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Spell Card 055

Screenshot No. 055: 夢符「二重結界」
Dream Sign "Duplex Barrier"

(Same spell card to ReimuB focused bomb in Perfect Cherry Blossom)

Owner: Reimu Hakurei
Stage 4 Uncanny — Easy
Comment: 結界は意識の力。


Translation: TBorders are created from will power.

The bullets themselves fall straight down. Don't be fooled.

Spell Card 056

Screenshot No. 056: 夢符「二重結界」
Dream Sign "Duplex Barrier"
Owner: Reimu Hakurei
Stage 4 Uncanny — Normal
Comment: 弾幕自体はまっすぐ飛んでいるが、結界がそれを歪める。


Translation: The bullets fall straight down, but the border turns them aside.

If you think about the space between the two borders, this becomes a very easy spell card.

Spell Card 057

Screenshot No. 057: 夢境「二重大結界」
Dream Land "Super Duplex Barrier"
Owner: Reimu Hakurei
Stage 4 Uncanny — Hard
Comment: 人間は目の情報に頼りすぎる。


Translation: Humans rely too much on what they see.

Reimu's borders defy common sense. What an odd shrine maiden.

Spell Card 058

Screenshot No. 058: 夢境「二重大結界」
Dream Land "Super Duplex Barrier"
Owner: Reimu Hakurei
Stage 4 Uncanny — Lunatic
Comment: 霊夢の姿を追って近づいても、霊夢は遠ざかるばかり。

こんな経験はありませんか? これが二重結界の力。

Translation: Have you ever experienced something like however you try to approach to Reimu, she goes more further?

That's what Duplex Border does.

Spell Card 059

Screenshot No. 059: 霊符「夢想封印 散」
Spirit Sign "Fantasy Seal -Spread-"

(Same spell card to ReimuA non-focused bomb in Perfect Cherry Blossom)

Owner: Reimu Hakurei
Stage 4 Uncanny — Easy
Comment: この上なく直球勝負。


Translation: It doesn't get easier than this.

No matter how honest you are, there are limits to what you can do.

Spell Card 060

Screenshot No. 060: 霊符「夢想封印 散」
Spirit Sign "Fantasy Seal -Spread-"
Owner: Reimu Hakurei
Stage 4 Uncanny — Normal
Comment: この上なく直球勝負。


Translation: It doesn't get easier than this.

She shoots more bullets as time passes by, so it's easy to die by accident.

Spell Card 061

Screenshot No. 061: 散霊「夢想封印 寂」
Scattered Spirit "Fantasy Seal -Fader-"
Owner: Reimu Hakurei
Stage 4 Uncanny — Hard
Comment: 発散の終焉には、寂が訪れる。


Translation: Desolation comes after venting.

Reimu's desolation comes repeatedly, too bad for her.

Spell Card 062

Screenshot No. 062: 散霊「夢想封印 寂」
Scattered Spirit "Fantasy Seal -Fader-"
Owner: Reimu Hakurei
Stage 4 Uncanny — Lunatic
Comment: というか、霊夢は相手を見てないね。


Translation: Even worse, she must be not looking at her opponent.

She's just shooting like she feels like. It's like a child's fighting.

Spell Card 063

Screenshot No. 063: 夢符「封魔陣」
Dream Sign "Evil Sealing Circle"

(Same spell card to ReimuB non-focused bomb in Perfect Cherry Blossom)

Owner: Reimu Hakurei
Stage 4 Uncanny — Easy
Comment: 呪いのかかったお札で行動を封じる術。
Translation: Exorcising arts that seals the opponent with enchanted amulets.

Spell Card 064

Screenshot No. 064: 夢符「封魔陣」
Dream Sign "Evil Sealing Circle"
Owner: Reimu Hakurei
Stage 4 Uncanny — Normal
Comment: 呪いのかかったお札で行動を封じる術。


Translation: An attack that freezes the opponent using enchanted amulets.

If you die, getting your items will be a pain. Counterattack with your bombs. (That's no good, either.)

Spell Card 065

Screenshot No. 065: 神技「八方鬼縛陣」
Divine Arts "Omnidirectional Demon Binding Circle"

(Same spell card to Reimu's second final spell card in Immaterial and Missing Power)

Owner: Reimu Hakurei
Stage 4 Uncanny — Hard
Comment: 何だが、霊夢が術に嵌って身動きできなくなってる様にもみえる。


Translation: It kind of looks like Reimu's caught in her own trap.

Anyway, isn't this more of an instant death than sealing?

