- Return to Imperishable Night: Translation
- Back to Scarlet Team's Scenario - Part 2
蓬莱人形 |
Doll of Hourai | |
満月の下の、草木も眠る丑三つ時。 |
Under the full moon, even trees and grasses sleep in the dead of the night. In the Human and Youkai's 'Gut-Trial'. What will scare them? The victim of the biggest sin. Where is it? ["肝試し" is a kind of 'courage testing', usually done in summer. Simply speaking, it's traditional version of 'Ghost House' in theme parks. The word '肝試し' is composed of '肝(Liver)' '試し(To test / trial)'. That's why '肝(Liver)' is frequently mentioned through the whole Extra Stage. To keep the pun in original Japanese transcription I will use '肝' as 'guts', '肝試し' as 'Gut-trial'.] | |
BGM: エクステンドアッシュ ~ 蓬莱人 |
BGM: Extend Ash ~ Hourai Victim | |
Keine Kamishirasawa ENTERS | ||
Keine |
待っていたぞ。 満月の夜にやってくるとはいい度胸だ。 |
I've been waiting for you. Challenging me on the night of the full moon... you've got guts.
Sakuya |
あら、すっかりお変わりになって |
Wow, you've changed so much. |
Keine |
あの人間には指一本触れさせない! |
You may not lay a single finger on that human!
Keine Kamishirasawa DEFEATED | ||
Sakuya |
尋常じゃない攻撃だったけど、この程度じゃ |
Well, I suppose these attacks are above average, but it's not much of a trial of guts. |
?? |
人間以外の者同士で討ちあう丑三つ時。 人間も妖怪も無い殺伐とした夜。 |
It's 2 A.M. and non-humans are battling... |
Fujiwara no Mokou ENTERS | ||
Mokou |
こんな満月の夜だからかな? |
Maybe because it's a full moon tonight? |
Sakuya |
あいにく、私は人間よ。 |
Unfortunately, I'm a human. |
蓬莱の人の形 藤原 妹紅 |
Human form of Hourai | |
Mokou |
そう? |
Is that so? |
Remilia |
咲夜、丁度いいわ。 |
Oh, Sakuya, just in time. A human in such a place. |
Sakuya |
丁度いいんですか? |
Just in time? Isn't it a bit early for breakfast? |
Mokou |
そちらのお嬢さんは妖怪ね。 |
So, the lady is a youkai. |
Remilia |
妖怪なんかと一緒にするな。 |
Do not treat me like a mere youkai. |
Sakuya |
ここではそんなに誇り高く無い方が |
There's no need to be proud and noble at the moment. |
Mokou |
で、妖怪と人間の二人で何をしようと |
So, what could a human and youkai be doing here? |
Sakuya |
いやまぁ、肝試しを……。 |
Uh, well, some trial of guts. |
Mokou |
肝試しぃ? 人間と妖怪の二人で? こんな真実の満月の下、 |
Trial of guts...? A lone human and youkai... Under this true full moon, |
Remilia |
悪い? 私達はちょっと季節はずれの 人間だったら大人しくお化けにでも |
What's wrong with that? We're in a "haunted house" mood. You're human, so become a ghost to entertain us. |
Sakuya |
お嬢様。お化けになるんじゃなくて、 |
My lady, humans DRESS like ghosts in haunted houses... They don't BECOME ghosts. |
Mokou |
魑魅魍魎の類なんて、沢山居るじゃない。 何の為にわざわざ人間が演じる必要が |
But there are plenty of ghosts everywhere already. What's the point in dressing up like one? |
Remilia |
お前、人間って言ったよね。 では、何故妖怪を恐れない。 何故私を畏れない。 |
You said that you're human. Then, why do you have no fear of youkai? Why do you not tremble with fear in my presence? |
Mokou |
肝試しに来てるんだか、 でも、もう私に恐れる物は何一つない。 いくら、目にも止まらぬ矢で いくら、里を一瞬で消す神の火で 私は死ぬ事は無い。 もう肝試しも出来ないのよ。 |
Oh, so this trial of guts is for ME? But nothing can make me afraid. For no matter how many swift arrows pierce my flesh, no matter if flames consume my body, I would not die. So, no trial of guts for me. |
Sakuya |
良かったですね、お嬢様。 血吸い放題ですよ。 |
That's wonderful, my lady. You can drink her blood as much as you want. |
Remilia |
駄目だわ、咲夜。 こいつはもう人間じゃないよ。 |
No, Sakuya. She's not human anymore. I only drink the blood of those who fear me. |
Sakuya |
あら残念。無限にお酒の湧く瓢箪みたいかな、 |
