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- Next: pg. 94-95 Suika Ibuki
最強の人攫い |
The Strongest Kidnappers |
主な危険度: 極高 |
Usual threat level: Extremely High |
遭遇頻度: 極低 |
Frequency of encounters: Extremely Low |
多様性: 普通 |
Diversity: Normal |
主な遭遇場所: 不明 |
Main place of encounters: Unknown |
主な遭遇時間: 不明 |
Main time of encounters: Unknown |
特徴 |
Characteristics |
幻想郷最強の人間の敵である。 |
They are the strongest enemies of humans in Gensokyo. |
人間を攫う事を生業とし、怪力で妖力も高く、幻想郷では最強の力を持つ。 |
Their livelihood is to kidnap humans, their superhuman strength surpasses the strength of all other youkai, and in Gensokyo they possess the strongest physical capabilities. |
古くは、妖怪の山に棲んでいて、天狗を使役し鬼の社会を築いていた(*1)。 |
In antiquity, they lived on Youkai Mountain and, employing the Tengu as servants, built up an oni society. |
そこから定期的に人間を攫っては、里の生活を脅かしていたのである。 |
From then on and at regular fixed intervals, they would kidnap humans, and thus threaten the existence of villages. |
だが、数百年前から徐々に鬼の数が減っていき、大結界が作られてからは全く幻想郷に姿を見せる事は無かった。 |
However, since several hundred years ago, the number of oni has decreased little by little, and from the time a large magical barrier was built, it's no longer the case that they'll show themselves at all, anywhere in Gensokyo. |
自分を退治に来る人間も少ない様な、のんびりとした幻想郷の世界が気に入らず、何処にあるとも判らない別の世界(*2)へ行ってしまったのである。それ以来、鬼と接触する事は無かった。 |
Unlike humans who might resort to self-extermination, but because they were not too pleased with the way in which the societies of Gensokyo had become so carefree, they simply went to a different world that nobody knew of. Since then, contact of any kind with the Oni has ceased. |
鬼は、大柄な者から小柄な者までその体格は様々である。 |
Oni can have a wide variety of physiques, from huge builds all the way down to short and petite. |
皆、角を持ち、さらに牙を持つ鬼もいる。 |
But all of them have horns, and furthermore some have fangs. |
人間より若干手が長く、姿勢が悪い。 |
A few have longer arms than humans or tougher attitudes. |
性格は陽気で獰猛、気に入らない者に対してはやたらと好戦的だが、一旦仲間と認めると情が厚く、決して裏切る事も無い。 |
Their personalities can range from cheerful to ferocious, they can randomly become belligerent with those they don't care for; however, if even for a single moment one gains recognition as a friend, then their feelings will become intensely warm and affectionate, and the idea of betraying or double-crossing you would become inconceivable. |
大嫌いな事は噂を吐く事と卑怯な事である。 |
What they most strongly hate are gossiping, cowardice, malice, or unfairness. |
約束は必ず守るし、正々堂々と行動する事しか考えていない。 |
Always honoring their promises, they can think of no other way to behave than to be fair and square. |
鬼ほど誠実な妖怪は居ない。 |
There are no youkai who are more honest than the oni. |
また、精神的にかなり鍛えていて、禅に精通する鬼も少なくない。 |
Also, their emotional and mental discipline is considerably strong, and very few oni are not well-versed in the principles of Zen. |
また、他に類を見ない程の酒好きで、極めて強いが、一度酔いつぶれて寝てしまうと何があっても目が覚めない。 |
Also, because there are no other lovers of alcohol quite like them, and with their extremely powerful abilities in this regard, if even once you drink and get smashed with them and then lie down to sleep, no matter what happens, you won't able to wake up. |
被害内容 |
Potential Harm |
人攫い |
Abduction |
かなり古い時代から、人間は鬼の被害に悩まされていた。 |
Since times fairly long ago, humans have suffered torment and damage from the oni. |
たまに山から下りてきては、人間を攫い酒を奪い、生活を脅かす。 |
Occasionally descending from the mountain, kidnapping humans and making off with sake, they thus threatened one's day-to-day life. |
人間も黙ってやられる訳ではなく、鬼退治専門家を作って定期的に鬼退治を行った。 |
And because the humans couldn't stay silent and do nothing, an oni extermination specialist was trained or summoned at fixed intervals to go exterminate the oni. |
その時、鬼に打ち勝つと、鬼の社会から優れた道具を奪う事が出来たという。 |
At that time, the oni were overcome, and from the oni society marvelous tools and implements were taken. |
鬼と人間は、人攫いと鬼退治で強い信頼関係を築いていたのかも知れない。 |
Oni and humans, through human kidnappings and oni exterminations, might have possibly built up a relationship of mutual trust. |
対処法 |
Countermeasures |
幻想郷から鬼が消えた現在は、鬼退治の専門家は居ない。 |
Because the oni have disappeared from Gensokyo, at the present time, there are no oni extermination specialists. |
鬼は通常の妖怪と異なり、退治の仕方も特別な道具で、特別な方法を使って行わなければいけない。 |
Because oni are different from regular youkai, the means of extermination and the tools necessary are particular and specialized; furthermore if these specialized means are not used then it would be hopeless. |
既に鬼を退治する妖術は人間から失われ、今では鬼と出会っても為す術が無いだろう。 |
The black magics to exterminate oni have already been lost by humans, thus it would appear that meeting an oni nowadays would be too much for anyone to deal with. |
事実、追儺等、鬼を追い払う為の儀式のやり方は既に正確ではない。 |
In reality, the way in which things like the Tsuina ceremonies or other oni-repelling rituals are conducted are already inaccurate. |
もっとも、もう鬼と遭う事は殆ど無いのでそれで良いのだが……。 |
But then, the chances of meeting an oni are already mostly non-existent so it should be ok but... |
*1 現在の天狗の社会は、元は鬼達が築いた社会の名残とも言われる。 |
1: It is said that the present society of tengu is built upon the vestiges of the original oni society. |
*2 幻想郷では、行き先を鬼の国と呼んでいる。地獄かも知れないが。 |
2: In Gensokyo, we call where they went the Land of the Oni. Possibly Hell, or somewhere. |
- Return to Perfect Memento in Strict Sense
- Previous: pg. 89-91 Aya Shameimaru
- Next: pg. 94-95 Suika Ibuki