Spell Card 066

Screenshot No. 066: 神技「八方龍殺陣」
Divine Arts "Omnidirectional Dragon Slaying Circle"
Owner: Reimu Hakurei
Stage 4 Uncanny — Lunatic
Comment: プレイ中は御札の動きなんて見てられない。


Translation: You can't really watch how these amulets are moving while playing.

Who the hell does she want to show these beautiful pattern to?

Spell Card 067

Screenshot No. 067: 霊符「夢想封印 集」
Spirit Sign "Fantasy Seal -Concentrate-"

(Same spell card to ReimuA focused bomb in Perfect Cherry Blossom)

Owner: Reimu Hakurei
Stage 4 Uncanny — Easy
Comment: プレイヤー側の同名のスペルカードと大きく異なる技の一つ。


Translation: This is one of the spell cards that doesn't look a lot like when the player uses it.

Watch out for the amulets slowly falling towards you.

Spell Card 068

Screenshot No. 068: 霊符「夢想封印 集」
Spirit Sign "Fantasy Seal -Concentrate-"
Owner: Reimu Hakurei
Stage 4 Uncanny — Normal
Comment: プレイヤー側の同名のスペルカードと大きく異なる技の一つ。


Translation: This is another spell card that doesn't look much like when the player uses it.

The charms move like they have minds of their own; it's like something from a dream.

Spell Card 069

Screenshot No. 069: 回霊「夢想封印 侘」
Migrating Spirit "Fantasy Seal -Dark-"
Owner: Reimu Hakurei
Stage 4 Uncanny — Hard
Comment: 霊夢も楽してるような。


Translation: It looks like Reimu's having fun with this one, too.

The charms are chasing after her enemy on their own.

Spell Card 070

Screenshot No. 070: 回霊「夢想封印 侘」
Migrating Spirit "Fantasy Seal -Dark-"
Owner: Reimu Hakurei
Stage 4 Uncanny — Lunatic
Comment: というかイカみたい(ボソ)
Translation: Well, it looks like squids. *cough*

Spell Card 071

Screenshot No. 071: 境界「二重弾幕結界」
Boundary "Duplex Danmaku Bounded Field"
Owner: Reimu Hakurei
Stage 4 Uncanny — Easy
Comment: 結界を利用しないと避けられない攻撃。


Translation: A spell card that you can't dodge without using a border.

It turns one's power against them.

Spell Card 072

Screenshot No. 072: 境界「二重弾幕結界」
Boundary "Duplex Danmaku Bounded Field"
Owner: Reimu Hakurei
Stage 4 Uncanny — Normal
Comment: 結界を利用しないと避けられない攻撃。


Translation: A spell card that you can't dodge without using a border.

It absolutely can't be evaded if border isn't there...

Spell Card 073

Screenshot No. 073: 大結界「博麗弾幕結界」
Border World "Hakurei Danmaku Bounded Field"
Owner: Reimu Hakurei
Stage 4 Uncanny — Hard
Comment: 紫の弾幕結界に比べると見た目は派手だが内容は見劣りする。


Translation: Compared to Yukari's original version, it looks more flashy but less difficult.

Well, she's only a human after all.

Spell Card 074

Screenshot No. 074: 大結界「博麗弾幕結界」
Border World "Hakurei Danmaku Bounded Field"
Owner: Reimu Hakurei
Stage 4 Uncanny — Lunatic
Comment: もはや何が起こっているのか良く判らない。


Translation: It's hardly possible to tell what's going on there.

If you look closer, you'll notice that backgrounds are reversed between borders, too.

Spell Card 075

Screenshot No. 075: 神霊「夢想封印 瞬」
Divine Spirit "Fantasy Seal -Blink-"
Owner: Reimu Hakurei
Stage 4 Uncanny — Normal (Last Spell)
Comment: 何処が瞬なのか、というのは気にしない。


Translation: Don't mind about which part of this spell is (blink).

She's only flying straight, but you're completely surrounded.

Spell Card 076

Screenshot No. 076: 神霊「夢想封印 瞬」
Divine Spirit "Fantasy Seal -Blink-"
Owner: Reimu Hakurei
Stage 4 Uncanny — Hard (Last Spell)
Comment: 比較的簡単の様に見えて、事故死しやすい。


Translation: While it looks somewhat easy, you'll tend to have accidents.

Combination of slow shots and fast shots are what I'd call (blink).

Spell Card 077

Screenshot No. 077: 神霊「夢想封印 瞬」
Divine Spirit "Fantasy Seal -Blink-"
Owner: Reimu Hakurei
Stage 4 Uncanny — Lunatic (Last Spell)
Comment: 霊夢が見ている世界はプレイヤーとは異なる。


Translation: The world as Reimu sees it is quite different from your perspective.

It feels like the player has been sealed in Reimu's dimension.

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