- Return to Imperishable Night: Spell Cards
Spell Card 101
No. 101: | 波符「赤眼催眠(マインドシェイカー)」
Wave Sign "Mind Shaker" (Reisen's spell cards have two names, a kanji expression and its read/pronounced written in katakana. (refer to No.105 comment) Their meanings don't always coincide exactly. 赤眼催眠 means "red eyes hypnosis.") | |
Owner: | Reisen Udongein Inaba Stage 5 — Easy | |
Comment: | 抗い難い、狂気の赤い瞳。
全ては幻視だ。幻視に惑わされるな。 Unresistible, lunatic red eyes. Everything is an illusion. Don't be fooled by illusions. |
Spell Card 102
No. 102: | 波符「赤眼催眠(マインドシェイカー)」
Wave Sign "Mind Shaker" | |
Owner: | Reisen Udongein Inaba Stage 5 — Normal | |
Comment: | 抗い難い、狂気の赤い瞳。幻視中は、真直ぐのはずの物が別の方向に
進んでいるように見える。でも実際は幻視は当たらない。 Irresistible, lunatic red eyes. As the illusion runs its course, objects travelling straight appear to go in different directions. However, this illusion won't hit you. |
Spell Card 103
No. 103: | 幻波「赤眼催眠(マインドブローイング)」
Visionary Wave "Mind Blowing" | |
Owner: | Reisen Udongein Inaba Stage 5 — Hard | |
Comment: | 兎の目を見た人間の心が亜光速で堕ちていくから、兎の目は赤い。
もしくは共産主義だから。 Rabbit's eyes are red because the minds of the humans who see them are receding at near-light speed. Or, because they're communists. |
Spell Card 104
No. 104: | 幻波「赤眼催眠(マインドブローイング)」
Visionary Wave "Mind Blowing" | |
Owner: | Reisen Udongein Inaba Stage 5 — Lunatic | |
Comment: | 精神を痛めつけすぎると、人間は体だけ残る。抜け殻だ。
人間は体が資本? いやいや精神が資本でしょう。 Given enough torture to one's mind, there'll be only the empty shell of a human left. The muscle being a person's capital? That's wrong, the mind is more of a capital. |
Spell Card 105
No. 105: | 狂符「幻視調律(ビジョナリチューニング)」
Lunatic Sign "Visionary Tuning" (幻視調律 means "hallucinogenic tuning.") | |
Owner: | Reisen Udongein Inaba Stage 5 — Easy | |
Comment: | 人間と妖怪の波長合わせ。
ああ、このカード名のカッコは読み仮名だから。 Matching the wavelengths for humans and youkai. Oh, the names in parentheses are how you're supposed to read the card names. |
Spell Card 106
No. 106: | 狂符「幻視調律(ビジョナリチューニング)」
Lunatic Sign "Visionary Tuning" | |
Owner: | Reisen Udongein Inaba Stage 5 — Normal | |
Comment: | 人間と妖怪の波長合わせ。
波長が合わないから幻視が起こる。あの兎は波長を外すのが上手い。 Matching the wavelengths for humans and youkai. These illusions happen when the wavelengths don't match. That rabbit is good at making dissonances. |
Spell Card 107
No. 107: | 狂視「狂視調律(イリュージョンシーカー)」
Lunatic Gaze "Illusion Seeker" (狂視調律 means "lunatic stare tuning.") | |
Owner: | Reisen Udongein Inaba Stage 5 — Hard | |
Comment: | 外れた波長は実は当たらない。ただの幻視だ。
むしろ問題は、相手が急に波長を戻す事にある、って判ってるって。 The dissonance won't hit you. It's just an illusion. Well, the real problem is when she normalizes the wavelengths - oh, you get it, already. |
Spell Card 108
No. 108: | 狂視「狂視調律(イリュージョンシーカー)」
Lunatic Gaze "Illusion Seeker" | |
Owner: | Reisen Udongein Inaba Stage 5 — Lunatic | |
Comment: | そういえば、鈴仙は月の兎。立ち絵は背が低く見えるけど、アレは耳を
見せたかったから位置を下げてるだけですよ。 By the way, Reisen is a Moon Rabbit. She looks quite short in her portraits, but that's because I positioned her lower so I could show her ears. |
Spell Card 109
No. 109: | 懶符「生神停止(アイドリングウェーブ)」
Loafing Sign "Idling Wave" (生神停止 mean "life and spirit stopping.") | |
Owner: | Reisen Udongein Inaba Stage 5 — Easy | |
Comment: | 普通の人間に感知出来ない位の長い波長。
Thus, the illusion appears as being stopped to them. |
Spell Card 110
No. 110: | 懶符「生神停止(アイドリングウェーブ)」
Loafing Sign "Idling Wave" | |
Owner: | Reisen Udongein Inaba Stage 5 — Normal | |
Comment: | 普通の人間に感知出来ない位の長い波長。
幻視は止まってみえる。心電図でいうと、ピーー。 A wavelength so long, normal people can't perceive it. So, the illusion appears to stop. Like an ECG goes, beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee- |
