- Return to Imperishable Night: Translation
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Stage 5[]
穢き世の美しき檻 |
A Pure Cage in the Filthy World | |
「穢き所に、いかでか久しくおはせん。」 |
"In this filthy world, you have stayed long enough." | |
BGM: シンデレラケージ ~ Kagome-Kagome |
BGM: Cinderella Cage ~ Kagome-Kagome | |
Tewi Inaba ENTERS | ||
Tewi Inaba EXITS | ||
? |
遅かったわね。 |
You're too late. |
Reisen Udongein Inaba ENTERS | ||
Reisen |
全ての扉は封印したわ。 |
I've already sealed all the doors around here. |
Sakuya |
貴方の仕業かしら? |
Isn't it your doing? This accident with the moon. |
Remilia |
怪しい感じね。 |
She looks suspicious, especially that defiant appearance. |
狂気の月の兎 鈴仙・U・イナバ |
Lunatic Moon Rabbit | |
Reisen |
あら、羽付きのあなた程ではないわ。 ところで、こんな夜中に何の用? |
Ah, less so than you, winged one. Anyway, what business do you have here at midnight? |
Sakuya |
それはもう凄い用よ。 嫌な臭いは元から断て、ってね。 私は掃除が得意なのよ。 |
Important business. We're here to clean up this mess from the roots. I'm good at cleaning. |
Reisen |
月の異変? 地上に這いつくばって生きるだけの、 |
Moon incident? You're just filthy earth-crawlers, after all. |
Remilia |
あいにく、空に月と星しか見たことが無い 月に変化があれば嫌でもわかる。 |
Unfortunately, I'm a filthy being who watches only I know when the moon changes, for good or for bad. |
Sakuya |
お嬢様は夜型、ですものねぇ。 |
You're a night person, Lady. |
Remilia |
さっさと地上に満月を戻すのよ。 |
Return the full moon to the Earth right away. |
Reisen |
まだ、術を解くわけに行かないの。 |
I can't do that yet. |
Eirin Yagokoro ENTERS | ||
Eirin |
あら、お迎えかと思ったら、 ただの迷い妖怪? まぁ、お迎えが来れる筈が無いけど。 |
Ah, I thought someone came for a meeting. Are they just lost youkai? Even so, there's no chance anyone would meet her. |
Sakuya |
誰? |
Who are you? |
Remilia |
咲夜、悪いのはこいつよ。 |
Sakuya, this is the villain. |
Eirin |
酷い言われ様だわ。 確かに、この地上の密室は私が作ったわ。 でも、これも姫とこの娘の為。 |
What a cruel thing to say. It's true, I sealed the chamber of the Earth... But for the sake of this girl, and the princess. |
Sakuya |
そうと決まれば、倒さないわけには |
If that's the case, we won't go until we beat you. |
Eirin |
うーん、でもまだ駄目。 間違っても姫を連れ出されないようにね。 |
Too bad. It's still useless. Whatever you do, don't let them steal our princess. |
Eirin Yagokoro EXITS | ||
Reisen |
お任せください。 |
Please leave. These closed doors shall never open. |
Sakuya |
何事にも順路という物があるって訳ね。 |
I've found there's a way past anything. |
Remilia |
面倒ね。いつもの咲夜みたいに、 |
How troublesome. Going off the beaten path |
Sakuya |
順路通りに進んで、尚且つ力で圧倒する。 |
Follow the path and overwhelm the enemy. |
BGM: 狂気の瞳 ~ Invisible Full Moon. |
BGM: Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon | |
Reisen |
ふふふ。 でも、引き返すのも出来ない。 |
Hahaha... But you can't turn back now. |
Remilia |
引き返さないわよ。 |
We won't turn back. |
Reisen |
月の兎の罠に嵌っているのに気が そう、右も左も、上も下も……。 貴方は、真っ直ぐに飛んでいるつもりでも、 私の目を見て、もっと狂うが良いわ! |
Aren't you aware that you've fallen into my trap? Left, right, up and down... Though you think you fly straight ahead, See my eyes, and lose every last trace of your mind! |
Reisen Udongein Inaba DEFEATED | ||
まっすぐ進む(FinalA) |
Go straight on (Final A) | |
| ||
Sakuya |
お嬢様、順路通り進みましょう。 |
Let's proceed along the route, Lady. |
Remilia |
咲夜、さっきの奴はこの先に居る。 気をつけた方が良いわね。 |
Sakuya, the one we saw before must be over there. We'd better be careful. |
Reisen |
師匠は私なんか比べ物にならない程強いのよ。 私に勝ったからって、師匠に敵うと |
My master's power is beyond comparison to me. You may have beaten me, but do you think |
