- Return to Imperishable Night: Translation
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Stage 5[]
穢き世の美しき檻 |
A Pure Cage in the Filthy World | |
「穢き所に、いかでか久しくおはせん。」 |
"You have remained long enough in this filthy world." | |
BGM: シンデレラケージ ~ Kagome-Kagome |
BGM: Cinderella Cage ~ Kagome-Kagome | |
Tewi Inaba ENTERS | ||
Tewi Inaba EXITS | ||
? |
遅かったわね。 |
You're too late. |
Reisen Udongein Inaba ENTERS | ||
Reisen |
全ての扉は封印したわ。 |
I've already sealed all the doors. You'll never take her out now. |
Marisa |
おう。 |
Man, Alice, wasn't that corridor really long? And dark, too. |
Alice |
取り敢えず、相手にしてやったら? |
Shouldn't we be dealing with her? |
狂気の月の兎 鈴仙・U・イナバ |
Lunatic Moon Rabbit | |
Reisen |
って、何? こんな夜中に何の用? |
Eh, what? What are you up to at this time of night? |
Marisa |
こんだけ長ければ、いくら掃除の達人でも |
It'd take one hell of a janitor to clean a hall that long. |
Alice |
魔理沙の家の掃除よりは、時間も手間も って、いい加減相手にしてやったら? |
Still easier than cleaning your house, Marisa. So, why don't we deal with this person? |
Reisen |
もう、変なのが紛れ込んできたわね。 うちは今忙しいの。 |
Ah, looks like some weirdos have come to visit. We're busy right now, so if you're just here to steal things, go home. |
Marisa |
真夜中に忙しい奴なんてのは、まっとうな なぁ同業者よ。 |
The only people busy in the middle of the night, Don't you think so, my friend? |
Alice |
魔理沙が本題を言わないなら、私が言うわ。 歪な月の異変は、あなたかその仲間の |
Since Marisa will never bring the right topic up, I will. You! Aren't you or your company involved with what's happening to the moon? |
Reisen |
そうよ。 |
Certainly. |
Marisa |
さぁ、大人しく元に戻すか、 どっちかを選びな! |
Either return the moon now, or return it after some punishment. Pick one! |
Alice |
美味しい所だけ持っていかないの。 |
Hey, don't steal my moment of coolness... |
Eirin Yagokoro ENTERS | ||
Eirin |
あの月は、まだ戻す訳にはいかないわ。 こうしている間にも、月の民との関係は もうこのまま、地上を大きな密室にする |
We can't return the moon to normal yet. Even now, the conflict between the lunar races is escalating... All we can do is seal the Earth, in order to allow our princess to escape. |
Marisa |
ああ?何もんだ? |
What? Who are you? |
Alice |
魔理沙、危ないわ。 |
Watch out, Marisa. I feel power like I've never seen before from her... |
Eirin |
あなた達は古代の力のコピーを使用して まだ人間が居なかった時代の無秩序な力。 能力にも特許を認めるべきかしら。 まぁ取り敢えず、 間違っても姫を連れ出されないようにね。 |
Looks like you're using a copy of some ancient sort of power.
