- Return to Imperishable Night: Translation
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- Forward to Magic Team's Scenario - Part 2
Stage 1[]
蛍火の行方 |
Where the Fireflies Fly | |
蛍の灯りはいつもより激しく見えたのは気の所為か。 |
Are the fireflies brighter than usual, or is it just your imagination? | |
BGM: 幻視の夜 ~ Ghostly Eyes |
BGM: Illusionary Night ~ Ghostly Eyes | |
Wriggle Nightbug ENTERS | ||
Wriggle Nightbug EXITS | ||
Marisa |
ああ、月が綺麗だな。 |
Ah, the moon sure is beautiful tonight. |
Alice |
えっ、あんたにはそう見えるの? |
What? Are you kidding me? |
Marisa |
ふん、綺麗じゃないか。 |
It's so damn beautiful. It's like, what was it called... the paschal moon? [The paschal moon is that of which the 14th day (full moon) falls on or after the day of the vernal equinox. Easter Day is always the first Sunday after the full moon of the paschal moon.] |
Alice |
呑気で良いわね。 あんたなんか絶対に連れ出さないわよ。 |
I envy your carefree manner. I'd never have taken you with me tonight. |
?? |
月の見える夜は楽しまないと駄目じゃない。 |
Why not just relax and enjoy the moonlit night? [It's a bit off from original conversation, "Why don't you enjoy this night, with the Moon?" But this rephrasing is a little clearer.] |
Wriggle Nightbug ENTERS | ||
闇に蠢く光の蟲 リグル・ナイトバグ |
The Insect of Light Crawling in the Dark | |
Wriggle |
ねぇ。お二方。 |
Come on, you two... |
Marisa |
楽しんでるぜ。私はな。 |
Totally enjoying it. I am, anyway. |
Alice |
あら、私も楽しんでるわよ。 |
Well, I'm enjoying myself, too! [Childish reaction...] |
Wriggle |
さっきといってる事が違うじゃん。 |
Didn't you just say something completely different? |
Alice |
違うの。 |
Of course not. I'm not enjoying the moon-watching, I'm... |
Marisa |
蛍見、だろう? |
Firefly-watching, right? |
Alice |
惜しいわね。あなたにしては。 |
Almost, but not quite. Very perceptive of you, though. |
Wriggle |
……来ないのなら私から行くよ! |
...C'mon, I'll shoot first if you don't! |
Alice |
蛍狩よ。 |
It's more like firefly-HUNTING. |
BGM: 蠢々秋月 ~ Mooned Insect |
BGM: Stirring an Autumn Moon ~ Mooned Insect | |
Wriggle Nightbug DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
蛍狩って蛍を捕まえる事であって、 |
You realize firefly-hunting is about |
Alice |
私は捕まえる気だったのに、あんたが |
I wanted to catch it, but you went and squished it! |
Marisa |
ったく、やれやれだぜ…… 私は蛍を避けただけだ。勘違いするな。 |
Geez, this is lame... Don't get me wrong-- all I did was dodge the bug. |
Stage 2[]
人間の消える道 | The Path Where Humans Vanish | |
人間の通り道も、真夜中に出歩くものは獣か妖怪位。 |
At midnight, only beasts and youkai lurk on the roads of mankind. | |
BGM: 夜雀の歌声 ~ Night Bird | BGM: Song of the Night Sparrow ~ Night Bird | |
Mystia Lorelei ENTERS | ||
Mystia Lorelei PAUSES | ||
?? |
ちょ、ちょっと待って~! |
Wait, waaaait! |
Marisa |
あー? |
Huh? |
ミスティア・ローレライ |
Night Sparrow Apparition | |
Mystia |
こんな夜中に何処に行こうっての? |
Where are you going this late at night? |
Marisa |
毎年恒例の妖怪退治強化月間だ。 |
It's my annual Youkai Extermination Month. [Given that EoSD, PCB, and IN were released around the same month in consecutive years, this is an oddly accurate statement.] |
Mystia |
それは何? |
Wait, what? |
Alice |
魔理沙が妖怪退治なんて滑稽だわ。 |
Marisa's Youkai Extermination? That's hilarious. |
Marisa |
おお? 私が魔砲を放った後には、妖怪どころか |
Oh? I blow away youkai and humans with Final Spark all the time! [...wait, did she just say "humans" too?] |
Mystia |
そこの人間。 私の事、知らないのかしら。 |
You, human... Don't you have any idea who I am? |
Marisa |
あー? |
Huh? |
Mystia |
夜の道で私を恐れない人間はいないわ。 その気になれば、人間なんか全滅する |
All humans fear me in the darkness! If I wanted, I could call enough youkai here to eradicate every human in this land. |