Remilia |
圧倒的に。 |
Overwhelmingly. |
Sakuya |
さぁ、夜が明ける前には決着を |
Now, we'll finish this before dawn. |
Reisen |
そうか、夜を延ばしていたのはあなた達 私はてっきり……。 |
I see, it was you that lengthened the night. I thought that... |
Sakuya |
? |
? |
NEXT STAGE: Final | ||
| ||
Sakuya |
お嬢様、順路通り進みましょう。 |
Let's proceed along the route, Lady. We'll soon come to the exit. |
Remilia |
咲夜、さっきの奴はこの先に居る。 あそこに見える扉に入るのよ。 |
Sakuya, the one we saw before must be over there. Let's go through the door over there. |
Sakuya |
何かあるんですか? |
What's over there? |
Reisen |
ああ、しまった。 |
Ah, crap! |
Remilia |
あそこの先に本命が居るわ。 私の目はごまかせないわ。 |
The one we're seeking must be in there. My eyes cannot be deceived. |
Reisen |
ああ、師匠に怒られるぅ。 |
Oh no, my master will be mad at me... |
姫を隠す夜空の珠 |
The Orb in the Night Sky Hiding the Princess | |
永い永い廊下。この廊下は何者かが見せる狂像か。 |
A long, long corridor. Is it a lunatic delusion shown by someone? | |
BGM: ヴォヤージュ 1969 |
BGM: Voyage 1969 | |
Eirin Yagokoro ENTERS | ||
Eirin |
ふふふ。 無事ついて来てるようね。 |
Haha... You're following me obediently. |
Remilia |
ほらほら。 |
Hey, hey! |
Sakuya |
でも、さっきから大分進んでいるけど……。 |
We've gone so far... |
Eirin Yagokoro EXITS | ||
Sakuya |
廊下は終ったみたいだけど、 |
Looks like we've passed through the corridor, |
Eirin Yagokoro ENTERS | ||
Eirin |
この位でいいわね。 ここまで来ても気が付かないのかしら? |
That's enough. Haven't you noticed, after coming so far? |
Remilia |
しまった! アレは月じゃない! |
Damn it! That isn't the moon! |
Sakuya |
確かに、ちょっと大き過ぎますわねぇ。 |
Certainly, it is a little on the large side. |
Remilia |
いや、大きいのは近い所為だと思うけど。 |
Well, because we're closer to it, I guess. |
月の頭脳 八意 永琳 |
Brain of the Moon | |
Eirin |
そう、貴方達は偽物の月と永い廊下に 満月は、月と地上を結ぶ唯一の鍵なの。 その鍵を壊せば、月と地上は行き来 ほら、こんな風に偽の幻影に惑わされてね。 |
Yes. You've come down this corridor following a counterfeit moon. The full moon is the key to the link between the earth and the moon. If that link is destroyed, nothing can come and go between the Earth and the moon. See? Everyone's deceived by the illusion, just like you. |
Sakuya |
あら、幻影ですって。 |
Ah, it's an illusion. |
Remilia |
幻影かもね。 あんなに長いんじゃ、掃除用のモップが |
It seems like an illusion. With such a long corridor, any cleaning mop wouldn't stand a chance. |
Sakuya |
あら、恐らくモップじゃなくて雑巾掛け |
Well, I guess you'd need a wet rag, not a mop. |
Eirin |
そんなとこ、気にしなくてもいいじゃない。 |
What a pointless thing to worry about. |
Remilia |
それにしても、こんな大掛かりな事をして 誰も月に行こうとなんてしてないよ。 |
Anyway, what's the purpose of this huge charm? Nobody is trying to go to the moon. |
Eirin |
幻想郷の外には地上から月に向う愚か者も それより今は、月からの追手から姫を守る 今夜はこのまま朝を迎えれば、もう |
There are many foolish people heading to the moon outside of Gensokyo, though... However, my only intention was to protect the princess from being hunted. If dawn comes, with things as they are, no one will come from the moon anymore. |
Sakuya |
ああ、さっきから兎ばっかり出てきたのは |
Ah, the reason we saw nothing but rabbits was they were moon rabbits. |
Eirin |
いや、殆どは地上で捕まえた兎。 生粋の月の兎はさっきの鈴仙だけよ。 |
No, most of them we caught on Earth. |
Remilia |
どうでもいいよ。 満月を奪った奴がわかっただけで良いの。 ここに来るまで、犯人を見つけたらどう痛み 咲夜、ここは手加減無しよ。 |
It doesn't matter. Our purpose is finding the one who stole the full moon. The whole reason why we came here was to find the criminal and beat them down. Sakuya, don't go easy on this one. |
Sakuya |
今まで出会ってきた敵も手加減してない |
I haven't gone easy on anyone up until now. |
Remilia |