I think they should have patents to special powers. Well, enough of this. Whatever you do, do not let them take our princess out. |
Eirin Yagokoro EXITS | ||
Reisen |
お任せください。 |
Affirmative. |
Marisa |
なんだぁ? ベラベラ喋るだけ喋って 後で倒しに来てくれ、 |
What? Running away after all that talk... It's like she's begging us to beat her up later. |
Alice |
そう言ってたのよ。 異変の犯人かどうかで決まるの。 |
She certainly is. On whether she's the one or not. |
Reisen |
あんたら、私を無視しすぎ。 |
You two are ignoring me too much. |
BGM: 狂気の瞳 ~ Invisible Full Moon. |
BGM: Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon | |
Reisen |
いい? 真っ直ぐに飛べないお前達は、 |
This endless, hypnotic corridor is my trap, Since you two cannot fly straight, |
Alice |
それは魔理沙の台詞。 光の魔砲で跡形も無く消え去るがいいわ、 |
That's for Marisa to say. You'll be completely blown away by Final Spark, |
Marisa |
美味しい所持っていくなよ。 |
Hey, don't steal my moment of coolness... |
Reisen |
その台詞、月の兎である私の目を見ても、 |
Tough talk, but shall we see how confident you are after staring into my hypnotic eyes? |
Reisen Udongein Inaba DEFEATED | ||
さっきのを撃ちに行く(FinalA) |
Go kick Eirin's ass! (Final A) | |
| ||
Marisa |
月は元に戻ったのか? |
Did the moon return to normal? |
Alice |
いや、こいつじゃないわね。 |
No, this one wasn't the one. |
Reisen |
私に勝ったからって、師匠に敵うと |
I may have lost, but do you really think you can beat my master? |
Alice |
負けるはずが無いわ。 |
Of course we will. |
Marisa |
なんだか、貧弱そうだったしな。 |
She looked pretty dinky to me. |
Reisen |
今回は、力では私の負けを認めるけど……。 師匠は、月面一の頭脳の持ち主。 あんたらみたいな馬鹿共なんか勝負に |
I'll admit I wasn't strong enough this time... But my master is the greatest genius of the entire Moon. You fools will never be a match for her. |
Marisa |
あー?弾幕に頭脳? |
Eh? Who needs brains in danmaku? Power, that's all ya need! |
Alice |
そういうこと言うから馬鹿扱いされるのよ。 |
See, you ARE stupid. Danmaku is all about brains. That's common sense. |
NEXT STAGE: Final | ||
| ||
Marisa |
月は元に戻ったのか? |
Did the moon return to normal? |
Alice |
いや、こいつじゃないわね。 |
No, this one wasn't the one. |
Marisa |
判ってるぜ。あの扉だけ少し開いている。 |
I know. That door's open a little bit. I've never sensed such a strong power. |
Reisen |
ああ、そこは。 |
Ahh, that's... |
Alice |
火薬庫かしら? |
Stuff to blow up? |
Marisa |
火薬庫だな。 |
Stuff to blow up. |
Alice |
それは行くしかないわね。 |
I guess there's no other way. Let's get started, then. |
Marisa |
そうだな。 |
Indeed. We'll figure it out when we get there. |
Reisen |
ああ、師匠に怒られるぅ。 |
Aww, my master will get mad at me... |
姫を隠す夜空の珠 |
The Orb in the Night Sky hiding the Princess | |
永い永い廊下。この廊下は何者かが見せる狂像か。 |
A long, long corridor. Is it a lunatic delusion shown by someone? The memory of the closer moon was sweet and slim for Youkai. | |
BGM: ヴォヤージュ 1969 |
BGM: Voyage 1969 | |
Eirin Yagokoro ENTERS | ||
Eirin |
ふふふ。 無事ついて来てるようね。 |
Hahaha. Good, so you're following me. |
Alice |
魔理沙! |
Marisa! |
Marisa |
んなもん、言われなくても判ってるぜ。 |
No need to order me, of course I'm gonna shoot her. |
Eirin Yagokoro EXITS | ||
Marisa |
何度も出てきたり逃げたりしていたようだが、 |
So, appearing and running away constantly... are you schizophrenic? |
Eirin Yagokoro ENTERS | ||
Eirin |
焦り? ここまで誘導されてきた事にも |
Me, schizophrenic? Don't make me laugh. Haven't you realized that you've fallen into my trap? |
Alice |
魔理沙、周りを見て! |
Marisa, look around! |
Marisa |
見てるって。 |
I did. Looks like we're outside now. |
月の頭脳 八意 永琳 |
Brain of the Moon | |
Eirin |
そう、外よ。 どう? |
Yes, the outside. I led you here through that long corridor. How do you find the air outside? |
Marisa |
というか、空気はあるんだな。 |
Rather... there is air too |
Alice |
魔理沙!おかしいわよ。 |
Marisa! This is strange. That moon... these stars... |
Marisa |
