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- Next: pg. 148 Road of Reconsideration
月の都 |
Capital of the Moon | |
危険度: 不明 |
Danger level: Unknown | |
遭遇する妖怪: 不明 |
Encounterable youkai: Unknown | |
幻想郷ではないか、永遠亭の紹介ついでに、関連の深い月の都に関しても紹介する。 |
This isn't a location in Gensokyo, but I'm writing about it due to its close relationship to Eientei. | |
月の都は、遙か昔から月の裏側に存在するという、大都市である。 |
The capital of the moon is said to be a great, ancient metropolis on the far side of the moon. | |
月の都と言えば、幻想月面戦争騒動(*35)で妖怪が月の都に乗り込み、惨敗したという歴史がある。 |
According to the stories about the war for the moon's surface(*35), this is the city that the youkai of Gensokyo invaded. | |
当時から優れた文明を持っていた事が判る。 |
It's understood from what records are left from that time that their civilization is extremely advanced. | |
現在、実際に月の都に行く事はほぼ不可能だが、永遠亭で行われた月都万象展で、その月の都の様子が窺えた。 |
It is essentially impossible to get to the lunar capital now, but we can gather something about the current state of the lunar capital from the exhibitions held at Eientei. | |
まず、銃等の火器が地上のどの武器よりも優れている。 |
The lunar citizens possess weapons with a firepower that far surpasses anything here on Earth. | |
瞬時に大量の弾幕をばらまく事の出来る銃、着弾したら大きな爆発を起こす小型銃、撃った後弾丸をコントロール出来る拳銃等、確かに妖怪といえど歯が立ちそうにない(*36)。 |
Youkai would surely be unable to stand a chance against weapons such as a rifle that can shoot a spread of many bullets in an instant, or small arms whose rounds cause great explosions, or guns that shoot bullets that the user can control after firing(*36). | |
それ以外にも、寿命と引き替えに全ての病気が治る薬や、団子が十倍美味しく食べられるタレなど、武器だけではなく、全てにおいて幻想郷より遥かに文明が進んでいる事は確かである。 |
Indeed, in light of relics such as medicines that can cure all illnesses and lengthen lifespans, or sauces that can make dumplings ten times as flavorful, it's clear that not just their weaponry, but the whole of their civilization is more advanced than that of Gensokyo. | |
月の民は、いつから住み着いたのか不明だが、寿命もなく永遠に生き続けるという。 |
It's unknown how long the citizens of the moon have been living there, but it's said that they live forever. | |
月の都にとって地上とは、穢れた者が住む地であり、月の民で重大犯罪を犯した者が堕ちる監獄にもなっているという。 |
The people of the moon consider the Earth to be a place for the tainted to live, and it's said that they use the Earth as a prison for those who commit serious crimes. | |
*35 八雲紫の欄を見よ。 |
35: See the article on Yukari Yakumo. | |
*36 この展示物は大昔の月の都の品だと言う。 現在の文明はさらに進んでいると思われる。 |
36: These various articles are said to be from long ago. Modern lunar civilization has surely advanced even further. |
- Return to Perfect Memento in Strict Sense
- Previous: pg. 146 House of Eternity
- Next: pg. 148 Road of Reconsideration