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- Next: pg. 161 Flyer of Yougakudan
命名決闘法案 |
Spell Naming Law | |
妖怪同士の決闘は小さな幻想郷の崩壊の恐れがある。 |
With every spell between youkai, there is the slight fear of Gensokyo's decay. | |
だが、決闘の無い生活は妖怪の力を失ってしまう。 |
However, if it is not used, a youkai's power will gradually vanish. | |
そこで次の契約で決闘を許可したい。 |
Therefore, I propose the following contract for spell card use. | |
理念 |
Concepts | |
一つ、妖怪が異変を起こし易くする。 |
That youkai can easily cause disasters. | |
一つ、人間が異変を解決し易くする。 |
That humans can easily resolve disasters. | |
一つ、完全な実力主義を否定する。 |
That use of one's full abilities is to be denied. | |
一つ、美しさと思念に勝る物は無し。 |
That there are no things superior to beauty and thought. | |
法案 |
Law | |
・決闘の美しさに名前と意味を持たせる。 |
- Each spell shall be given a beautiful and meaningful name. | |
・開始前に命名決闘の回数を提示する。 |
- The number of named spells to be used shall be announced beforehand. | |
体力に任せて攻撃を繰り返してはいけない。 |
Attacks relying on physical strength are not to be repeated. | |
・意味の無い攻撃はしてはいけない。 |
- Do not attack without reason. | |
意味がそのまま力となる。 |
Reason becomes its own power. | |
・命名決闘で敗れた場合は、余力があっても負けを認める。 |
- If all your named spells are defeated, you are defeated, regardless of your remaining strength. | |
勝っても人間を殺さない。 |
If victorious against a human, you may not kill them. | |
・決闘の命名を契約書と同じ形式で紙に記す。 |
- The name of the spell shall be recorded on paper in the same form as this contract. | |
それにより上記規則は絶対となる。 |
As a result, all of the aforementioned regulations become absolute. | |
この紙をスペルカードと呼ぶ。 |
This paper will be called the "spell card". | |
具体的な決闘方法は後日、巫女と話し合う。 |
A concrete method of casting may be discussed later with the shrine maiden. |
スペルカードルールの原案。 |
Draft of Spell Card Rules. |
巫女が決めたルールであるはずだが、 |
Although the shrine maiden decided on these rules, |
この原案は妖怪同士の契約書と同じ紙に書かれている。 |
the original draft is written on the same paper as the youkai's contract. |
巫女にルールを提案した妖怪が居るのか? |
Was there any youkai proposing these rules to the shrine maiden? |
これは誰が書いたのだろう。 |
I wonder who could have written them. |
- Return to Perfect Memento in Strict Sense
- Previous: pg. 159 (Bunbunmaru Newspaper) "Presenting the Ninth Are Maiden"
- Next: pg. 161 Flyer of Yougakudan