さっきから、魔理沙魔理沙うるさいなぁ。 |
Don't ask me. Can't you do anything yourself? |
Eirin |
ふふふ。 月と地上を結ぶ道は、私の手によって これで、地上人は月に辿り着けない。 そして月の民は、姫を探し出せない。 |
Hahaha... and this is how I lead humans in your search for the true moon to the false one. I have severed the passage between the moon and the Earth myself. Now, Earthlings will never reach the moon again... And the moon races will never find the princess. |
Marisa |
姫? |
Princess? Oh, so you're from the moon, too. |
Alice |
なんでそう思うの? |
What makes you think that? |
Marisa |
狂ってる奴は大抵、月が原因だ。 |
She's a lunatic, so she's affected by Luna. That's all. |
Eirin |
そう、姫も私も鈴仙も月の生まれよ。 でも、もう帰らない事にしたわ。 |
Certainly, Reisen, the princess, and myself came from the moon... But we all agreed never to return, long ago. |
Marisa |
別にあんたらが帰ろうがどうだろうが 月の民は、月を見て楽しむ民の事を |
It doesn't matter to us if you go back or not. Haven't you thought about those who enjoy looking at the moon? |
Eirin |
そんなもの……。 地上人も見てるだけなら問題 わざわざ月にまで来ようとしたり、 旗を立てて、自分の物だ、みたいに そんなだから何時まで経っても、 |
Ah, you say that... But if they only watched, it wouldn't be a problem. Instead, they come to the moon, and stick a flag on it as if it was their own. Earthlings have always been, still are, and will always be stupid. |
Alice |
ふん。 地上に満月が無いと困る民も居る。 そんな地上であなたが満月を隠せば、 |
Ha. We never did such a thing. Don't forget those who will suffer without the full moon's presence. Didn't you think they'd retaliate if you stole the moon from them? |
Eirin |
ああ、いいのよ。 朝になれば満月は返してあげる。 |
Oh, that's fine. I'm already done anyway. We'll give you back your full moon in the morning. Of course, it's always really been ours, anyway. |
Marisa |
そうかい。 じゃぁ、残りは今まで隠していた分の |
I see. In that case, all that's left is the retaliation you get for hiding it until now. |
Alice |
そうね。 |
Yeah. How badly should we beat her up? |
Eirin |
あらあら、痛いのは嫌だわ。 あいにく、私は薬学の心得があるから、 |
My, my, I don't want to be hurt. I suppose a minor injury isn't a problem, though, since I happen to know a bit about medicine... |
Marisa |
それは有難い事で。 |
Well, good for you. How convenient. |
BGM: 千年幻想郷 ~ History of the Moon. |
BGM: Gensokyo Millennium ~ History of the Moon | |
Eirin |
それにね、薬は攻撃にも使えるのよ! |
And by the way... drugs can be used to attack, too! |
Eirin Yagokoro DEFEATED | ||
?? |
何遊んでるのよ! |
What are you doing!? |
Kaguya Houraisan ENTERS | ||
Kaguya |
永琳、私の力でもう一度だけチャンスをあげる。 これで負けたらその時は……。 そこの野良猫! 私の力で作られた薬と永琳の本当の力、 |
Eirin, I grant you one more chance with my power. Don't you dare lose again... You strays, there! Eirin's true strength, the medicine made by my power... you will never forget this!! |
BGM: ヴォヤージュ 1970 |
BGM: Voyage 1970 | |
Eirin Yagokoro REVIVES | ||
Eirin Yagokoro DEFEATED | ||
| ||
Bad Ending no. 10 | ||
| ||
Normal Ending no. 6 |
Final B[]
五つの難題 |
Five Impossible Requests | |
解決不能な五つの難題。 |
There were five impossible requests which nobody could solve. However, long years and the power of phantasm made these requests possible... | |
BGM: ヴォヤージュ 1969 |
BGM: Voyage 1969 | |
Eirin Yagokoro ENTERS | ||
Eirin |
ああもう。 こっちに来させちゃ駄目だって言ってるのに。 |
Geez. I said not to let you come this way... |
Marisa |
なんだか知らんが |
Well, that's too bad. |
Alice |
良い方に向かっている感じね。 |
Looks like we're heading over there... |
Eirin Yagokoro DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
満月だな。 |
Ah, it's the moon. |
Kaguya Houraisan ENTERS | ||
Kaguya |
そう、ただの満月よ。 貴方達が何百年も何千年も見てきた |
Yes, it is indeed the full moon. The true source of power you've seen for thousands of years... |
Alice |
魔理沙、あの満月は危ないわ。 |
Marisa, that full moon is dangerous. |
