Extra Stage[]
妖怪の式の式 |
Summon of the youkai's summon | |
Cherry tree was already in bloom fully. However, Japanese heart is not satisfied yet. |
The cherry trees were already in full bloom. Yet the Japanese hearts were not yet satisfied. | |
三國に渡り妖異をなすが |
A mysterious occurrence on the crossing to three countries (refers to the White-faced Golden Fox of Nine Tails, a fox spirit disguised as a beautiful woman, bringing chaos to China, India, and Japan.) | |
BGM: 妖々跋扈 |
BGM: Charming Domination | |
Chen ENTERS | ||
Chen |
ここで遭ったが百年目 今日は憑きたての ほやほやだよ! |
Finally, we meet again. But watch out this time! I'm a totally new shikigami now! |
Reimu |
どの辺がほやほや? |
Which part of you is new, then? |
Chen DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
あの世くんだりまでやってきて 目標が居なかったら退屈だわ |
If I'd travelled all the way to the land of the dead only to find what I was looking for wasn't there... That would totally suck. |
?? |
おお?これは珍しい |
Oh? This is rare. |
Ran Yakumo ENTERS | ||
すきま妖怪の式 八雲 藍(やくも らん) |
The Youkai's Summon Ran Yakumo | |
Ran |
こういう人間もこんな所にいるんだ |
They have people like this here too. |
Reimu |
こういうって何よ |
What do you mean "like this"? |
Ran |
見てのとおり |
Like you. |
Reimu |
猫の次は狐・・・ |
First a cat and now a fox... |
Ran |
あ、お前が橙に酷い目に遭わせた |
Reimu |
そうだっけ? |
What if I am? |
Ran |
橙は私の式神 今は回復して、もっと強くなっているわ |
Chen is my shikigami. She has recovered, and grown stronger than before. (Shikigami: a captured youkai controlled by a summoner) |
Reimu |
・・・強かったっけ? って、あんたの式神? |
... She was supposed to be strong? Wait, she's your shikigami? |
Ran |
私も式神 ご主人様はまだお休みですわ |
Indeed I am. My master is still asleep right now. |
Reimu |
やっぱり、あんたが目標ね |
Ah. So you're the one I'm looking for, then. |
Ran |
何か用? |
For what? |
Reimu |
冥界と顕界の境を修復・・・ よく考えたら 直接用があるのは、あんたの使い手 |
Repairing the border between the Netherworld and our world... Come to think of it For that to happen... I've got to talk to your master. |
Ran |
ご主人様は冬眠中ですが |
My master is hibernating. |
Reimu |
起こして |
Then wake her up. |
Ran |
私は護衛でもあるわ 私の式神に酷い目を負わすような人を ここは、今度は強くなった橙に |
I am also her guardian. I have no intention of allowing troublemakers to meet with my master. Now, you will meet your end at the hands of a strengthened Chen... |
Reimu |
猫なら、さっき遭ったけど・・・ |
If you mean that cat, I met her just now... |
Ran |
なんだって? |
You did? |
Reimu |
特に何も無かったかの様だったわ |
It was nothing special. I mean, she's still a Stage 2 boss after all. |
Ran |
まぁ、橙は病み上がりだから |
Well... but she was still recovering... |
Reimu |
さっきは、回復したっていってた癖に |
Didn't you just say that she'd already recovered? |
Ran |
ここは、私が橙の仇を取らなきゃいけない |
...Looks like I have to take revenge for her now. |
Reimu |
さすがに、式神を倒せば 使い手も冬眠から目覚めるかしら |
Just as I expected. Defeat a shikigami, and maybe its master will wake up... |
Ran |
ご主人様は、春眠も暁を覚えずよ |
Hey, even my master wakes up eventually... |
Reimu |
まあ、取りあえずは |
Well, in the meantime, there's a more immediate obstacle around. |
BGM: 少女幻葬 ~ Necro-fantasy |
