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氷の妖精 |
Fairy of Ice |
能力: 冷気を操る程度の能力 |
Ability: Ability to manipulate chill |
危険度: 低 |
Threat level: Neutral |
人間友好度: 普通 |
Human friendship level: Normal |
主な活動場所: 霧の湖 |
Main place of activity: The Misty Lake |
湖の付近では、夏でも極端に気温が下がる事がある。 |
Close to the lake, there are times when the temperature lowers drastically even in summer. |
そういう時によく遭遇する妖精がこの氷の妖精だ。 |
A fairy you are likely to encounter at such times is this ice fairy. |
湖付近の妖精の中ではリーダー的な存在であり、力も周りの妖精より強い。 |
Among the fairies around the lake she is a leader-like existence, and is stronger than the other fairies. |
妖精の中では好戦的な部類であり、注意が必要である。 |
She belongs to the more militant of fairies, and so it is necessary to be careful. |
身長はかなり低く、青い服装に氷の羽根を持つ。 |
She is quite short, dressed in blue clothes, and has ice wings. |
冷気を操る能力を持つ。 |
She has the ability to manipulate cold. |
小さな物なら瞬間で凍らせる事が出来るので、普通の妖精よりやや危険度は高い。 |
Can freeze small objects instantly, so she is a bit more dangerous than regular fairies. |
冷気はダダ漏れで付近はいつも寒い。 |
The cold is discharged limitlessly, and the space around her is always chilly. |
何処に住処があるのかは全く判らない為、普段はどういう暮らしをしているのか知る術がない。 |
Since where she lives is totally unknown, there is no way of telling how she spends her everyday life. |
チルノに限らず全ての妖精の住処は、自然に溶け込んでいるから人間には見つけられない。 |
Not just Cirno's, but all fairies' homes melt into nature, preventing them from being seen by humans. |
目撃報告例 |
Eyewitness Reports |
・霧の湖の水面で、一部を凍らせて氷の上で無防備に(*1)寝ているのを見た (彦左衛門) |
"I saw her freezing a part of the Misty Lake's surface and sleeping defenselessly(*1) on the ice." (Hikozaemon) |
・湖の辺でだらしなく(*2)寝ているのを見た。周りの草花が凍っていた (匿名) |
"I saw her sleeping sloppily(*2) next to the lake. The surrounding flowers were frozen." (Anonymous) |
他にも霧の湖近辺での目撃例は多いので、この湖を根城にしていると思われる。 |
Since there are many other sightings near the Misty Lake as well, it is presumed that she has the lake as her home. |
もしかしたら、水中に家があるのかも知れない。 |
It is possible that she has a house in the middle of the water. |
・田んぼで凍った蛙を見た。これは妖精の仕業だと思う (匿名) |
"I saw frozen frogs in the rice fields. I think this is the work of fairies." (Anonymous) |
不気味な悪戯である。直截の被害は少ないが……。 |
This is an eerie prank. There's little direct harm, but still... |
・湖で魚を釣り上げたら既に冷凍されていた。本当に吃驚したが、魚は長持ちして美味しかった (食べ盛りの太公望) |
"When I pulled in some fish from the Misty Lake, it was already frozen. That was a real surprise, but the fish lasted a long time, and was delicious." (Angler with big appetite) |
霧の湖で釣りをしている人間が居るとは思わなかったが……。 |
And here I thought that there was no human fishing in the Misty Lake... |
あの辺りは他の妖怪も出やすく危険なので、慣れてない人は真似をしない方が良い。 |
Around there other youkai may easily appear, and because of the danger unaccustomed people do best in not copying this example. |
対策 |
Countermeasures |
急激に冷えてきたりしたら、氷の妖精が近くに居る可能性がある。 |
If it suddenly gets cold, there is a possibility that the ice fairy is nearby. |
その時は素直に逃げるか、妖精の姿を探せばよい。 |
At such times you should flee meekly, or look for the shape of the fairy. |
妖精は相手が気付いたと判ると、何も仕掛けてこないのが普通である。 |
Fairies usually do nothing and keep their distance when they understand that they are noticed. |
チルノは存在がばれやすい為、余程注意が散漫でない限り被害を受ける事は少ないだろう。 |
Since Cirno is easily noticed, I assume that as long as one is not very careless there is little risk of being injured. |
また、居そうな場所を通る場合はどうするか。 |
Still, if you are to pass a place where she seems to be around, what's the best way of doing it? |
松明の火など熱くて触れられない物に弱い。 |
She's weak against torches' fire and other hot things she can't touch. |
予め松明を持っていると近寄ってこないだろう。 |
If you're holding a torch to start with she probably won't go near. |
触れた物を瞬間で凍らせる事が出来るので、たとえ寝ていても触らない様にする。 |
Since she can freeze things she touches instantly, refrain from touching her even if she is asleep. |
凍傷になる恐れがある。 |
There is a risk of getting frostbite. |
万が一、チルノが攻撃を仕掛けてきた場合、どんな内容でも良いから落ち着いて話しかけ、相手が興味を示してきたらなぞなぞの一つでも出してやると良い。 |
If Cirno by any chance should attack, just start to talk calmly about anything, and when she shows interest it is a good time to ask her a riddle. |
すると、答えを考え始めるので、その隙に逃げれば良い。 |
When you do that, she will start to think of the answer, and that is a good opportunity to flee. |
問題がどんな簡単でも、きっと答えられない筈である。 |
No matter how simple the question, she can certainly not answer it. |
(*1) 本当に無防備に。 |
1: Really defenselessly. |
(*2) 本当にだらしなく。 |
2: Really sloppily. |
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