Marisa |
満月が危ない? |
The moon, dangerous? What crazy things are you saying? |
Alice |
あなたには見えないかも知れないけど…… いま、大量に満月光線が降り注いでいるわ。 |
Maybe you can't tell, but... There are a ridiculous number of full-moon-beams falling on us now. |
Kaguya |
変な名前をつけないの! |
Don't call it by strange names! |
永遠と須臾の罪人 蓬莱山 輝夜 |
The Eternal Moon Princess | |
Kaguya |
今は、月本来の力が甦っているの。 穢れのない月は、穢れのない地上を妖しく この光は貴き月の民ですら忘れた |
The true power of the moon has been revived in this moment. The pure moon throws its pale illumination upon the pure earth... This light is a memory of an ancient time, forgotten by even the moon races. |
Marisa |
つまり満月光線だな。 |
So, these are full-moon-beams... I can't see them, but I can feel them. |
Alice |
これじゃぁ、普通の人間は5分と持たず 魔理沙は大丈夫かしら? |
Ordinary people would go insane in less than 5 minutes. Are you okay, Marisa? |
Marisa |
ああ、狂うのには慣れているぜ。 でも、これはどういうことなんだ? なんで今、満月なんだ。 |
Yeah, I'm insane to begin with. But what's up with all this, anyhow? Why is it full moon now? |
Kaguya |
永琳の術で穢れのない月と穢れのない地上は 私はここにいる事で、地上からも月からも |
Eirin's invocation has isolated the pure moon and the pure Earth. By staying here, I can hide myself from both. |
Marisa |
大げさなかくれんぼだな。 |
What is this, large-scale hide and seek? |
Kaguya |
でもね。 永琳のこの術は完全だけど、あまり ここには誰も居ない。 退屈過ぎて死にそうだわ。 |
But... While Eirin's spell is perfect, I don't really like it. There's no one else around, and nobody ever visits. I'm bored to death. |
Alice |
穢れのない地上には誰もいない。 月人らしいものの見方ね。 |
There's no one on the pure earth, huh? So that's how you moon races think? |
Marisa |
丁度良いじゃないか。 穢い私達がたっぷり遊んで、それから |
Well, this is good timing, then. We'll play with you, then take you out. |
Kaguya |
まぁ、私はここの生まれじゃないから、 私を連れ出すのは本当に大変な事よ。 ……大昔にも同じ様なやり取りをした |
Well, since I'm not born here, it'll be quite a challenge for you to get me out of here. I remember another conversation like this, long ago... |
Marisa |
まぁ、私は満月なんてどうでもいいんだがな。 こいつが満月が無いと困るって駄々を |
Anyway, I don't really care about the full moon, but this girl won't stop complaining about its absence. |
Alice |
駄々をこねるどころじゃないわ。 余りふざけたまねをしてると、天罰が |
It's more than just a complaint. You will be punished by God for foolish actions like this. |
Kaguya |
天罰は怖いわね。 でも、私が地上にいるのも天罰なの。 そうだ、こんな私を連れ出そうとする |
That sounds unpleasant... However, my stay on Earth is already a godly punishment as well... Well, for those who wish to take me out, I have made impossible requests. |
Marisa |
難題? それを解けばお前を連れ出せると |
Impossible requests? Do you mean we can take you out if we resolve it? |
Kaguya |
今まで、何人もの人間が敗れ去って |
My Five Impossible Requests, which defeated so many humans in the past... |
BGM: 竹取飛翔 ~ Lunatic Princess |
BGM: Flight of the Bamboo ~ Lunatic Princess | |
Kaguya |
貴方達に幾つ解けるかしら? |
How many of them can you fulfill? |
Kaguya Houraisan DEFEATED | ||
Kaguya |
なんて事! そう、夜を止めていたのは……、 貴方達だったのね。 |
Holy bullets! So, the bad girls who were freezing the night... must have been you two! |
BGM: ヴォヤージュ 1970 |
BGM: Voyage 1970 | |
Kaguya Houraisan REVIVES | ||
Kaguya |
貴方達が作った半端な永遠の夜なんて…… 私の永遠を操る術で全て破って見せる。 夜明けはすぐそこにあるはずよ。 どう? |
But your poorly-crafted charm of endless night... That's no match for my power controlling eternity . The dawn is getting closer. This is the end of your imperishable night... Now the dawn will come!! |
Kaguya Houraisan DEFEATED | ||
| ||
Bad Ending no. 10 (You can't continue in this stage) | ||
| ||
Ending no. 2 (Failing on Kaguya's Last Spell or running out of time doesn't matter.) |
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- Return to Imperishable Night: Translation