- Return to Mystic Square: Story
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- Forward to Mima's Extra
Stage 1[]
万物神気 ~ Materialization |
All things Holy ~ Materialization | |
BGM: Dream Express |
BGM: Dream Express | |
Mima |
さて、そこにいるのは誰か |
Hm, I wonder who's over |
? |
!? |
!? |
Sara ENTERS | ||
Sara |
魔界には行かせないわ! |
You won't be allowed into Makai! |
Mima |
で? |
And? |
Sara |
!? |
!? |
Mima |
どうせ、あなたが居なくて |
Well, I guess I'll have to get rid of |
Sara |
うっ(汗) |
Umm... (sweat) |
Mima |
とにかく、邪魔よ |
You're in my way. |
Sara |
余裕じゃない♪ |
I'm no pushover. ♪ |
Mima |
余裕よ♪ |
Yes, you are. ♪ |
Sara |
後悔しないことね!! |
You'll regret that!! |
BGM: 魔法陣 ~ Magic Square |
BGM: Magic Formation ~ Magic Square | |
Sara DEFEATED | ||
Mima |
私と闘って後悔した? |
Do you regret fighting me? |
Sara |
うぇ~ん(泣) |
Ye~s. (crying) |
Stage 2[]
魔空間 ~ Border Space |
Magical Space ~ Border Space | |
BGM: 夢想時空 |
BGM: Dimension of Reverie | |
Mima |
おや?そろそろかな? |
Hm? I must be getting close. |
Louise ENTERS | ||
Louise |
あら、何者かしら♪ |
Oh my, who are you, I wonder? ♪ |
Mima |
人間よ♥(嘘) |
I am! ♥ (lie) |
Louise |
そ、そう? |
R-really? |
Mima |
なによ、やるき? |
Oh, you want to fight? |
Louise |
まぁ♥そうね。 |
Well, ♥ I suppose. |
Mima |
そ、そう? |
R-really? |
Louise |
じゃ、遠慮無く♥ |
Well, don't hold back. ♥ |
BGM: 霊天 ~ Spiritual Heaven |
BGM: Spiritual Heaven | |
Louise DEFEATED | ||
Louise |
やらなきゃよかった(泣) |
I wish I hadn't done that. (crying) |
Mima |
なんなのよ、あんた・・・ |
What's with you... |
Stage 3[]
魔界 ~ Devil's World |
Makai ~ Devil's World | |
BGM: Romantic Children |
BGM: Romantic Children | |
Nameless Midboss Fairy ENTERS | ||
Nameless Midboss Fairy DEFEATED | ||
Mima |
もっと強い奴いないの? |
Isn't there anyone stronger here? |
? |
そこまでよ! |
You've gone far enough! |
Alice Margatroid ENTERS | ||
BGM: プラスチックマインド |
BGM: Plastic Mind | |
Alice |
あなたね、最近ここらで |
You're the one that's been causing all the |
Mima |
挑戦的な態度ね♥ |
Oh, such a belligerent attitude. ♥ |
Alice |
もちろん、やる気よ! |
Of course I do! |
Mima |
じゃ、始めようか。 |
Well, shall we, then? |
Alice |
ゆるさないわ!! |
I won't forgive you for this!! |
Alice Margatroid DEFEATED | ||
| ||
Alice |
残念だけど、わたしを倒 |
Unfortunately for you, even though |
Mima |
あらそう? |
Oh, really? |
Alice |
じゃ。 |
Yep. |
Mima |
製品版でいじめてあげるわ |
I'll just push you around some more |
Alice |
う~ん(汗マーク) |
Ummm... (sweat) |
| ||
Alice |
しくしくしく(泣) |
*sobbing* (tears) |
Mima |
何しに来たのよ・・ |
Just what were you trying to accomplish...? |
Stage 4[]
凍てつく世界で ~ Ice Dream |
In the Frozen World ~ Ice Dream | |
BGM: メイプルワイズ |
BGM: Maple Wise | |
Louise ENTERS | ||
Louise DEFEATED | ||
Mima |
なんか、疲れたかも。 |
Hm, I think I'm getting tired. |
? |
そろそろ、休んだら~ |
Maybe you should lay down~. |
Yuki ENTERS | ||
BGM: 禁断の魔法 ~ Forbidden Magic |
BGM: Forbidden Magic | |
Yuki |
はじめまして。 |
Welcome, |
Mai ENTERS | ||
Mai |
・・・・・・! |
・・・・・・! |
Yuki |
私が、永遠に休める世界に |
I'll lead you to a place where |
Mima |
残念だけど、私はその世界 |
I'm sorry, but I'm afraid |
Mai |
・・・!? |
... !? |
Yuki |
? |
? |
Mima |
そんなわけで、逆に私が連 |
You see, that means I'll be |
Mai |
ユキ、ごちゃごちゃいって |
You don't have to be afraid, |
Yuki |
マイ? |
Mai? |
Mima |
やる気なのね。 |
