Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.
Mima's Bad Ending 1
Mima's Bad Ending 2
Mima's Bad Ending 3
Mima's Bad Ending 4
神绮 「ふふふ・・・ その程度で私を倒すつもりだったの?」 魅魔 「・・・・・・」 神绮 「まだまだね、出直してきな‼」
Shinki "Hmhmhm... Were you planning to defeat me with that amount of power?" Mima "・・・・・・" Shinki "You still have a long way to go. Don't come again!!"
After that...
魅魔 「あ~あ、負けちゃった・・・ 私もまだまだね・・・ ・・・・・・」
Mima "Aah, I lost... Looks like even I have a long way to go... ・・・・・・"
魅魔 「って、ま~相手が神様じゃね~💦💦 う~ん。 ま、いっか💦(いいのか?) とりあえず、靈夢でもいじめにいこうか❤」
Mima "Er, well, my opponent was a GOD, right?💦💦 Hmm. Well, whatever.💦 (Is that really okay?) For now, I'll just go pick on Reimu or someone.❤"
霊夢 「また、なにしにきたのよ~💦💦 」 魅魔 「ま~、暇だし、ここ(神社)でも破壊しようかと。」
Reimu "What did you come to do this time?💦💦" Mima "Well, I was bored and figured I could pass the time by wrecking your shrine."
霊夢 「こんな夜中に何異常なこといってんのよ~💦💦 さっさと帰った帰った。」 魅魔 「暇なんだって❤」 霊夢 「なんなのよ~💦 」
BAD END3 ノーコンティニュークリアを目指そう!
Reimu "What are you talking about in the middle of the night?💦💦 Get lost already." Mima "I told you I'm bored.❤" Reimu "What the heck?💦"
Until Shinki was defeated, Mima would not be satisfied (or so it should be).
BAD ENDING #3 Try to clear the game without using continues!
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