Spell Card 111
No. 111: | 懶惰「生神停止(マインドストッパー)」
Indolence "Mind Stopper" | |
Owner: | Reisen Udongein Inaba Stage 5 — Hard | |
Comment: | 波長が短すぎると狂人として見られ、短すぎるとのんきと見られる。
後者の方が社会的に良い扱いを受けているのは変人差別だと思う。 If one's wavelength is too short, it's defined as lunatic. Also one with longer length is called carefree. In my opinion, it's unfair that the latter is socially treated better. |
Spell Card 112
No. 112: | 懶惰「生神停止(マインドストッパー)」
Indolence "Mind Stopper" | |
Owner: | Reisen Udongein Inaba Stage 5 — Lunatic | |
Comment: | この弾幕って、弾の中の人がのんきなんだよね。
ちょいと一休み、なんて言っているからプレイヤーに逃げられる。 The person in the middle of this pattern is pretty carefree. She stops to take a break every once in a while, which lets the player get away. |
Spell Card 113
No. 113: | 散符「真実の月(インビジブルフルムーン)」
Spread Sign "Invisible Full Moon" (真実の月 means "moon of truth.") | |
Owner: | Reisen Udongein Inaba Stage 5 — Easy | |
Comment: | 完全に狂うと常人には見えなくなる、本当の月はいつも狂気なのだ。
The true moon is always a source of madness; when they go completely mad, normal people can't see anymore. |
Spell Card 114
No. 114: | 散符「真実の月(インビジブルフルムーン)」
Spread Sign "Invisible Full Moon" | |
Owner: | Reisen Udongein Inaba Stage 5 — Normal | |
Comment: | 完全に狂うと常人には見えなくなる、本当の月はいつも狂気なのだ。
既に幻視ですら捕らえる事が出来ない。 The true moon is always a source of madness; when they go completely mad, normal people can't see anymore. You can't even see the illusions anymore. |
Spell Card 115
No. 115: | 散符「真実の月(インビジブルフルムーン)」
Spread Sign "Invisible Full Moon" | |
Owner: | Reisen Udongein Inaba Stage 5 — Hard | |
Comment: | 紙一枚ずれただけでも世界は消える。
本当の満月は、狂っているからこそ目に見えない。新月? The whole world goes invisible with the distortion of the thickness of a piece of paper. The true full moon is only invisible because it's lunatic. ...New moon? |
Spell Card 116
No. 116: | 散符「真実の月(インビジブルフルムーン)」
Spread Sign "Invisible Full Moon" | |
Owner: | Reisen Udongein Inaba Stage 5 — Lunatic | |
Comment: | 「つーか幻視さえも見せなきゃ、ただの別次元での攻撃にしかならない
じゃん。」と、慌ててたまに波長を戻すオッチョコチョイな月の兎。 "Oh wait, if I don't even show illusions, that's just an attack in another dimension." Thus she occasionally tunes it back to normal in a flurry. Goofy. |
Spell Card 117
No. 117: | 月眼「月兎遠隔催眠術(テレメスメリズム)」
Lunar Eyes "Tele-Mesmerism" (月兎遠隔催眠術 mean "lunar rabbit's remote mesmerism.") | |
Owner: | Reisen Udongein Inaba Stage 5 — Normal (Last Spell) | |
Comment: | 月からの援軍。
もはや幻視なのか本物なのかわからない位。 Reinforcements from the moon. It's no longer possible to recognize if they're the real ones or illusions. |
Spell Card 118
No. 118: | 月眼「月兎遠隔催眠術(テレメスメリズム)」
Lunar Eyes "Tele-Mesmerism" | |
Owner: | Reisen Udongein Inaba Stage 5 — Hard (Last Spell) | |
Comment: | 月から催眠術を掛けるには、月を見てもらう必要がある。
お月見とは、大昔の月人が考えた人間操作術なのかもしれない。 In order to mesmerise people on earth from the moon, they need to stare at the moon. Perhaps "moon viewing" was how ancient Lunarians controlled humans on earth. |
Spell Card 119
No. 119: | 月眼「月兎遠隔催眠術(テレメスメリズム)」
Lunar Eyes "Tele-Mesmerism" | |
Owner: | Reisen Udongein Inaba Stage 5 — Lunatic (Last Spell) | |
Comment: | うーさーぎーおーいし。実は鈴仙は美味しい。
って違う。この歌はむしろストーカーだ。鈴仙を追いまわす方だ。 U-sa-gi-o-ishi. Reisen is actually delicious. ...Never mind. This song is more like a stalker, that chases Reisen around. (うさぎおいし(かの山): The head of Japanese traditional nursery song, "Furusato." This mean "(The hill where we have used to) chase rabbits." "美味しい"(oishii: delicious) is a pun on "おいし"(oishi: chase). ) |
- Return to Imperishable Night: Spell Cards