Shinki "Hmhmhm... Were you planning to defeat me with that amount of power?" Yuuka "Well...💦💦" Shinki "You still have a long way to go. Don't come again!!"
After that...
幽香 「あれ~? なんで負けたのかしら・・・? ・・・・・・う~ん う~ん、そうか。」
Yuuka "Huh? How could I have lost...? Hmm... Hmm, I see.
Yuuka "Must have been tired today. That's probably it. I'm talking about you, of course. (Talking about who?💦💦) Maybe I'll visit her some other day... And you, please select me when you feel better. (Seriously, who are you talking to?💦💦)"
幽香 「は~。」
BAD END4 ノーコンティニュークリアを目指そう!
Yuuka "Aah..."
At any rate, she aimed for Makai once more with no goal in mind.💦
BAD ENDING #4 Try to clear the game without using continues!