BGM: A Maiden's Illusionary Funeral ~ Necro-fantasy | |
Ran |
私は橙とは桁が違くてよ |
I am leagues different from Chen. Leagues, columns, digits, and colors. |
Ran Yakumo DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
式神風情が巫女に敵うと思って |
Do you think that a shikigami could stand up to a shrine maiden? |
Ran |
私の式が通用しないなんて 騙したわね~ |
How could my charms possibly have failed against you? You cheated, didn't you~ |
Reimu |
なにを? |
You're accusing me of what? |
Ran |
てっきり人間だと思っていたのに |
I thought for sure that you were only human. |
Reimu |
人間だってば ともかく、折角だから |
I am human. Anyway, for all my trouble, you will introduce me to your master. |
Ran |
紫(ゆかり)様は、まだおやすみ中だわ |
My master, Yukari, is still sleeping... |
Reimu |
まだ、って何時になったら もう、十分に春じゃない |
"Still", you say. When will she awaken? Spring has already arrived in full. |
Ran |
紫様は冬も昼間も寝ているの |
She sleeps through winter and all day. |
Reimu |
もう夜の帳も落ちる頃の様な気がして |
I think it's already pretty close to dusk... |
Ran |
私達にとって、本当の宵闇はこんなもん 人間が寝る時間が、本当の夜なのさ |
For us it isn't. When humans go to sleep, that's what we consider the true night. |
Reimu |
いいから、起こしてよ |
Whatever, wake her up now. |
Ran |
といっても、紫様はここにはいないし~ |
But she isn't here~ |
Reimu |
こいつはただの倒し損? |
So, I shot you down for nothing? |
Ran |
ただのやられ損? って、あなたの目的は何? |
And I was shot down for nothing? So what are you here for anyway? |
Reimu |
えーと、冥界に迷惑な奴がいて、 あ、目的はあんたを倒す事ね |
Well, let's see. Oh yeah, I'm here to punish you. |
Ran |
しゅ~ん |
Awww... |
Phantasm Stage[]
人妖の境界 |
Phantasmagoria. She was also living on the border of Gensokyo. |
Phantasmagoria. She was also living on the border of Gensokyo. | |
三國に渡り妖異をなすが |
A mysterious occurrence on the crossing to three countries (refers to the White-faced Golden Fox of Nine Tails, a fox spirit disguised as a beautiful woman, bringing chaos to China, India, and Japan.) | |
BGM: 妖々跋扈 ~ Who done it. |
BGM: Charming Domination ~ Who done it? | |
Ran Yakumo ENTERS | ||
Ran |
また来たの? 今日はもう疲れたし そろそろ寝ようと思っていたのに |
You again? I'm tired today. I was just about to go to sleep... |
Reimu |
約束通り、夜に来たわ |
As promised, I have come at night. |
Ran Yakumo DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
そろそろ、本命が出てきてもいい頃だわ こんなにも闇が深いし |
It's high time for the truth to emerge. The night only gets so dark. |
?? |
出てきましょうか? |
Shall I emerge, then? |
Yukari Yakumo ENTERS | ||
Yukari |
ほら、出てきました |
Look, I'm here now. |
Reimu |
あ、丁度いいところに出てきた |
Oh, perfect timing. |
神隠しの主犯 八雲 紫(やくも ゆかり) |
The one behind the spiriting-away (Spiriting-away: term for "divine kidnapping", a folk legend for missing children) | |
Yukari |
あなたが、私の藍を倒した人間ね あなたみたいな物騒な人間が居たら おちおち寝ても居られないの |
You are the human who defeated my Ran? I cannot sleep knowing that dangerous humans like you exist in this world. |
Reimu |
全然、起きてこなかったじゃない |
Even so, you sure took your time getting up. |
Yukari |
今は起きているの そんなことより、あなた・・・ |
Well... I'm awake now. And you... |
Reimu |
はい? |
Yeah? |
Yukari |