Alice |
……ふん、この夜雀風情が何を言うの。 |
...Heh, that's enough chirping, you windbag. |
Marisa |
はっはっは~ この私が誰だか知らないと見える。 |
Hahaha... Looks like you still don't get who I am. |
Alice |
人間でしょ? |
Human? |
Mystia |
人間。 |
Human. |
Alice |
人間三昧。 |
Human all the way. |
Marisa |
いやまぁ。 |
Uh... right... |
Mystia |
いい? 夜は目が見えなくなるよ。 |
See? Will never again see in the dark! |
BGM: もう歌しか聞こえない | BGM: Deaf to All but the Song | |
Mystia Lorelei DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
あー良く見える。 |
Ah, that's better. |
Alice |
ああもう! |
Damn it, we gotta hurry up! |
Marisa |
それはそうと何処向ってるんだよ。 |
But where are you heading, anyway? |
Alice |
でも、あっちの方から妖気を感じるのよ。 |
But I sense powerful energy up ahead... |
Marisa |
そっちは人間しかいないぜ。 |
There're only innocent humans this way... |
Stage 3[]
歴史喰いの懐郷 |
Memories of the History-Eater's Home | |
一車道の先には人間達が住む小さな里がある。 |
At the end of the pass, there was a small village where humans lived. | |
BGM: 懐かしき東方の血 ~ Old World |
BGM: Nostalgic Blood of the East ~ Old World | |
Keine Kamishirasawa ENTERS | ||
Keine |
お前達か。 |
Who are you? |
Marisa |
うにゃ。 |
You're wrong. |
Keine |
ふん、妖怪の言う事なんか信用できないな。 今夜を無かった事にしてやる! |
Hah, I won't trust the words of a youkai. This night is mine to devour! |
Keine Kamishirasawa PAUSES | ||
Keine |
お前達何もんだ? |
Who in the world are you? |
Marisa |
おっとそこは、 |
Hmph, what you mean is "Whoops, I gotta be somewhere else," right? |
Keine Kamishirasawa EXITS | ||
Keine Kamishirasawa ENTERS | ||
Keine |
流石にこれ以上は下がれないな。 |
Mmm, I can't retreat any further. |
Marisa |
さぁ、人間を明け渡して貰おうか。 |
C'mon, surrender those humans to us now. |
Alice |
ちょっとちょっと魔理沙! 誰が、人間をとって喰おうって言ったのよ。 |
Wait, wait, Marisa! Since when were we gonna eat humans? |
知識と歴史の半獣 上白沢 慧音 |
Half-Beast of Knowledge and History | |
Keine |
ふん。 やはり異常な月の所為か。 |
Heh. It's quite rare that youkai would dare to attack this village. Is it due to that corrupted moon? |
Marisa |
誰も人間をとって喰うなんて言ってないぜ。 |
Nobody said we were gonna EAT them. |
Alice |
とにかく。 あんたが誰だか知らないけど、人間なんか |
Anyways, I don't know who you are, but we don't have time to waste for mere humans. |
Marisa |
酷いぜ。 |
You're mean. |
Keine |
大人しく通り過ぎてくれるなら、 だが、お前達は少々騒々し過ぎる。 |
If you were just passing by, But you two are just too disturbing. |
Alice |
ほら騒々しいって、魔理沙。 真夜中だというのに、 |
See? She said it was noisy, Marisa. You shouldn't use your full power at night, Marisa. |
Marisa |
何言ってるんだ? 太陽の下で人知れずこっそりと使うのは、 |
What? Magic is best unleashed full power at night. The only thing worth using secretly in the day is a camera. |
Keine |
なにやら不穏な空気が漂っていたので どうやら正解のようだな。 |
I had a feeling something bad was approaching... Seems I was right to seal the village. |
Marisa |
だからー。 誰も人間を襲うなんていってない。 |
Um... Listen, I never said I would attack the village. |
Alice |
(……明け渡せとか言ってなかったっけ?) |
(...Didn't you just say "surrender the humans to us"?) |
Marisa |
むしろ目の前の人間に用事があるのだ! |
The only one I'm concerned with is you! |
Keine |
何でもいいよ、この与太郎が。 |
Whatever you say, you dirty liar. |
BGM: プレインエイジア |
BGM: Plain Asia | |
Keine |
里の人間にも里の歴史にも弾幕一本 |
I won't let you touch the humans or the history of this village! |
Alice |
魔理沙! 分かっていないと思うけど、 半獣よ。 |
Marisa! I'm quite sure you haven't noticed yet, She's a half-beast! |
Keine Kamishirasawa DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
満月が無くて変身出来ない半獣なんて、 |
A half-beast that can't morph without the full moon |
Alice |
あんたもただの人間でしょ? |