……じゃあ、死ぬ気で。 |
...So, you're fighting to the death? |
Sakuya |
死にませんよ。 |
I won't die. |
Eirin |
随分と余裕ねぇ。 ここまで誘い出したのも、思う存分遊ぶ為。 安心していいわ。 後は、朝まで遊ぶだけでいいのよ。 |
You're very composed. The reason I lured you here is to enjoy myself as much as I want. Don't worry. Now, we only need to play here till we see the dawn. |
Sakuya |
お嬢様、良かったですわね。 勝っても負けても満月は元に戻るようで。 |
That's a relief, my Lady. Whether we win or lose, the full moon will be restored. |
Remilia |
何を甘い事言ってるの? なめられたお返しをしないと、 もはや満月なんてどうでも良いの。 |
Are you going soft? We must make her pay for her disrespect toward me, The full moon doesn't matter to me anymore. |
Eirin |
ふん、ガキの癖に。 貴方みたいな幼い子供が永遠の民である 貴方の積み重ねてきた紅い歴史。 私の歴史で割れば、ゼロよ。 |
Huh, what a brat. Little children like you have no way to stand a chance against me, an eternal being. Your history of scarlet... Divided by my history, the result is zero. |
Sakuya |
ほら、お嬢様。 |
Well, my Lady. |
Remilia |
あんたは一番若い。 |
You're the youngest among us. |
Eirin |
あと、夜を止めていたのは貴方達でしょう? そんなことして、姫の逆鱗に触れて |
Also, it was you who stopped the night, yes? For doing that, perhaps you'll incur the wrath of the princess... |
Remilia |
ほれ私を敬いなさい、咲夜。存分に。 |
Well, respect me as much as you want, Sakuya. |
Eirin |
話を聞いていない。 最近の若い者はこれだから困るよ。 |
And they aren't listening That's why youngsters nowadays are bothersome. |
BGM: 千年幻想郷 ~ History of the Moon |
BGM: Gensokyo Millennium ~ History of the Moon | |
Eirin |
貴方達には、話よりこの弾幕の薬の方が |
I think you'll find this medicinal barrage more |
Eirin Yagokoro DEFEATED | ||
?? |
何遊んでるのよ! |
What are you playing at?! |
Kaguya Houraisan ENTERS | ||
Kaguya |
永琳、私の力でもう一度だけチャンスをあげる。 これで負けたらその時は……。 そこの悪魔! 私の力で作られた薬と永琳の本当の力、 |
Eirin, I will use my power to give you one more chance. If you're defeated this time... You devils! My arcane medicine and Eirin's true power, |
BGM: ヴォヤージュ 1970 |
BGM: Voyage 1970 | |
Eirin Yagokoro REVIVES | ||
Eirin Yagokoro DEFEATED | ||
| ||
BAD ENDING No. 11 | ||
| ||
Final B[]
五つの難題 |
Five Impossible Requests | |
解決不能な五つの難題。 |
Five impossible requests which were impossible to solve. | |
BGM: ヴォヤージュ 1969 |
BGM: Voyage 1969 | |
Eirin Yagokoro ENTERS | ||
Eirin |
ああもう。 こっちに来させちゃ駄目だって言ってるのに。 |
Geez... Didn't I say not to let them come this way? |
Remilia |
咲夜。 |
Sakuya. |
Sakuya |
では、速攻で倒させて頂きますわ。 |
Well then, let's shoot her down at once. |
Eirin Yagokoro DEFEATED | ||
Sakuya |
お嬢様。 |
My Lady. |
Kaguya Houraisan ENTERS | ||
Kaguya |
有るわ。 |
They will be. |
Remilia |
無いよ。 って、あんた誰? |
No, not me. ...Huh? Who are you? |
永遠と須臾の罪人 蓬莱山 輝夜 |
The Eternal Moon Princess | |
Kaguya |
鈴仙と永琳を倒してここまで来るなんて……。 怪我の一つでも負って貰わないと、割に |
Defeating Reisen and Eirin and coming so far... It would be unfair if you weren't hurt a bit. |
Remilia |
あいにく、満月の夜は無敵なんでねぇ。 |
Too bad, I'm invincible on the night of the full moon. |
Sakuya |
初めて聞きましたわ。そんな事。 ……っていつの間にか満月ですわ。 |
Really? I didn't know that. ...Ah? I didn't realize that was the full moon, |
Remilia |
判ってるから言ったんだけどね。 |
I said it because I knew. |
Kaguya |
これが真実の満月よ。 いつ頃だったかしら、この満月が地上から 満月から人を狂わす力が失われたのは。 |
This is the true full moon. I wonder when this moon vanished from the Earth, and lost the power to drive humans insane? |
Remilia |
この満月は……。 咲夜が危ない! |
This full moon is... Sakuya! Watch out! |
Kaguya |
そう、直に見た人間を狂わす真実の満月。 |
Yes, this true full moon will drive mad any human who looks directly at it. |