博麗神社のおめでたい人じゃないかしら |
You are from the glorious Hakurei Shrine, are you not? |
Reimu |
前半はそうで、後半はそうじゃない |
It's a shrine, yeah, but "glorious" isn't quite right. |
Yukari |
博麗の結界は、北東側が薄くなっているわ あのままだと、破れてしまうかも知れない |
That glorious barrier is weakening along the northeast. If left alone, it might wear out completely. (Yukari is referring to the barrier guarded by the Hakurei Shrine, which separates Gensokyo from the outer world.) |
Reimu |
あらそう、それは危険だわ |
You're right, that's kind of dangerous. |
Yukari |
いえいえ、私が穴を空けてみただけです |
No, no, you see, I'm the one trying to tear a hole in it. |
Reimu |
って、引き直しておきなさい! |
Well then, go fix it! |
BGM: ネクロファンタジア |
BGM: Necrofantasia | |
Reimu |
所詮、妖怪は妖怪 妖怪の始末も後始末も、人間がやる |
After all, youkai are youkai... Beating them down and cleaning up afterwards has to be done by a human. |
Yukari |
あら、あなたは気がついていない? |
Oh, didn't you already know? |
Reimu |
? |
? |
Yukari |
今、ここ白玉楼の私の周りは 妖怪と人間の境界が薄くなって ここまで来た時点で、人間の境界を |
Even here, in the Hakugyokurou where we stand, the border between youkai and humans wears thin. You came this far, and were able to cross over from the human side. |
Reimu |
いいから、その境界も引き直して 元々、目的はあんたに冥界の境界を そこに来て、一つや二つ結界が |
Well then, if it's alright, you go fix it now. That was my goal from the start. And since you'll be doing that anyway... Having to fix an extra barrier or two won't be much of a difference, right? |
Yukari |
一つや二つ・・・ 結界は、そんなに少ないと思って? |
An extra barrier or two... Do you think that there are that few? |
Yukari Yakumo DEFEATED | ||
Reimu |
さーて、約束通り仕事して |
Now then, as you promised, get to work. |
Yukari |
言われなくてもするつもりだったのに |
I was going to do so even without your demands... |
Reimu |
嘘ばっかり 何時まで経っても、起きてこなかった |
Liar. How much time went to waste while you were lazing off? |
Yukari |
それは、寝ていたからだわ |
That's because I was asleep. |
Reimu |
それは当たり前 |
Obviously. |
Yukari |
とにもかくにも、私がここにいる時点で ちゃんと仕事しようとしている |
Either way, I'm here now and I'm awake. That is proof enough that I have the will to work. |
Reimu |
仕事をしようとしている、と |
"Willing to work" and "getting work done" are entirely different! |
Yukari |
神社にまるで居ないあなたより よっぽど仕事していると思うけど |
Compared to a shrine maiden who's rarely in her shrine, I think I'm getting plenty of work done. |
Reimu |
私の仕事は妖魔調伏 残虐行為手当が欲しいくらいだわ |
Exorcism is my job. I should receive hazard pay for my work. |
Yukari |
あら、もうそろそろ夜が明けるわ 帰って寝ないと・・・ |
Oh, it's almost dawn. I have to return home and sleep... |
Reimu |
全然、仕事してないし あんた、一体何処に住んでるのよ |
So all in all, you did exactly nothing. Where on Earth do you live? |
Yukari |
私もあなたと同じ 幻想郷の境に住んでいるわ 艮(うしとら)の境に |
The same place as you. At the edge of Gensokyo. Along the northeastern edge. |
Reimu |
まさに鬼門 勝手に結界に穴を空けたりしないでね |
That's a very ominous direction. Don't you dare tear a hole in the barrier. |
Yukari |
あら、闘う前に私が空けた、って |
Oh, didn't I say that I already had, before we fought? |
Reimu |
帰って寝てろ! |
...Go home and sleep forever! |
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