われるのは、普段から疚しい所が有るからである。 |
Even if the rumors are complete lies, strangers will think "if it's 'that person' then maybe...", and things will slowly change from a normal everyday life towards a place of guilt. |
また、盗撮も恐ろしいが、有る程度は諦めよう(*2)。 |
Also, the paparazzi photography is terrible, but to a degree, you just have to accept your losses (*2). |
*1 吸血鬼くらいか。 |
1: Probably only a vampire could. |
*2 正直、今のところ天狗に敵う手段が無い。 |
2: To be honest, at the moment there is no way to compete with Tengu. |
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- Previous: pg. 84-86 Yuyuko Saigyouji
- Next: pg. 89-91 Aya Shameimaru