Sakuya |
いや別に何にも有りませんが? |
Well, I seem fine, though...? |
Remilia |
……咲夜は危なくなかったわね。 まぁ、咲夜がいなくてもこの満月下なら |
...Sakuya would be okay. Well, even without Sakuya, I'm still invincible under this full moon. |
Sakuya |
あら、それは酷いじゃないですか。 どんな場面でも、私は力になりますよ。 |
Ah, how cruel. I will help you in any situation. |
Remilia |
あら、咲夜、ちょっと狂い始めてない? |
Oh my, Sakuya, are you starting to go insane? |
Kaguya |
月は地上に様々な力を与えた。 魔法の様な力の殆どが、元々は月の力。 貴方のお仲間にも満月頼りの物も居るん |
The moon gave many powers to beings of the earth. Many of them, such as magic, were originally the moon's power. Does your friend depend on the moon as well? |
Remilia |
だから何よ。 |
So what? |
Sakuya |
満月となった今。 |
It's a full moon now. That means we're invincible. |
Kaguya |
ふふ。 我々月の民は、地上人を魔物に変えて、 でも、もうそれもお終い。 地上人は自ら魔物を封印してしまった。 今の魔物は、ただのお約束として人を襲うだけ |
Ha. We of the moon turned some on the Earth But, that's all over now. Those on the Earth have sealed the monsters themselves. That's why the only ones left are useless creatures |
Remilia |
今の紅茶を飲む毎日の方が楽しいんだよ。 |
There's nothing like tea on a nice day. |
Sakuya |
……。 |
...... |
Kaguya |
地上人は次第に月を、夜を恐れなくなった。 地上人は益々増長したわ。 月の光が必要で無くなった夜。 潮の満ち干が無関係な海岸。 終いには月にまで攻め込んだって言う |
The people of the Earth no longer fear the moon and the night. They've become more and more arrogant. These nights, the light of the moon is no longer necessary. These days, the ebb and flow of the tides on the coast no longer matters. And finally, I hear they're invading the moon. |
Remilia |
ふん、そんな下賎な人間の事なんて 大体、あんた、月の民なんだろう? 月に帰って地上人と戦えばいいじゃないか。 |
Huh, I don't care what those worthless humans are doing. But you're from the moon, right? Why don't you go back to the moon and fight against the Earth? |
Kaguya |
私は……。 月には帰れない理由があるの。 それに、月の民の味方でもないわ。 |
I... ...have a reason that I can't go back to the moon. I am not their ally. Nor can I move openly on the Earth. |
Sakuya |
月には帰れない、地上でも居場所がない。 よっぽど悪い事したんでしょうね。 |
You won't go back to the moon, and you have no place on the Earth. You must have done something terrible, right? |
Kaguya |
地上人には迷惑をかけない様に、力のない者 |
I've been hiding from these powerless people, in order not to bother them. |
Sakuya |
無敵のお嬢様と無敵の人間。 私たちに力がないのか試す? |
An invincible lady and an invincible human. Would you test that claim that we have no power? |
Kaguya |
今まで、何人もの地上人が敗れ去って |
Well then, the Impossible Requests that defeated so many humans in the past... |
BGM: 竹取飛翔 ~ Lunatic Princess |
BGM: Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic Princess | |
Kaguya |
この難題をクリア出来るのかしら? |
I wonder if you can clear them? |
Kaguya Houraisan DEFEATED | ||
Kaguya |
なんて事! そう、夜を止めていたのは……、 貴方達だったのね。 |
What is this! I see, the ones who lengthened the night.. That was you, wasn't it. |
BGM: ヴォヤージュ 1970 |
BGM: Voyage 1970 | |
Kaguya Houraisan REVIVES | ||
Kaguya |
貴方達が作った半端な永遠の夜なんて…… 私の永遠を操る術で全て破って見せる。 夜明けはすぐそこにあるはずよ。 どう? |
The half-done everlasting night that you have made... With my art for manipulating the eternal, I'll tear it all away. The dawn shall come immediately. How's that? |
Kaguya Houraisan DEFEATED | ||
| ||
BAD ENDING No. 11 | ||
| ||
ENDING No. 3 (If you could beat her, you'll see the good ending. Failing on Kaguya's Lastspell or running out of time doesn't matter.) |
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