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- Next: pg. 84-86 Yuyuko Saigyouji
純粋な人間の精神 |
Spirit of Pure Human |
主な危険度: 極高 |
Usual threat level: Extremely High |
遭遇頻度: 低 |
Frequency of encounters: Low |
多様性: 低 |
Diversity: Low |
主な遭遇場所: どこでも |
Main place of encounters: Anywhere |
主な遭遇時間: いつでも |
Main time of encounters: Anytime |
特徴 |
Characteristics |
死者の霊のうち、死んだ事に気付いていないか、死を認めたくないという念が強過ぎると、成仏出来ずに亡霊となる事がある。 |
The souls of the dead who don't realize that they're dead or whose unwillingness to recognize death is too strong will be unable to rest in peace, becoming ghosts. |
亡霊は幽霊とは違い、生きていた頃の姿を取り、触れる事も話す事も出来て、傍目には人間と区別が出来ない。 |
Ghosts are different from phantoms, since they have the appearance they did while alive, can touch and speak, and an outside observer can't tell them apart from a normal human. |
体温も低くなく、また、人間以上の生き物から亡霊になる事も無い。 |
Their body temperature isn't lower than normal, and living things other than humans can't become ghosts. |
多くの亡霊が河を渡らずにそのまま顕界に留まるか、冥界や地獄に渡ってしまった者である。 |
To prevent large numbers of ghosts from being able to traverse the River and to have them remain in the realms of the living, there are those who've crossed over to the realms of the dead, as well as to Hell. |
そのままでは輪廻転生する事は絶対に無い。 |
They definitely won't enter the cycle of death and rebirth like that. |
一日亡霊になってしまうと、目的を成就するか、自分の肉体が供養されるまで成仏する事はない(*1)。 |
If you become a ghost one day, until you accomplish your objective or your body is given a memorial service, you won't rest in peace (*1). |
亡霊はその声だけで人間の精神に影響を与えやすく、迂闊に話をしたりすると危険である。 |
Ghosts can easily influence the human heart with just their voices; it's dangerous to carelessly talk to one. |
特に恨みの念を持った亡霊は脅威であり、何とかして本体(*2)を探しだし、供養しなければならない。 |
Ghosts who carry grudges are a particularly big threat, so you should somehow find the body (*2) and hold a memorial service. |
反対に、亡霊の弱点は本体(*3)である。 |
On the other hand, a ghost's weak point is its body (*3). |
亡霊は自分の死体を隠し、人前にさらす事は無い。 |
Ghosts hide their corpses and never reveal them to people. |
肉体を持っていないが、幽霊程希薄ではないので触れる事が出来る。 |
They don't have flesh, but they aren't as insubstantial as phantoms, so they can touch things. |
反対に、物をすり抜けたりする事は苦手(*4)。 |
On the other hand, they find it difficult to pass through things (*4). |
ただ、触れられると言っても、やはり肉体ではないので怪我を負ったりする事は無い。 |
However, since they don't have physical bodies, even if they touch you, it won't hurt you. |
被害内容 |
Potential Harm |
発狂、幽霊化 |
Madness, Being Turned into a Phantom |
人間に紛れて暮らし、傍目には亡霊だと判らない所が最も恐ろしい。 |
The scariest thing is that they live alongside humans and an outside observer can't tell that they're ghosts. |
亡霊本人に悪気が無くても、死者に触れるうちにいつの間にか死へと誘われてしまう。 |
Even if the ghost doesn't have any ill will, if you're touched by one of the dead, before you know it you'll be beckoned by death. |
さらに、その亡霊が家族や友人だったりすると、供養する事も躊躇してしまい、一緒に暮らしている例もある。 |
Also, there are cases in which the ghost is a family member or friend, so people hesitate to hold a memorial service and instead go on living together. |
一見、死んだ後も一緒に暮らせて幸せそうだが、その亡霊は輪廻転生から外れて、永遠に彷徨い続けている上に、気が付くと家族全員死んでしまったりする。 |
At first, it may seem like a happy thing to continue living together after someone dies, but the ghost is disconnected from the cycle of death and rebirth; not only will they wander for eternity, but they'll soon realize that their entire family has died. |
さらに恐ろしいのが、怨みを持った亡霊である。 |
Even more frightening are ghosts who carry grudges. |
人間の姿を取れるのを良い事に、生者を欺き、怨みを果たすまで人を取り殺す。 |
Taking on the form of humans and deceiving living persons, until the grudge is fulfilled they will haunt people to death. |
対処法 |
Countermeasures |
亡霊に狙われてしまうと、専門家に供養をお願いするしか避ける方法はない。 |
If you're targeted by a ghost, the only way to ward it off is to ask a specialist to hold a memorial service. |
ただ、亡霊の恐怖は、被害者が亡霊を受け入れてしまう事にある。 |
But the truly scary thing about ghosts is that sometimes their victims accept them. |
どんなに見知った顔でも、それが死んだ筈の人間の顔だったら心を鬼にして供養を依頼しよう。 |
No matter how familiar the face may be, if it's the face of a person who's supposed to be dead, you must harden your heart and request a memorial service. |
また、怨みを買わない様にする。 |
Also, try not to create grudges. |
特に誤って人を殺めてしまった場合など、速やかに供養と懺悔をする。 |
In particular, if you accidentally killed someone, you must quickly have a memorial service and repent. |
もし、故意に殺人をしたのなら、取り殺されるのも自業自得だが……。 |
Though if you intentionally murdered someone, being haunted to death is reaping what you sow...... |
*1 死んだ事に気が付いていない場合、自分の死体を見ると消滅する事もある。 |
1: If they haven't realized that they're dead, they sometimes vanish upon finding their bodies. |
*2 死体。 |
2: The corpse. |
*3 死体は動けないから。 |
3: Since the corpse can't move. |
*4 自分を生きている人間だと信じている場合が多いから。 |
4: Because many of them believe that they are living humans. |
- Return to Perfect Memento in Strict Sense
- Previous: pg. 80-81 Flandre Scarlet
- Next: pg. 84-86 Yuyuko Saigyouji