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幻想の最高神 |
The Highest God of Illusion |
龍 |
主な危険度: 極高 |
Usual threat level: Extremely Aggressive |
遭遇頻度: 極低 |
Frequency of encounter: Extremely low |
多様性: 不明 |
Variety: Unknown |
主な遭遇場所: 不明 |
Main place of activity: Unknown |
主な遭遇時間: 不明 |
Main time of activity: Unknown |
特徴 |
Features |
幻想郷の最高神。 |
The highest-order god of Gensokyo. |
人間、妖怪共に、生きとし生ける物全てが崇拝する神である。 |
Dragon is worshipped by humans and youkai alike, in fact, by all living creatures. |
普段は、海か天か雨の中に棲み(*1)、その姿を確認する事は殆ど無い。 |
It is said to live in the ocean, or the heaven, or in the rain (*1), but few have been able to confirm its existence as such. |
手と角が付いた蛇の様な姿をしていて、太さは樹齢数千年の大木を遥かに上回り、長さは空を覆う程だと言われている。 |
It's said that a dragon looks like a serpent with hands and horns, that it is thicker than a great tree that's thousands of years old, and so long that it blocks out the sky. |
聲は天を割り、地上に雷雨をもたらす。 |
Its cry rends the heavens and causes thunderstorms. |
体をうねらすと山が崩れ、地震が起きる。 |
When it stirs about, mountains crumble and earthquakes occur. |
万が一逆鱗に触れてしまった場合、幻想郷はどうなるのか判らない。 |
Who knows what would happen to Gensokyo if someone were to invoke its wrath. |
ただ、破壊するのと同時に幻想郷の創造神でもある。 |
However, dragon is also the Gensokyo's god of creation. |
雨が降るのも、河が流れるのも、豊かな緑に包まれるのも、全て龍のお陰である。 |
It is thanks to the dragon that the rain falls, the rivers flow, and that Gensokyo is forever enveloped in a verdant green. |
姿を現わす事は殆ど無いが、幻想郷の一大事の時だけ現れ、空を覆うという。 |
Dragon rarely appears, and is said to show up only in Gensokyo's greatest times of need, blocking out the sky. |
普段は、通った跡である虹や河を見る事で存在を確認出来る。 |
When it appears, rainbows and rivers trail after it, which we can see to confirm its existence on usual days. |
博麗大結界の時の龍 |
The Dragon at the Creation of the Great Hakurei Barrier |
最後に、龍が現れたのは博麗大結界を張った時の事である。 |
The last time the dragon appeared in Gensokyo was when the Great Hakurei Barrier was created. |
天が割れんばかりの雷鳴と、水没するかと思われる程の豪雨に包まれ、暫くの間、昼も光が差さない闇の世界に陥った。 |
The sky was rent with constant thunder, the land was engulfed in a flood that threatened to submerge it, and for an instant, the skies were completely dark. |
妖怪の賢者達は、自分の存在を賭けて龍に永遠の平和を誓うと、水は瞬く間に引き、空は割れ、地上は光を取り戻したと言われる。 |
The youkai sages staked their existence on pledging eternal peace to the dragon, and in an instant the waters drew back, the sky was torn asunder, and light was returned to the heavens. |
それ以来、人間の里の中心に龍を祀る龍神の像が置かれ、毎日の様に崇められている。 |
Since then, there has been a statue enshrining the dragon at the center of the human village, which is worshiped every day. |
龍神の石像 |
The Dragon God's Statue |
人間の里にある龍神の石像は、その目の色を見ると今日の天気が判るという優れものである。 |
It's said the dragon god's statue in the human village is an amazing artifact that can tell you what the day's weather will be with the color of its eyes. |
目の色が白い時は晴れる。青い時は雨が降る。灰色の時は曇るのである。非常に便利だ(*2)。 |
When its eyes are white, it will be sunny. When they're blue, it will rain. When they're grey, it will be cloudy. It's very convenient (*2). |
ただ、赤い時は要注意。 |
But beware when the eyes turn red. |
これは予測不能だった時に出る色で、何か幻想郷に異常が出ている時である。 |
Since this is the color reserved for indeterminate predictions, it appears whenever something truly strange is happening in Gensokyo. |
こういう時は、妖怪が異変を起こしていたりする事が多い。 |
Youkai-related incidents have caused this many times. |
ちなみに、この天気予報の的中確率は、七割程度である。 |
Incidentally, this weather forecast is correct 70% of the time. |
*1 ちなみに、龍は大結界も関係無く、何処へでも行く事が出来る。外の世界も冥界も天界も地獄も、自由に体を移動させると言う。 |
1: Incidentally, the dragon can go anywhere, regardless of the great border. It is said that it moves its body freely even to the outside world, the Netherworld, or Hell. |
*2 便利じゃないと、人間は誰も崇めに来なくなるだろうと、石像を作った河童がこっそり天気予測機能を付けたそうだ。 |
2: It should be convenient, or the humans wouldn't come to worship it — it is said that the kappa, the chiseler of the statue, thought so and sneaked a weathercast device into the statue. |
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- Next: pg. 97-98 Kappa