You DO know you're a human too, right? |
Keine |
満月さえあればこんな奴には……。 |
Grrrr... if it was a full moon tonight... |
Alice |
そうそう。 |
Oh, yeah. We're trying to restore that full moon. |
Marisa |
そうだ。 最初から言ってただろ? |
Indeed. Wasn't that the first thing we said? |
Keine |
あー? |
What? |
Alice |
あんたなら誰の仕業か知っていそうね。 |
I guess you probably know who's messing with the moon. |
Marisa |
さぁ、私が勝ったんだから、約束通り 約束は今作ったが。 |
Okay, as you promised, tell us who the bad guy is. (...I just made up that promise though.) |
Stage 4A Uncanny[]
伝説の夢の国 |
Legendary Paradise | |
月明かりの竹の国は、夢の様に不気味に見えた。 |
The forest of bamboo under the moonlight was as eerie as a dream. | |
BGM: 永夜の報い ~ Imperishable Night. |
BGM: Retribution for the Eternal Night ~ Imperishable Night | |
?? |
ちょっと待て! |
Freeze! |
Reimu Hakurei ENTERS | ||
Reimu |
何だ、何時までも夜が明けないから 魔理沙の仕業ね。 |
Well, I was beginning to wonder why the night won't end... So it was you, Marisa! |
Marisa |
おい、誤解だ。 |
Hey, don't get me wrong. |
Alice |
何よ。 |
What!? [Marisa's so evil...] |
楽園の素敵な巫女 博麗 霊夢 |
Wonderful Shrine Maiden of Paradise | |
Reimu |
こんな事して……、 |
What are you thinking... |
Marisa |
あれだな、ほら。 |
Er... not really... |
Alice |
歯切れが悪いわね。 邪魔だ、そこをどけ! |
Why the stuttering? "Bitch, get out of the way!" |
Marisa |
馬鹿! |
No, don't! |
Reimu |
私を怒らせる事自体が不味い事でしょ? 今日はちょっと懲らしめてやらないと |
Cat got your tongue, eh? C'mon, I'll teach you a lesson tonight! |
Alice |
ふん。 もう、歪な月もこんなに判り易く なってるじゃない! |
Fool, can't you see what's wrong with the moon? The distortion is so obvious by now! |
Reimu |
ああ! この月も、あんたらの仕業ね。 |
Ahh! Corrupting the moon as well?! How dare you! |
BGM: 少女綺想曲 ~ Dream Battle |
BGM: Maiden's Capriccio ~ Dream Battle [Capriccio: usually a light, fanciful, and imaginative solo musical passage. This song is an arranged version of "Maiden's Capriccio" from Lotus Land Story.] | |
Marisa |
ああ、もういいぜ。諦めたよ。 そうだ。 消えた人間の里も、 全てはアリスがやった。 さぁ、そこをどきな! |
Okay, okay, I give up. You're right. Hiding the human village, It's all Alice's fault. Now, bitch, get out of the way! ["putting hats on stone statues" is based on an old tale in Japan (笠地蔵). Of course, Alice didn't really do that, that was just Marisa being evil.] |
Reimu |
まぁいいけどね。 月の光を蓄えたこの竹林で、 あんたらは、光る竹の一つになる。 |
Ha, all right. In this bamboo forest bathed in moonlight, you will become one of the shining bamboo trees! [Too many metaphors made this hard to translate. It needs closer revision.] |
Alice |
その言葉、ちょっと屈折させて |
You've taken the words right out of my mouth. |
Reimu |
さぁ! |
C'mon! |
Reimu Hakurei EXITS | ||
Marisa |
あれ? |
Oh? |
Alice |
追うわよ。魔理沙。 |
Keep going, Marisa. |
Reimu Hakurei ENTERS | ||
Reimu Hakurei PAUSES | ||
Reimu |
さぁ、あんたらに、本当の結界を |
Now I'll show you the true power of my boundary! |
Marisa |
何で仕切りなおす必要があったんだよ。 |
What's the point of doing it again? |
Reimu |
そっちが二人だから二回! |
Well, there's two of you, so I get two tries! |
Reimu Hakurei DEFEATED | ||
Marisa |
さぁ急ぐぜ。 |
Okay, let's move on. |
Alice |
目的地が見えてきたわ。 |
Our goal is finally in sight. |
Reimu |
仕様が無いわね。 |
If you really insist... |
Alice |
なんか言った? |
Did you say something? |
Marisa |
へぇ。竹林の中にこんな大きな屋敷がある |
Wow. I didn't know there was such a big mansion in this bamboo forest. |
Reimu |
あー? |
Eh? |
Alice |
じゃぁね。 |
Bye bye, now. |
Marisa |
霊夢、永遠の一回休みだ。 |
Reimu, it's an eternal 'skip one turn' for you. |
- Back to Prologue
- Forward to Magic Team's Scenario - Part 2
- Return to Imperishable Night: Translation