That's too bad. I thought she might become an unlimited supply of blood. |
Mokou |
貴方、本当に人間? そんな訳で、肝試しだったらもう帰りなさい。 |
Hey, you. Are you really human? Forget about your trial and go home. This place isn't suited to the likes of you. |
Sakuya |
でもあいつは、何かあるような口ぶり |
But I thought she said something would be here. |
Remilia |
あら、私には何かあるように見えるわよ。 咲夜は、ナイフは鋭く切れる割には鈍いのよ。 輝夜はこいつを見つけさせる為に、肝試し |
I think something already IS here. Sakuya, your knives are quick, but your mind is a tad slow. Kaguya definitely wanted us to crush this girl... so this trial was simply an excuse for that, I'm sure. |
Mokou |
んー。 やっぱりそうか。人間と妖怪が肝試しだ いつも私を始末しようとする。 あいつは私が死なない事を知っているのに! 蓬莱の薬を作ったのは輝夜でしょう? |
Huh? So, THAT's why a human and youkai are having a trial of guts here. Always trying to kill me... Always sending assassins... She KNOWS that I'll never die! Didn't Kaguya make the Hourai Elixir? |
Remilia |
ほら、咲夜。 |
Sakuya |
ええ。つまり、お嬢様は面白そうだから |
I see... So my lady just went along with it for fun. |
Remilia |
ううん、暇だったからよ。 |
No, I felt like killing time. |
Mokou |
肝試しの肝は富士の煙。 不尽の火から生まれるは、 |
The guts of this trial are the smoke of Mt. Fuji... The eternal volcanic ash reaching to the moon. Born in endless flames, |
BGM: 月まで届け、不死の煙 |
BGM: Reach for the Moon, Immortal Smoke | |
Mokou |
甦るたびに強くなる伝説の火の鳥。 |
Legendary phoenix, growing in strength with each rebirth, these bullets will be the Lady's eternal trauma. |
Fujiwara no Mokou DEFEATED | ||
Mokou |
あーれー。 |
My goodness... |
Remilia |
あれ? |
Huh? That's it? I thought she was stronger than THAT. |
Sakuya |
私はもう十分ですよ~。 |
I've had enough, my lady... |
Remilia |
そっか、咲夜は死ぬ人間だもんね。 |
Oh, I almost forgot. Sakuya is a human that can die. |
Sakuya |
不吉な言い方ですわね。 |
Please don't say ominous things like that. When it comes from my Lady, I'm not sure it's a joke. |
Mokou |
死なないって言っても、闘い続けるのは |
Immortal or not, I can't fight anymore... |
Remilia |
そう、咲夜も不老不死になってみない? そうすればずっと一緒に居られるよ。 |
How about becoming immortal, Sakuya? Then we can live together forever. |
Sakuya |
私は一生死ぬ人間ですよ。 大丈夫、生きている間は一緒に居ますから。 |
I will be a mortal human my whole life. But don't worry, my Lady... I will serve you as long as I'm alive. |
Mokou |
不老不死は止めた方がいいわよ。 こう見えても、貴方に撃たれた体が物凄く 痛くても死ねないし。 |
I don't recommend becoming immortal. Maybe you don't realize it, but these bruises are exceedingly painful. But no matter how much pain there is, I won't die. |
Remilia |
咲夜がそういうなら仕方が無い、残念ね。 不老不死の人間の生き肝に溜まるのよ。 目の前に不老不死になる薬が、疲れて |
It's too bad. But if Sakuya says so... Its ingredients stay in the immortal's guts. It's a pity, as the Elixir remains in front of us, beaten and tired. |
Sakuya |
誰が人間の肝を食べるのですか。 それに、誰からそんな事聞いたの? って聞かなくても判りそうなもんですが。 |
I can't eat a human's guts. And who told you that, anyway? Ah, wait. Never mind. [Again, Sakuya is talking about Patchouli Knowledge, the book-loving resident of Scarlet Devil Mansion.] |
Mokou |
人の肝がどうとか、なにやら物騒な会話を これじゃぁ、私の肝試しじゃない。 |
Talking about eating my guts... that's scary. Now it's like I'm having a trial of guts myself. |
Remilia |
肝試しってそういう意味よね? |
Isn't that what we had in mind? What do you think, mortal Sakuya? |
Sakuya |
パチュリー様と一緒にいたら、変な覚え方 |
It seems Patchouli tells you too much |
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- Return to Imperishable Night: Translation