You look ready to go. |
Yuki |
むかつく~(怒) |
Grrr... (angry) |
Mai |
わかったわ・・・♥ |
Okay... ♥ |
| ||
Yuki |
きさま~! |
Why, you~! |
BGM: 真紅の少女 ~ Crimson Dead!! |
BGM: Crimson Maiden ~ Crimson Dead!! | |
Yuki |
きさま、よくもやったな!! |
All right, you've done it now! |
Yuki DEFEATED | ||
Mima |
約束通り、あの世に案内す |
I'll take you there, just like |
Yuki |
かんべんして~(泣) |
I'm sorry~. (crying) |
Mima |
もう一人の娘も待ってる |
After all, that other girl is |
Yuki |
うぇ~ん(泣) |
Waaaaa... (crying) |
| ||
Mai |
・・・・・・ |
...... |
BGM: 裏切りの少女 ~ Judas Kiss |
BGM: Treacherous Maiden ~ Judas Kiss | |
Mima |
そろそろ、本気だしたら? |
Why don't you try a bit harder? |
Mai |
足手まといがいなくなった |
I will, now that the dead weight |
Mima |
大体、予想通りの強さね。 |
Hm, you were just as strong as you said. |
Mai |
強すぎるわ・・・(泣) |
You're too powerful... (crying) |
Mima |
弱者はほっておきましょう |
Well, I shouldn't be too hard on such a weakling. |
Mai |
めちゃくやし~(泣) |
I can't take this anymore~. (crying) |
Stage 5[]
最後の審判 ~ Judgement Day |
The Final Judgement ~ Judgement Day | |
BGM: The Last Judgement |
BGM: The Last Judgement | |
Nameless Midboss Demon ENTERS | ||
Nameless Midboss Demon DEFEATED | ||
? |
やっと来たわね。 |
So you've finally come. |
Mima |
誰!? |
Who's there!? |
Shinki ENTERS | ||
BGM: 悲しき人形 ~ Doll of Misery |
BGM: Doll's Story ~ Doll of Misery | |
Shinki |
あなたが来ることは分かっ |
I knew you would come. |
Mima |
それはそうと、ここは何処 |
Then, where is this |
Shinki |
ここは私の世界よ。 |
This is my world. |
Mima |
最近、頻繁に魔界人が人間 |
Lately, there have been an awful |
Shinki |
あら、ごめんなさい(汗) |
Oh, I'm sorry. (sweat) |
Mima |
って、 |
So, |
Shinki |
それは・・・ |
Well, I ... |
? |
神綺様! |
Lady Shinki! |
Yumeko ENTERS | ||
Yumeko |
こんな奴の言うことなんて |
You don't need to tell |
Shinki |
夢子ちゃん・・・ |
Yumeko... |
Yumeko |
・・・ |
・・・ |
Shinki |
ま、お任せするわ。 |
So, I'll leave it to you. |
Yumeko |
はい! |
Certainly! |
Mima |
なんだい? |
Hmm? |
Yumeko |
今までの罪を滅ぼすのです |
I'll cleanse you of your sins. |
Mima |
ここでさらに罪が増えるか |
I don't know, I just might commit |
Yumeko |
ふふふ♥ |
Hmhmhm... ♥ |
Shinki EXITS | ||
Yumeko DEFEATED | ||
Yumeko |
神綺様~(泣) |
Lady Shinki~. (crying) I'm sorry~. (crying) |
Mima |
ふ~、私をこんな目に合わ |
Well, I must say I'm somewhat |
Yumeko |
しくしくしく(泣) |
*sobbing* (tears) |
Final Stage[]
神戦 ~ Dream Battle |
Holy Battle ~ Dream Battle | |
BGM: 世界の果て ~ World's End |
BGM: End of the World ~ World's End | |
Shinki |
あら?夢子ちゃんが負ける |
Oh? I can't believe Yumeko lost... |
Mima |
でてきなよ。 |
Show yourself. |
Shinki ENTERS | ||
Shinki |
夢子ちゃんは私がつくった |
And Yumeko was among |
Mima |
さっきの娘は造られたもの |
So, you created that |
Shinki |
申し遅れましたね。 |
Oh, pardon me. |
Mima |
なるほどね。 |
Oh, I see. |
Shinki |
分かったわ。 |
I see. |
Mima |
そう、じゃ、始めようか。 |
Hm, okay, in that case ... |
Shinki |
少しでも楽しまして欲しい |
I hope this can be fun |
Mima |
あんま、あんたは楽しくな |
Hm, I don't know if it will be any |
Shinki |
ふん、生意気に!! |
Hmph, you're sure of yourself!! |
BGM: 神話幻想 ~ Infinite Being |
BGM: Legendary Illusion ~ Infinite Being | |
Shinki DEFEATED | ||
If player has continued | ||
If player has not continued | ||
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- Forward to Mima's Extra
- Return to Mystic Square: Story